Items in the ambiguous_atom_chem_shift category define how ambiguous assigned chemical shifts from the atom_chem_shift category should be grouped. An integer value that defines a set of chemical shifts that form a mutually ambiguous group. For ambiguity codes of 4 or 5, various combinations of assigned chemical shifts may form sets where the chemical shift assignments are not specifically known, but it is known that the chemical shifts belong to one atom in the set. Pointer to '_Assigned_chem_shift_list.ID' Pointer to '_Atom_chem_shift.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Items in the angle category define a unique identifier for each angle described by three linked atoms in the molecular assembly. Name for the angle defined as a community recognized standard. Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'chem_comp' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'chem_comp' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'chem_comp' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'entity' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'entity' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'entity' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the angle that is valid across the full molecular assembly. Items in the angular_order_param category define the values of the angular order parameters calculated from the reported conformers. Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number. 2 An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 Order parameter value for the chi1 torsion angle in a protein. Order parameter value for the chi2 torsion angle in a protein. Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Order parameter value for the phi torsion angle in a protein. Order parameter value for the psi torsion angle in a protein. Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Angular_order_parameter_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the reported angular order parameter value. Items in the angular_order_parameter_list category provide information about a list of reported angular order parameter values. The name of the file submitted with this depostion that contains the quantitative data for this saveframe. Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. A set of angular order parameter data formatted as ASCII text. The data format used to represent the angular order parameter data as ASCII text in the text block that is the value to the '_Angular_order_parameter_list.Text_data' tag. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the list of reported angular order parameters. Items in the assembly category describe the molecular assembly studied. A yes/no flag automatically filled in by BMRB software on the basis of information (tag _Mol_ambiguous_moiety_sites) provided in the saveframes used to described the molecules in the system. yes A yes/no flag automatically filled in by BMRB software on the basis of the information (tag _Molecule_ambiguous conformational_states) provided in the saveframes used to described the molecules in the system. yes Unique identifier for the molecular system in the BMRB library of molecular system definitions. Date the database was queried to derive links to the molecular assembly studied. GenBank is the database queried for these links. The last date when new links to the molecular assembly were found through the database query. Text description for the molecular system studied. The Enzyme Commission decimal code (number) assigned to the protein or molecular assembly, if available. Total number of metal ions known to exist in the molecular system 1 Mass of the molecular system in Daltons. This value may be approximate. 17600 A yes/no flag that indicates when two molecular components in the system are in chemical exchange (I.e. a ligand that exists in both the free and bound state). yes Brief descriptive name for the molecular assembly studied. 'p53 tetramer' The molecular assembly contains covalent bonds such as cross-linking disulfide bonds; non-standard residue-residue bonds; ligand-residue bonds; or metal coordination bonds. yes An integer that represents the total number of molecular components that comprise the molecular system. 4 Total number of organic ligands known to exist in the full molecular system. 1 A Yes or No flag used to describe whether the system is paramagnetic. yes Category assigned to the information in the saveframe. A descriptive label for the molecular assembly studied. Description of the state of the thiol groups in the molecular system. all disulfide bound Pointer to '_Entry.ID' A code that uniquely identifies the molecular assembly described in the saveframe. Items in the assembly_annotation list category provide details about the author provided annoations describing the molecular assembly studied. Text providing additional information regarding the annotation provided for the assembly and/or its subsystems. Category assigned to the information in the saveframe. The framecode for the save frame where author defined annotations for the molecular assembly studied are provided. Code defining the source of the annotation provided. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' An integer value that uniquely defines the assembly annotation saveframe from other assembly annotation saveframes in the entry. Items in the assembly_bio_function category describe the biological functions carried out by a molecular assembly. Pointer to '_Assembly.ID' Very brief description of the biological function of the entity assembly. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Items in the assembly_citation category provide a pointer to a citation where the molecular assembly is described. Pointer to a saveframe of the category citation. Pointer to '_Assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Citation.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Items in the assembly_common_name category define common names associated with the molecular assembly. Pointer to '_Assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Synonyms commonly used to name the molecular assembly. p53 Common names may have different types (full names, abbreviations, etc.) abbreviation Items in the assembly_db_link category capture information about databases and accession codes of entries related to the molecular assembly. Flag indicating if the database accession number was supplied by the author . yes Any text information relevant to the database entry. Experimental method used to generate the data in the database entry. X-ray Code given to the molecule by the database where the entry is located. Name of the molecular assembly in the database entry. Relationship between the database entry and this BMRB entry. Structure for the free repressor that is bound to DNA in this study. The resolution of the data in a structure entry. 1.3A Accession code for the entry in the database. 1brv Pointer to '_Assembly.ID' Abbreviation for the database PDB Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Items in the assembly_interaction category capture information about the types of interactions between components of the molecular assembly. Identifier for the first component of the assembly that is involved interaction. Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' 1 Identifier for the second component of the assembly involved in the interaction. Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' 2 covalent- noncovalent/coordination- confromational/configurational exchange- chemical exchange protein-protein Pointer to '_Assembly.ID' 1 Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the interaction between two components of the assembly. 1 Items in the assembly_keyword category provide keywords describing the molecular system. Pointer to '_Assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' A word or very brief phrase that provide a concise description of the entity assembly. Items in the assembly_segment category define at levels from atom to chemical component subsets of the assembly. The subsets may be but are not limited to contiguous atoms or components of the assembly. As an example, the active site of a molecular assembly could be defined as a segment. Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'chem_comp' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'entity' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Integer value that uniquely defines the segment of the molecular assembly described. This tag is not the primary key for this table. Items in the assembly_segment_description category provide a description of an assembly segment. Pointer to '_Assembly_segment.ID' Code that defines the type of assembly segment. Text providing additional information about the assembly segment. Pointer to '_Assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Items in the assembly_subsystem category describe the molecule(s) in an assembly that together make up a subset that has structural or functional significance. Chemical Abstract Services name that applies to the assembly subsystem. Chemical Abstract Services registry number that applies to the assembly subsystem. Date that this table was updated with links to external databases. Date that the last query has been conducted to locate entries in external databases that are related to the assembly subsystem. Additional information relevant to the data in the current saveframe or to a specific data item is entered as a value to this tag. The information entered must supplement information already present. Whenever possible data should associated with specific data tags and not included in the value to a '_Details' tag. Identification number defined by the Enzyme Commission for the protein molecular system, or biological molecular system described in the saveframe. The approximate mass of the system as defined by the authors and is intended to approximate the sum of the masses of all of the atoms in the system. No attempt is made to define the mass at a specific pH value, in terms of the protonation state of any pH titratable groups, or according to the incorporation of isotopes. 24000 Author supplied name for the assembly subsystem. Category assigned to the information in the saveframe. A descriptive label that uniquely identifies this molecular subsystem from all other subsystems of the molecular assembly studied. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' An integer value that uniquely defines the subsystem of the molecular assembly described. An assembly subsystem contains a subset of the components of the full molecular assembly, but does not consist of fragments of the molecular assembly components. Items in the assembly_systematic_name category capture systematic naming systems and the systematic name for the molecular assembly. Name for the molecular assembly that has been assigned by an organization or derived using rules defined by an organization recognized by the scientific community. Pointer to '_Assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' A recognized or common systematic method used to name molecules and molecular systems. CAS Items in the assembly_type category describe the kind of assembly studied. These are keywords that are specific to a description of the assembly in terms of the types and number of components that make up the assembly. Pointer to '_Assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Enumerated list of brief descriptive phrases that provide a loose way of classifying the system. A system may fit more than one item in the list and all appropriate values may be used for any specific system. protein monomer Items in the assigned_chem_shift_list category provide information about a list of reported assigned chemical shift values. The value assigned as the error for all 13C chemical shifts reported in the saveframe. The value reported for this tag will be inserted during annotation into the assigned chemical shift error column in the table of assigned chemical shifts. 0.1 The value assigned as the error for all 15N chemical shifts reported in the saveframe. The value reported for this tag will be inserted during annotation into the assigned chemical shift error column in the table of assigned chemical shifts. 0.2 The value assigned as the error for all 19F chemical shifts reported in the saveframe. The value reported for this tag will be inserted during annotation into the assigned chemical shift error column in the table of assigned chemical shifts. 0.01 The value assigned as the error for all 1H chemical shifts reported in the saveframe. The value reported for this tag will be inserted during annotation into the assigned chemical shift error column in the table of assigned chemical shifts. 0.01 The value assigned as the error for all 2H chemical shifts reported in the saveframe. The value reported for this tag will be inserted during annotation into the assigned chemical shift error column in the table of assigned chemical shifts. 0.01 The value assigned as the error for all 31P chemical shifts reported in the saveframe. The value reported for this tag will be inserted during annotation into the assigned chemical shift error column in the table of assigned chemical shifts. 0.1 Pointer to '_Chem_shift_reference.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of category chem_shift_reference. The name of the file submitted with this depostion that contains the quantitative data for this saveframe. Text describing the reported assigned chemical shifts. Method used to derive the estimated error in the reported chemical shifts. Pointer to '_Sample_condition_list.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of category sample_conditions. Category assigned to the information in the saveframe. A descriptive label that uniquely identifies this list of reported assigned chemical shifts. A set of assigned chemical shift data in a format as ASCII text. The name of the data format used to represent the assigned chemical shifts as ASCII text in the '.Text_data' tag. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' An integer value that uniquely identifies this saveframe of assigned chemical shifts from other saveframes of this category in an entry. Items in the assigned_peak_chem_shift category define the atom(s) assigned to individual peaks in the spectral peak list. Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Assigned_chem_shift_list.ID' Pointer to '_Atom_chem_shift.ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' ? An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. An alternative identifier found in the original peak list data that is a pointer to information in another author provided data table or file. Note that the value does not need to to the value for Peak_ID. An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. An alternative identifier for Entity_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Entity_ID. An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Text describing the reported spectral peak assignment. Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Figure of merit for the assignment of the atom to the reported chemical shift value. Magnetization linkage ID Pointer to '_Peak_contribution.ID' Pointer to '_Peak.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Set ID Pointer to '_Spectral_dim.ID' The quantitative chemical shift value assigned to the peak. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Spectral_peak_list.ID' NOT AVAILABLE Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Assigned_chem_shift_list.ID' Pointer to '_Atom_chem_shift.ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Text describing the reported spectral peak assignment. Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Figure of merit Magnetization linkage ID Pointer to '_Peak.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Set ID Pointer to '_Spectral_dim.ID' Pointer to '_Spectral_transition_contrib.ID' Pointer to '_Spectral_transition.ID' The quantitative chemical shift value assigned to the transition. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Spectral_peak_list.ID' Items in the atom category provide atom level nomenclature and mappings for polymer and non-polymer components in the molecular assembly. The value of attribute Atom_ID in category Atom must uniquely identify a record in the atom list. Pointer to '_Atom_type.ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to attribute PDBX_label_asym_ID' in category Atom_site. This data item is a pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID in the chem_comp_atom category. Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' The group of atoms to which the atom site belongs. This data item is provided for compatibility with the original Protein Data Bank format, and only for that purpose. PDB insertion code. One-letter code used by the PDB for amino acids and nucleic acids. Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' PDB strand/chain id. Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' The code used to identify the atom specie(s) representing this atom type. Normally this code is the element symbol. The code may be composed of any character except an underline with the additional proviso that digits designate an oxidation state and must be followed by a + or - character. A value that uniquely identifies the atom from all other atoms in the molecular assembly. Pointer to '_Assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Items in the atom_chem_shift category describe the chemical shift values assigned to specific atoms in a molecular assembly. Ambiguity codes are used to define chemical shifts that have not been assigned to specific atoms in the molecule studied. Ambiguity in chemical shifts may exist at several different levels, stereospecific ambiguity, intra and inter residue ambiguities, etc. Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Figure of merit for the assignment of the atom to the reported chemical shift value. Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' The mass number for the chemical element defined by the tag '_Atom_type' or any of its related tags. The value for this tag is a standard IUPAC abbreviation for an element (i.e., H, C, P, etc). An alternative identifier for attribute label_asym_ID in category atom_site that may be provided by an author in order to match the identification used in the publication that describes the structure. A An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Entity_assembly_ID. An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Text information regarding the chemical shift assignment. Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Where multiple chemical shift values are assigned to the same atom, the estimated percent of the molecules with the assigned chemical shift. Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Assigned chemical shift value Estimated or measured error in the assigned chemical shift value. Pointer to '_Assigned_chem_shift_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' An integer value that is a unique identifier for the assigned chemical shift value. Items in the atom_nomenclature category define alternative atom nomenclature for the atoms in a chemical compound. Alternate atom name defined by an organization or official body. The name of the systematic atom nomenclature. Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Data items in the atom_site category record details about the atom sites in a macromolecular structure, such as the positional coordinates, atomic displacement parameters, magnetic moments and directions. Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' ? Author's alternate location identifier. Author assigned asymmetric ID. A An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 Author's atom name. Author assigned chain ID A An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN Author assigned entity assembly ID. 3 An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 The x atom-site coordinate in angstroms specified according to a set of orthogonal Cartesian axes. The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of '_Atom_site.Cartn_x'. The y atom-site coordinate in angstroms specified according to a set of orthogonal Cartesian axes. The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of '_Atom_site.Cartn_y'. The z atom-site coordinate in angstroms specified according to a set of orthogonal Cartesian axes. The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of '_Atom_site.Cartn_z'. Text providing additional information about the atom site. The value of '_Atom_site.Footnote_ID must match an ID specified by '_Atom_sites_footnote.ID'. Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' An integer value that uniquely defines the set of coordinates that represent one model for the molecular assembly. The Model_site_ID item is an integer value that for each model in the table has an initial value of 1 and increments in consecutive integer values for each set of atomic coordinates reported in the model. The percent occupancy of the atom at the atom site defined by the listed coordinates. The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of '_Atom_site.Occupancy'. A value indicating whether the atom at this site is considered in an ordered conformation (1) or is in a disordered conformation (0) in the structure. 1;0 PDB atom name. CD1 PDB insertion code. PDB model number. 1 The value is an integer that identifies a record in the atom_site list. This is a place holder for the atom record number extracted from a PDB formatted file. 14034 PDB residue name. TYR PDB residue number. 6 PDB strand id. A The net integer charge assigned to this atom. This is the formal charge assignment normally found in chemical diagrams. -1 Pointer to '_Struct_asym.ID' Atom identifier assigned by the PDB and extracted from the PDB entry. HB1 Chemical component identifier assigned by the PDB and extracted from the PDB entry. ASN This data item is provided as a place holder for the label_entity_ID value extracted from a pdbx file. 1 Residue sequence number assigned by the PDB and extracted from the PDB entry. 1 The value for this tag is a standard IUPAC abbreviation for an element (i.e., H, C, P, etc). A value indicating the confidence in the assigned coordinate values for this atom. 0.84 Pointer to '_Conformer_family_coord_set.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' The value of '_Atom_site.ID' must uniquely identify a record in the atom_site list. Data items in the atom_sites_footnote category record detailed comments about an atom site or a group of atom sites. The text of the footnote. Footnotes are used to describe an atom site or a group of atom sites in the atom_site list. Pointer to '_Conformer_family_coord_set.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the reported footnote. Items in the atom_type category describe atoms from the periodic table. Atom atomic mass Atom atomic number 6 Electron configuration for the atom Atom mass number 13 Atom oxidation number 0 Flag indicating if the atom is paramagnetic. no Standard IUPAC atom symbol C Number of unpaired electrons on the atom 0 van der Valls radii for the atom Pointer to '_Assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Integer value that uniquely defines the atom type. The primary key for this table. 1 Items in the assembly_annotation category define the author supplied annotations that describe the molecular assembly studied. A code that describes the kind of annotation provided. Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Assembly_subsystem.ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Assembly_annotation_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' An integer value that uniquely identifies the author provided annotation. NOT AVAILABLE Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' The mass number for the chemical element defined by the tag '_Atom_type' or any of its related tags. The value for this tag is a standard IUPAC abbreviation for an element (i.e., H, C, P, etc). An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Entity_assembly_ID. An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 The relaxation value. The estimated error in the reported relaxation value. Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' The exchange broadening contribution value. The estimated error in the fitted exchange broadening contribution value. Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Auto_relaxation_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the observed relaxation value. NOT AVAILABLE Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'NMR_spectrometer_expt' Pointer to '_Sample.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'sample' Physical state of the sample. Pointer to '_Auto_relaxation_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Experiment.ID' NOT AVAILABLE Common term used for the type of relaxation phenomena reported. R1 The name of the file submitted with this depostion that contains the quantitative data for this saveframe. Text describing the reported relaxation data. The actual spectrometer frequency of the nucleus observed expressed at a high level of precision. 60.777824 A code describing the spin(s) involved in the measured relaxation coherence. Iz The units used for the reported relaxation values. s; s-1; ms 1H spectrometer field strength at which Rex values have been measured. 600 The units used for the reported R exchange values. Pointer to '_Sample_condition_list.ID' The label for the set of experimental sample conditions used to collect the data for determination of the general relaxation values. Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. The operating proton frequency in MHz of the NMR spectrometer used to collect the data. 600.1283731 Method used to calibrate the temperature unit on the NMR spectrometer used to collect the experimental data. Method used to control the temperature of the sample to eliminate heating caused by the long spin-lock pulse. A set of relaxation data formatted as ASCII text. The data format used to represent the relaxation data as ASCII text in the text block that is the value to the '_Auto_relaxation_list.Text_data' tag. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' An integer value that uniquely identifies this saveframe of general relaxation data from other saveframes of this category in an entry. NOT AVAILABLE Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'software' Pointer to '_Auto_relaxation_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Software.ID' NOT AVAILABLE ? Pointer to '_Sample.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'sample' Physical state of the sample either anisotropic or isotropic. Pointer to '_Binding_value_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Experiment.ID' NOT AVAILABLE Pointer to '_Binding_result.ID' Concentration value at which the observed parameter value was measured. Error in the measured value. ? ? Value for the observed parameter. Error in the reported parameter value. Pointer to '_Binding_param_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the observed parameter value. NOT AVAILABLE Pointer to '_Binding_value_list.ID' Pointer to the saveframe where the binding constant values are reported that were calculated from the measured data values provided in this save frame. Units for the concentration values reported in the save frame. The name of the file submitted with this depostion that contains the quantitative data for this saveframe. Text describing the reported binding parameter values. The experimental parameter measured when collecting the data used to calculate binding constants. Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. A set of binding titration data formatted as ASCII text. The data format used to represent the binding titration data as ASCII text in the text block that is the value to the '_Binding_param_list.Text_data' tag. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the list of data values used to calculate a pKa value. NOT AVAILABLE Pointer to '_Binding_result.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' ? ? Pointer to '_Assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Binding_value_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' NOT AVAILABLE Pointer to '_Assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' ? Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN ? An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Experiment.ID' ? ? Binding value estimated from a fit of a binding titration data set. Estimated error in the binding constant. ? ? Pointer to '_Binding_value_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the observed binding constant. NOT AVAILABLE Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'software' Pointer to '_Binding_value_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Software.ID' NOT AVAILABLE The name of the file submitted with this depostion that contains the quantitative data for this saveframe. Text describing the reported binding values. Pointer to '_Sample_condition_list.ID' The label for the set of experimental sample conditions used to collect the binding data. Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. A set of binding data formatted as ASCII text. The data format used to represent the binding data as ASCII text in the text block that is the value to the '_Binding_value_list.Text_data' tag. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' ? Items in the bond category define a unique identifier for each bond in the molecular assembly. Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' SG Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' SG An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. SG An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. SG An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. CYS An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. CYS Enter the name given to the biopolymer or ligand as a component of the molecular system where the first atom in the bond is located. For complex systems that have many components, this might be something like 'alpha chain 1' or 'heme 3'. A pull down list of the names assigned to the molecular system components in the section above is provided. monomer 1 Enter the name given to the biopolymer or ligand as a component of the molecular system where the second atom in the bond is located. For complex systems that have many components, this might be something like 'alpha chain 1' or 'heme 3'. A pull down list of the names assigned to the molecular system components in the section above is provided. monomer 2 Enter the name given to the biopolymer or ligand as a component of the molecular system where the first atom in the bond is located. For complex systems that have many components, this might be something like 'alpha chain 1' or 'heme 3'. A pull down list of the names assigned to the molecular system components in the section above is provided. monomer 1 Enter the name given to the biopolymer or ligand as a component of the molecular system where the second atom in the bond is located. For complex systems that have many components, this might be something like 'alpha chain 1' or 'heme 3'. A pull down list of the names assigned to the molecular system components in the section above is provided. monomer 2 An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. 13 An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. 42 Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.Entity_assembly_name' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.Entity_assembly_name' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' 36 Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' 5 A descriptive phrase or word that characterized the bond. disulfide The order of the bond between two atoms (i.e., single, double, etc.) SING Pointer to '_Assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the bond being defined. 1 Items in the bond_annotation category record additional information describing characteristics of specific bonds in the reported conformers. Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' The mass number for the chemical element defined by the tag '_Atom_type' or any of its related tags. The mass number for the chemical element defined by the tag '_Atom_type' or any of its related tags. Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number. 2 An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number. 2 An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Text description providing additional information about the reported bond. Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' A commonly used term that describes the chemical nature of the bond. disufide The order of the defined bond. single Pointer to '_Bond_annotation_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the reported bond annotation. Items in the bond_annotation_list category provide information about a list of reported bond annotations for the structure of a molecular assembly. Text information that provides additional information about a bond. Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the list of bond annotations. Items in the bond_observed_conformer define the individual conformer within a family of conformers where the bond characteristics identified are found. Pointer to '_Atom_site.Model_ID' Pointer to '_Bond_annotation.ID' Pointer to '_Bond_annotation_list.ID' Pointer to '_Conformer_family_coord_set.ID' 10 Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Items in the CA_CB_constraint category describe the assigned 13CA and 13CB chemical shift values used as constraints in calculating the structure of a molecular assembly. Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. An alternative identifier for Asym_ID that may be provided by an author. An alternative identifier for Asym_ID that may be provided by an author. An alternative identifier for Asym_ID that may be provided by an author. An alternative identifier for Asym_ID that may be provided by an author. An alternative identifier for Asym_ID that may be provided by an author. An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number. 2 An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number. 2 An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number. 2 An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number. 2 An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number. 2 An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 The value of the CA chemical shift. Estimated error in the CA chemical shift. The value of the CB chemical shift. Estimated error in the CB chemical shift. Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Experiment.ID' Pointer to '_CA_CB_constraint_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the reported CA/CB chemical shift constraint within the list of constraints contained in one save frame. Items in the CA_CB_constraint_expt category provide pointers to the NMR experiments and samples used to collect the data for a set of reported CA_CB chemical shift constraints. Pointer to '_Experiment.Name' Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to '_Sample.ID' Sample(s) used in deriving the data Physical state of the sample either anisotropic or isotropic. Pointer to '_CA_CB_constraint_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Experiment.ID' Items in the CA_CB_constraint_list category provide information about a list of reported 13CA-13CB chemical shift constraint values. Pointer to '_Constraint_file.Block_ID' Pointer to '_Constraint_file.ID' File format for the CA and CB chemical shift restraints. XPLOR Name of the file that contains the CA/CB chemical shift constraints. Text description providing additional information about the reported CA and CB chemical shift constraints. Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. A set of CA/CB chemical shift constraint data formatted as ASCII text. The data format used to represent the CA/CB chemical shift constraint data as ASCII text in the text block that is the value to the '_CA_CB_constraint_list.Text_data' tag. The units assigned to the CA-CB chemical shift constraint values. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the list of reported CA/CB chemical shift constraints.. Items in the CA_CB_constraint_software category provide pointers to the software category and methods category where descriptions of software applications and methods can be found. Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'software' Pointer to '_CA_CB_constraint_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Software.ID' Items in the characteristics category define specific physical characteristics for a chemical component and links to the source of the information. Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Chemical group that is responsible for the observed characteristic of the chemical component. Pointer to '_Citation.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category citation. Name for the reported characteristic of the chemical component. UV absorption maximum Experimental source for the value reported for the chemical component. Value for the defined characteristic of the chemical component. Estimated error in the reported characteristic of the chemical component. Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' A value that uniquely identifies each characteristic provided in the list. Items in the chem_comp category describe the chemical components that make up a molecular entity. A preliminary classification used by PDB to indicate that the chemistry of this component while described as clearly as possible is still ambiguous. Software tools may not be able to process this component definition. A boolean flag that defines the aromatic status of the chemical component. no Twelve character code assigned to the chemical component by BMRB. Date the last time new information for the compound was found when a query was executed. Date when the last query was carried out to search for information on the chemical compound. Additional text information that is relevant to the data in the current saveframe or to a specific data item in the saveframe. This tag is often used to include information that cannot be associated with a specific tag in the saveframe, but is important. The formal electrical charge on the chemical compound. 2+ The empirical chemical formula for the chemical component. C9 H11 N O3 Mono-isotopic formula mass calculated using the most abundant naturally occuring isotope for each atom except carbon, where the mass of the 13C isotope is used. Mono-isotopic formula mass calculated using the most abundant naturally occuring isotope for each atom except carbon and nitrogen, where the mass of the 13C and 15N isotopes are used. Mono-isotopic formula mass calculated using the most abundant naturally occuring isotope for each atom except nitrogen, where the mass of the 15N isotope is used. Mono-isotopic formula mass calculated using the most abundant naturally occuring isotope for each atom. Formula mass in daltons of the chemical component. 181.19 Identifies the source of the ideal coordinates in the component definition. Identifies if ideal coordinates are missing in this definition. Type of image file format jpg; gif; tiff Name of the file that contains an image of the chemical compound. sucrose.jpg Enter the InCHi code that uniquely describes the chemical structure of the compound. Date the chemical component was added to the database. This item identifies the PDB database code from which the atom model coordinates were obtained. Provides additional details about the model coordinates in the component definition. This data item identifies if model coordinates are missing in this definition. A description of special aspects of the generation of the coordinates for the model of the component. geometry idealized but not minimized A pointer to an external reference file from which the atomic The source of the coordinates for the model of the component. CSD entry ABCDEF Date that the component was last modified. A description of the class of a nonstandard monomer if the nonstandard monomer represents a modification of a standard monomer. iodinated base A description of special details of a nonstandard monomer. A flag defining the non-standard status of the chemical component. A value of Y indicates that the compound is a standard molecule. yes The name of the parent monomer of the nonstandard monomer, if the nonstandard monomer represents a modification of a standard monomer. The identifier for the parent component of the nonstandard component. May be a comma-separated list if this component is derived from multiple components. A common name for the chemical component or monomer. NADP The total number of atoms in the component. The number of non-hydrogen atoms in the component. For standard polymer components, the one-letter code for the component. If there is not a standard one-letter code for this component, or if this is a non-polymer component, the one-letter code should be given as 'X'. This code may be preceded by a '+' character to indicate that the component is a modification of a standard component. A boolean flag that defines the paramagnetic status of the chemical component. yes Three character code assigned to the chemical component by the PDB. ALA This data item identifies the deposition site that processed this chemical component defintion. The tag value defines the source of the data used to construct the chem_comp record. BMRB The substance ID code assigned to the compound by the PubChem database. 33768 This data item holds the current release status for the component. Identifies the attribute id in category chem_comp of the new component that has replaced this component. Identifies the attribute id in category chem_comp of the component this entry replaces. Converse of _replaced_by. Category assigned to the information in the saveframe. A descriptive label that uniquely identifies this chemical component. NADP The BMRB code for the standard monomer from which the chemical component is derived. The name of the standard chemical component from which the chemical component was derived. The one letter code for the standard monomer from which the chemical component is derived. Y The PDB code for the standard monomer from which the chemical component is derived. The three letter code for the standard monomer from which the chemical component is derived. TYR File format for the attached stereochemical parameter file. Name of a file that contains the stereochemical parameters for the chemical component. File format for the attached structure file. Name of a structure file attached to the entry for a chemical component. The list of subcomponents contained in this component. TSM DPH HIS CHF EMR Synonym list for the component. For standard polymer components, the three-letter code for the component. If there is not a standard three-letter code for this component, or if this is a non-polymer component, the three-letter code should be given as 'UNK'. This code may be preceded by a '+' character to indicate that the component is a modification of a standard component. The type of format for the file containing the topology information for the chemical compound. Name of the file containing the information about the topology of the chemical compound. Chemical components can be of two molecular types either a complete chemical compound or a fragment of a complete chemical compound. L-peptide linking Name of the company where the compound was purchased. The product code assigned to the compound by the vender where the compound was purchased. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' A code that uniquely identifies the chemical component from all other chemical components in the entry. Items in the chem_comp_angle category define the two bond angles in a chemical component. Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Text providing additional information regarding the angle formed by the three atoms. Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' The value of attribute id in category chem_comp_angle must uniquely identify a record in the Chem_comp_tor list. Items in the chem_comp_assembly category provide chemical component level nomenclature and mappings across both biopolymer and non-polymer components of the molecular assembly. A sequence number from a sequence numbering scheme employed because of a requirement of a software applications. Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Items in the chem_comp_atom category define the atoms in a chemical component, the name for each atom, and characteristics of each atom in the chemical component. Determines which column the atom name appears within the PDB coordinate files. The possible values are 0 or 1. An alternative identifier for the atom. This data item would be used in cases where alternative nomenclatures exist for labelling atoms in a group. A flag indicating an aromatic atom. Y An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 A code assigned to the atom by BMRB that is unique within the chemical compound. The net integer charge assigned to this atom. This is the formal charge assignment normally found in chemical diagrams. The chiral or prochiral characteristic of the atom. R;S;E;Z;pro-R;pro-S Text providing additional information about the atom. X coordinate of a data point in a two-dimensional drawing of the chemical compound. Y coordinate of a data point in a two-dimensional drawing of the chemical compound. A code indicating the potential for the atom to be in an ionized state. Mass number assigned to the atom. A flag indicating a leaving atom. X coordinate in a Cartesian system for an atom in the chemical compound. The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of attribute model_Cartn_x in category chem_comp_atom. Computed idealized coordinates, x component of the vector (in Angstroms) Y coordinate in a Cartesian system for an atom in the chemical compound. The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of attribute model_Cartn_y in category chem_comp_atom. Computed idealized coordinates, y component of the vector (in Angstroms) Z coordinate in a Cartesian system for an atom in the chemical compound. The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of attribute model_Cartn_z in category chem_comp_atom. Computed idealized coordinates, z component of the vector (in Angstroms) The oxidation number for the atom. The partial charge assigned to this atom. Name given to the atom by the PDB. Ordinal index for the chemical component atom list. The chiral configuration of the atom that is a chiral center. E;Z;N This data item assigns the atom to a substructure of the component, if appropriate. The IUPAC symbol used for the atom (H; C; P; O; S). The number of unpaired electrons on the atom. The value of attribute atom_ID in category chem_comp_atom must uniquely identify each atom in each monomer in the CHEM_COMP_ATOM list. Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' NOT AVAILABLE A specific function carried out by the molecular entity in its native biological system. electron transport; protease; kinase Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Items in the chem_comp_bond category define the chemical bonds in a chemical component. A flag indicating an aromatic bond. no Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' A text description of the bond. Ordinal index for the component bond list. 1 Stereochemical configuration across a double bond. E A common chemical bond descriptive name. The value that should be taken as the target for the chemical bond associated with the specified atoms, expressed as a bond order. Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' The value of attribute id in category chem_comp_bond must uniquely identify a record in the Chem_comp_bond list. Items in the chem_comp_citation category provide pointers to the citations category where information defining citations that describe a chemical component can be found. Pointer to a saveframe of the category citation. citation 1 Pointer to '_Citation.ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Items in the chem_comp_common_name category provide a list of common names for a chemical component. Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' A synonym for the chemical component or monomer. The type of name given to the compound (abbreviation, etc.). Items in the chem_comp_db_link category provide the names of databases and accession numbers for entries in the databases that are related to a chemical component and information about the linked entry. The type of accession code reported. A code indicating if the database link was provided by the author of the deposition (yes) or by another source (no). If appropriate, additional text information regarding the entry in the listed database can be entered in this field. A variety of physical parameters are available from this site, including pKa values and UV absorption data for protoporphyrin IX. If appropriate, list the experimental technique (NMR, mass spectrometry, X-ray crystallography) that was used to collect the data in the entry at the database listed. NMR Code used by the database for the molecule. Name given by the database to the molecule. Describe the relationship between the entry in the listed database and this BMRB entry. This might include the physical properties of the compound or the position of the compound in a metabolic pathway, for example. Physical properties of the compound Enter the accession code for the chemical compound from the database listed. HEM Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Enter the abbreviation or acronym for the database site for the entry for the chemical compound. PDB Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Data items in the chem_comp_descriptor category provide string descriptors of component chemical structure. Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' This data item contains the descriptor value for this component. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' This data item contains the name of the program or library used to compute the descriptor. This data item contains the version of the program This data item contains the descriptor type. Data items in the chem_comp_identifier category provide identifiers for chemical components. Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' This data item contains the identifier value for this component. This data item contains the name of the program or library used to compute the identifier. This data item contains the version of the program or library used to compute the identifier. This data item contains the identifier type. Items in the chem_comp_keyword category provide a list of keywords that describe a chemical component. Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' A keyword or brief phrase describing the chemical compound. Items in the chem_comp_SMILES category define a SMILES string for a chemical component and the type of SMILES string that is provided. Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' SMILES string for the chemical component. C(C1C(C(C(C(O1)OC2(C(C(C(O2)CO)O)O)CO)O)O)O)O The type of SMILES string provided is defined by this tag value. canonical; isomeric; unique Items in the chem_comp_systematic_name category provide a list of systematic names for a chemical component and define the systematic naming systems. A name for the chemical compound that has been defined by an official body or is derived from rules defined by an official organization recognized by the scientific community. Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' An official method of nomenclature or defined set of nomenclature for chemical compounds recognized by the scientific community. IUPAC Items in the chem_comp_tor category define the torsion angles in a chemical component. Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' A text description of the torsion angle. Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' The value of attribute id in category chem_comp_tor must uniquely identify a record in the Chem_comp_tor list. Items in the chem_shift_anisotropy category provide information about a list of reported chemical shift anisotropy values. The name of the file submitted with this depostion that contains the quantitative data for this saveframe. Text describing the reported chemical shift anisotropy data. Pointer to '_Sample_condition_list.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'sample_conditions' Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. NMR spectrometer operating frequency for protons. A set of chemical shift anisotropy data formatted as ASCII text. The data format used to represent the chemical shift anisotropy data as ASCII text in the text block that is the value to the '_Chem_shift_anisotropy.Text_data' tag. Provide the units used for the chemical shift anisotropy values reported. ppm Pointer to '_Entry.ID' An integer value that uniquely identifies this saveframe of chemical shift anisotropy data from other saveframes of this category in an entry. Items in the chem_shift_experiment category provide pointers to the NMR experiments and samples used to collect the data for a set of reported assigned chemical shifts. The name of an experiment used to determine the data reported. Pointer to '_Sample.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of category sample. Physical state of the sample either anisotropic or isotropic. Pointer to '_Assigned_chem_shift_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Experiment.ID' Items in the chem_shift_isotope_effect_list category provide information about a list of reported chemical shift values that measure the effects of isotopic substitutions in a molecular entity. The name of the file submitted with this depostion that contains the quantitative data for this saveframe. Text providing additional information regarding the chemical shift isotope effect data and its derivation. The type of isotope chemical shift effect. The units for the isotope chemical shift effect. Pointer to '_Sample_condition_list.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'sample_conditions' Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. A set of chemical shift isotope effect data formatted as ASCII text. The data format used to represent the chemical shift isotope effect data as ASCII text in the text block that is the value to the '_Chem_shift_isotope_effect.Text_data' tag. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' An integer value that uniquely identifies this saveframe of chemical shift isotope effect values from other saveframes of this category in an entry. Items in the chem_shift_ref category provide the chemical shift referencing values used in assigning the chemical shift positions for peaks in spectral peak lists and assigned atom chemical shifts. Group of atoms within a molecule whose chemical shift was used as the standard chemical shift reference for the defined observed nuclei. 'methyl protons' Units for the chemical shift value assigned to the atoms of the chemical shift reference. ppm Value assigned to the chemical shift of the reference compound. 0 Units for the concentration value for the chemical shift reference compound. mM Concentration of the chemical shift reference compound in the external reference sample. 1 An uniform correction value that was applied because of an extenuating circumstance such as data collection at an unusual temperature. 0.1 Pointer to '_Citation.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category citation. The axis of the external chemical shift reference sample relative to the static field (Bo) of the spectrometer. parallel; perpendicular External chemical shift references are defined as either located within the sample (e.g., as a capillary) or external to the sample and are inserted into the spectrometer before, after, or both before and after the sample containing the molecular system studied in the entry. insert at center of experimental sample tube The geometrical shape of the external reference sample. spherical; cylindrical; etc. The Chi value used in calculating the chemical shift referencing values for nuclei that are referenced indirectly. The values used should be those recommended by the IUPAC Taskforce on the deposition of data to the public databases (Markley, et al. Pure and Appl. Chem. 70, 117-142 (1998). 0.25144953 Pointer to '_Citation.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category citation. The rank of the chemical shift reference. A primary reference is the one used in reporting the data. A secondary reference would be the compound in the sample or used as an external reference. If a correction value is applied to calculate the reported chemical shifts the source of the correction (pH; temperature; etc.). temperature The chemical shift reference may be either internal (the compound is located in the sample) or external (the compound is in a container external to the sample). internal The reference type may be either direct (against a value measured with a chemical compound) or indirect (calculated from chemical shift ratios). direct Solvent used for the external reference sample. CHCL3 The mass number for the chemical element defined by the tag '_Atom_type' or any of its related tags. 1 The value for this tag is a standard IUPAC abbreviation for an element (i.e., H, C, P, etc). H Pointer to '_Chem_shift_reference.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Common name or abbreviation used in the literature for the molecule used as a chemical shift reference. DSS Items in the chem_shift_reference category define a set of chemical shift referencing parameters. Text providing additional information regarding the reported chemical shift referencing values or methods. Category assigned to the information in the saveframe. A descriptive label that uniquely identifies this list of chemical shift referencing parameters used in reporting assigned chemical shifts and other chemical shift data. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' An integer value that uniquely identifies this saveframe of chemical shift reference values from other saveframes of this category in an entry. Items in the chem_shift_software category provide pointers to the software category and methods category. Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of category method. Pointer to a saveframe of category software. Pointer to '_Assigned_chem_shift_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Software.ID' Items in the chem_shifts_calc_software category provide pointers to the software category and methods category where descriptions of software applications and methods can be found. Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'software' Pointer to '_Chem_shifts_calc_type.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Software.ID' Items in the chem_shifts_calc_type category provide information about type of calculation used to derive a set of theoretical chemical shift values. The level of theory applied in calculating theoretical chemical shifts or chemical shift tensors (not shielding tensors). empirical; ab initio; semi-empirical The nucleus for which the chemical shifts were calaculated. 13C Pointer to '_Chem_shift_reference.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'chemical_shift_reference.' This is the saveframe where the chemical shift referencing standards are described. A text description of the type of calculation used to generate the theoretical chemical shifts. Pointer to '_Sample_condition_list.ID' Enter the name (label) given to a set of sample conditions enter above in the 'sample conditions' section of the deposition. sample_conditions_1 The quantum mechanical basis set used to calculate the theoretical chemical shifts or chemical shift tensors (not shielding tensors). 6-311++G(2D,2P) The method used to calculate the chemical shifts or chemical shift tensors (not shielding tensors). GIAO; IGLO; CSGT The quantum mechanical level of theory used to calculate the chemical shifts or chemical shift tensors (not shielding tensors). B3LYP; MP2 Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the type of theoretical chemical shift calculation that was carried out. NOT AVAILABLE The number of chemical structures of the same kind in the chemical compound. A chemical structure descriptor. Pointer to '_Chem_comp.Sf_ID' Pointer to '_Software.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category software. The type of descriptor provided. Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' A value that uniquely identifies each chemical structure descriptor provided in the list. NOT AVAILABLE Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' The mass number for the chemical element defined by the tag '_Atom_type' or any of its related tags. The value for this tag is a standard IUPAC abbreviation for an element (i.e., H, C, P, etc). An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Entity_assembly_ID. An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Kinetic rate value Estimated error in the observed rate value. Estimated maximum value for the observed rate when a specific value cannot be obtained. Estimated minimum value for the observed rate when a specific value cannot be obtained. The type of rate value reported Units for the reported rate value. s-1 Pointer to '_Chemical_rate_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the observed rate value. NOT AVAILABLE Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'NMR_spectrometer_expt' Pointer to '_Sample.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'sample' Physical state of the sample either anisotropic or isotropic. Pointer to '_Chemical_rate_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Experiment.ID' NOT AVAILABLE The name of the file submitted with this depostion that contains the quantitative data for this saveframe. Text describing the reported kinetic rates. Pointer to '_Sample_condition_list.ID' The label for the set of experimental sample conditions used to collect the data for determination of the kinetic rates. Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. A set of kinetic rate data formatted as ASCII text. The data format used to represent the kinetic data as ASCII text in the text block that is the value to the '_Chemical_rate_list.Text_data' tag. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' A unique identifier for the list of Kinetic rate data. NOT AVAILABLE Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'software' Pointer to '_Chemical_rate_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Software.ID' Items in the chromatographic_column category record the characteristics of a column used in a chromatographic system for separating chemical compounds. The length of the chromatographic column listed. The kind of packing material used in the chromatographic column. The pore size of the packing material used in the chromatographic column. Category assigned to the information in the saveframe. A label that uniquely identifies the Mass spectrometer from other spectrometers listed in the entry. The type of chromatographic column listed. Vendor from whom the chromatographic column was purchased. The width of the chromatographic column listed. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' A value that uniquely identifies the Mass spectrometer from other spectrometers listed in the entry. Items in the chromatographic_system category record the information describing a chromatographic system used in separating chemical compounds. Name of the manufacturer of the autosampler. Model of the listed autosampler. Serial number of the listed autosampler. Name of the manufacturer of the column compartment. Model of the listed column compartment. Serial number of the listed column compartment. Text describing the chromatographic system. Name of the company or other entity that built the Mass spectrometer. The name or acronym used to describe the model of the spectrometer. Unique code assigned to a specific spectrometer by the manufacturer. Category assigned to the information in the saveframe. A label that uniquely identifies the Mass spectrometer from other spectrometers listed in the entry. The type of chromatographic system attached to the mass spectrometer used to separate a chemical mixture. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' A value that uniquely identifies the Mass spectrometer from other spectrometers listed in the entry. Items in the citation category capture information common to all citations. Title of the chapter from the book Calmodulin ISBN code assigned to the book. Publisher of the book Wiley & Sons City where the book publisher is located New York Series designation for the book 12 The name of the book where the citation is located. NMR Studies of Calcium Binding Proteins Volume designation for the book. 2 Code from the Chemical Abstract Services assigned to this citation. Keyword defining the citation as the key citation for the entry or a citation used as a referenece in the entry. entry citation Code assigned to the conference abstract 125 Country where conference was located USA Date conference ended 1998-02-15 Site of the conference, city, resort, etc. Keystone Date conference began 1998-02-09 State, province, etc. where conference took place Colorado Title of the conference Frontiers in NMR VI Additional information relevant to the data in the current saveframe or to a specific data item is entered as a value to this tag. The information entered must supplement information already present. Whenever possible data should associated with specific data tags and not included in the value to a '_Details' tag. The first and second authors contributed equally to this publication. The digital object identifier assigned to the citation. 10.1000/182 Full publication citation including authors title journal page numbers year or equivalent information for the type of publication given. Standard abbreviation for journals used by the Chemical Abstract Services. Depositors are required to provide a value for this field. If the data in the deposition are related to a JBNMR paper, the value must be 'J. Biol. NMR' to alert the BMRB annotators so that the deposition is properly processed. If the depositor truly does not know the journal a value of 'not known' is acceptable. J. Biomol. NMR ASTM identification code for the journal. CSD identification code for the journal. An International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) is a unique eight-digit number used to identify a print or electronic periodical publication. Issue designation used by the journal. 4 Full name used by the journal. Journal of Biomolecular NMR Volume designation used by the journal. 23 MEDLINE uniform identification code assigned to the publication described in the saveframe. First page of the published article 123 Last page of the published article 145 The identification code assigned to the publication by PubMed. If this code is available no other information regarding the publication needs to be entered in the deposition. 12815265 Category assigned to the information in the saveframe. A label that uniquely identifies the citation from other citations in the entry. citation 1 Status for the current publication (in preparation submitted in press published) submitted Academic or research institution that granted the degree awarded for the thesis cited in the saveframe. Purdue University City where the institution awarding the degree is located. West Lafayette Country where the institution awarding the degree is located. USA Title for the publication. '1H and 15N Assigned Chemical Shifts for RNase A' Descriptive word that defines the kind of publication reported (journal; book; thesis; etc.) journal A World Wide Web universal locator that identifies the location of the cited material on the WWW. Calendar year when the article was published. 2003 Pointer to '_Entry.ID' citation A value that uniquely identifies the citation from all other citations provided in the entry. Items in the citation_author category define the authors and the order of the names for a citation. The family name of the author. Doe A common family title (not a professional title). Jr. Initial of the author's first name. J. The name given the author at birth or currently used by the author for publication purposes. Can be an initial if the author uses a second name as a full name when publishing. John The initials for the author's middle names. A name can be used here, if the author uses a middle name for publications. L.R. Pointer to '_Citation.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Integer value defining the position of the author's name in the list of authors. 1 Items in the citation_editor category define the editors and the order of the names for a citation. The family name of the editor. Doe A common family title (not a professional title). II The editor's initial for their first name. T. The name given the editor at birth or currently used by the editor for publication purposes. Can be an initial if the editor uses a second name as a full name when publishing. John The initials for the editor's middle names. A name can be used here, if the editor uses a middle name for publications. G. Pointer to '_Citation.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Integer value defining the position of the editor's name in the list of editors. 1 Items in the citation_keyword category capture keywords that describe the contents of a citation. Pointer to '_Citation.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' A single word or very brief phrase that characterizes the citation. NMR Items in the computer category describe a computer. Text information describing the computer. Code assigned to the computer by the manufacturer that uniquely identifies that computer from all others. Name of the company or other entity that built the Computer. Dell The name or acronym used to describe the model of the computer. Latitude The operating system used on the computer. Linux Version number or code for the computer operating system used. RedHat 7.2 Category assigned to the information in the saveframe. A label that uniquely identifies the computer from other computers listed in the entry. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' A value that uniquely identifies the computer from other computers listed in the entry. Items in the computer_citation category provide pointers to the citation category. Pointer to a saveframe of the category citation. Pointer to '_Citation.ID' Pointer to '_Computer.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Items in the conf_family_coord_set_constr_list category provide pointers to the sets of constraints that were used to calculate the reported family of conformers. Pointer to a saveframe that contains structural constraint values. Pointer to '_Conformer_family_coord_set.ID' Saveframe category for the type of constraints used to calculate the structure. Pointer to the ID for the saveframe of the category defined by the tag '_Conf_family_coord_set_constr_list.Constraint_list_category'. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Items in the conf_stats_software category provide pointers to the software category and methods category where descriptions of software applications and methods can be found. Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'software' X-PLOR Pointer to '_Conformer_stat_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Software.ID' Items in the conformer_family_coord_set category provide meta data regarding the atomic coordinates for a family of conformers reported in an entry. A brief description of the method used to derive the reported ordered flag for the atomic coordinates. A brief description of the method used to derive the reported uncertainties in the atomic coordinates. Name of the file containing the constraints used to calculate the conformers. Obsolete tag. Additional information describing interesting features of the conformer ensemble and its derivation can be entered in this field. Name of the file containing the atomic coordinates. Accession code for the PDB entry from which the conformer family atomic coordinate set was extracted. Pointer to '_Sample_condition_list.ID' Enter the label assigned to a set of sample conditions in the section above. A pull down list of possible sample conditions labels should be available for selection. Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' An integer value that uniquely identifies this saveframe of conformer family atomic coordinate set from other saveframes of this category in an entry. Items in the conformer_family_coord_set_expt category provide pointers to the NMR experiments and samples used to collect the data for a set of molecular conformers. Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'NMR_spectrometer_expt' 2D 1H-15N HSQC Pointer to '_Sample.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'sample' sample_1 Physical state of the sample either anisotropic or isotropic. isotropic Pointer to '_Conformer_family_coord_set.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Experiment.ID' Items in the conformer_family_refinement category define the refinement methods used in calculating the reported family of conformers. Additional comments about the NMR refinement methods can be placed here. Pointer to '_Software.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'software' XPLOR-NIH Pointer to '_Conformer_family_coord_set.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' The method used to determine the structure. simulated annealing Items in the conformer_family_software category provide pointers to the software category and methods category where descriptions of software applications and methods can be found. Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'software' Pointer to '_Conformer_family_coord_set.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Software.ID' Items in the conformer_stat_list category provide information about a list of reported statistics derived from a set of conformers calculated for a molecular assembly. Pointer to '_Conformer_family_coord_set.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category conformer_family_coord_set. Rnase structure ensemble Enter the total number of conformers that were calculated. 200 Give the criteria used to select the conformers that have been deposited from the total number of calculated conformers. lowest energy Provide the number of conformers deposited. 20 The name of the file submitted with this depostion that contains the quantitative data for this saveframe. Text providing additional information regarding the conformer statistics. Local unique identifier assigned to the conformer statistics file submitted by a depositor. Enter the criteria used to select the conformer defined as representative of the conformer family. lowest energy From the deposited family of conformers, enter the number or position of the conformer in the family that is representative for the family. 1 Pointer to '_Representative_conformer.ID' Pointer to saveframe of category 'representative_conformer' Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. Text providing additional information regarding the reported statistical parameters for the conformer family and representative conformer. A set of conformer statistics data formatted as ASCII text. The data format used to represent the conformer statistical data as ASCII text in the text block that is the value to the '_Assigned_chem_shift.Text_data' tag. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' An integer value that uniquely identifies this saveframe of conformer statistics from other saveframes of this category in an entry. Items in the conformer_stat_list_ens category provide statistical measures describing the characteristics and quality of the ensemble of conformers provided in the entry. Average root mean squared deviation for all heavy atom coordinates for the ensemble of conformers. Estimated error in the average rmsd for all heavy atom coordinates for the ensemble of conformers. Standard deviation for all heavy atom coordinates for the ensemble of conformers. Estimated error in the standard deviation for all heavy atom coordinates for the ensemble of conformers. List the heavy atoms excluded in calculating the heavy atom coordinate statistics over 'all' heavy atoms. Residues included in the calculation of all heavy atom statistics. Angle energy value calculated for the ensemble of conformers. 62 Estimated error in the angle energy value calculated for the ensemble of conformers. 1 Method used to calculate the average root mean squared deviation for the atomic coordinates for the ensemble of conformers. Average root mean squared deviation for the backbone heavy atom coordinates for the ensemble of conformers. Estimated error in the average rmsd for the backbone heavy atom coordinates for the ensemble of conformers. Standard deviation for the backbone heavy atom coordinates for the ensemble of conformers. Estimated error in the standard deviation for the backbone heavy atom coordinates for the ensemble of conformers. List the heavy atoms excluded in calculating the backbone heavy atom coordinate statistics. carbonyl oxygen Residues included in the calculation of the backbone heavy atom statistics. Example 1: 10-146<BR>Example 2: 5-45; 52-137 Root mean squared deviation of bond angles from idealized values. 0.3555 Estimated error in the rmsd value for bond angles from idealized values. 0.0098 Bond energy value calculated for the ensemble of conformers. 6.1 Estimated error in the bond energy value calculated for the ensemble of conformers. 0.2 Root mean squared deviation of bond lengths from idealized values. 0.0019 Estimated error in the rmsd value for bond lengths from idealized values. 0.0011 Root mean squared deviation of bond angles from idealized values. 0.3555 Estimated error in the rmsd value for bond angles from idealized values. 0.0098 Impropers energy value calculated for the ensemble of conformers. 9.7 Estimated error in the impropers energy value calculated for the ensemble of conformers. 0.4 Root mean squared deviation of improper angles from idealized values. 0.2563 Estimated error in the rmsd value for improper angles from idealized values. 0.0146 Leonard-Jones energy value calculated for the ensemble of conformers. Estimated error in the Leonard-Jones energy value calculated for the ensemble of conformers. Non-crystallographic symmetry energy value calculated for the ensemble of conformers. Estimated error in the non-crystallographic symmetry energy value calculated for the ensemble of conformers. Root mean squared deviation of peptide planarity from idealized values. Estimated error in the rmsd value for peptide planarity from idealized values. Percent of residues in the allowed region of the Ramachandran plot as defined for proteins. 24 Percent of residues in the disallowed region of the Ramachandran plot as defined for proteins. 1 Percent of residues in the generously allowed region of the Ramachandran plot as defined for proteins. 4 Percent of residues in the most favored region of the Ramachandran plot as defined for proteins. 71 Average root mean squared deviation for the sidechain heavy atom coordinates for the ensemble of conformers. Estimated error in the average rmsd for the sidechain heavy atom coordinates for the ensemble of conformers. Standard deviation for the sidechain heavy atom coordinates for the ensemble of conformers. Estimated error in the standard deviation for the sidechain heavy atom coordinates for the ensemble of conformers. List the heavy atoms excluded in calculating the sidechain heavy atom coordinate statistics. Residues included in the calculation of the sidechain heavy atom statistics. Depositors are strongly encouraged to enter a few statistical parameters that described the deposited ensemble of conformers. If this information cannot be entered at the time of deposition, check the box provided. After checking the box and clicking on the 'save' button, the statistical fields will no longer be marked mandatory and you will be able to complete and submit your deposition without providing this information. yes/no Torsion angle energy value calculated for the ensemble of conformers. Estimated error in the torsion angle energy value calculated for the ensemble of conformers. Total energy value calculated for the ensemble of conformers. Estimated error in the total energy value calculated for the ensemble of conformers. Van der Waals energy value calculated for the ensemble of conformers. -193 Estimated error in the Van der Waals energy value calculated for the ensemble of conformers. 8 Pointer to '_Conformer_stat_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Items in the conformer_stat_list_rep category provide statistical measures describing the characteristics and quality of the representative structure provided in the entry. Angle energy value calculated for the representative conformer. Estimated error in the angle energy value calculated for the representative conformer. Root mean squared deviation of bond angles from idealized values. Estimated error in the rmsd value for bond angles from idealized values. Bond energy value calculated for the representative conformer. Estimated error in the bond energy value calculated for the representative conformer. Root mean squared deviation of bond lengths from idealized values. Estimated error in the rmsd value for bond lengths from idealized values. Root mean squared deviation of improper angles from idealized values. Estimated error in the rmsd value for improper angles from idealized values. Impropers energy value calculated for the representative conformer. Estimated error in the impropers energy value calculated for the representative conformer. Leonard-Jones energy value calculated for the representative conformer. Estimated error in the Leonard-Jones energy value calculated for the representative conformer. Non-crystallographic symmetry energy value calculated for the representative conformer. Estimated error in the non-crystallographic symmetry energy value calculated for the representative conformer. NOE energy value calculated for the representative conformer. Estimated error in the NOE energy value calculated for the representative conformer. Root mean squared deviation of peptide planarity from idealized values. Estimated error in the rmsd value for peptide planarity from idealized values. Percent of residues in the allowed region of the Ramachandran plot as defined for proteins. 24 Percent of residues in the disallowed region of the Ramachandran plot as defined for proteins. 1 Percent of residues in the generously allowed region of the Ramachandran plot as defined for proteins. 6 Percent of residues in the most favored region of the Ramachandran plot as defined for proteins. 71 Depositors are strongly encouraged to enter a few statistical parameters regarding the deposited representative conformer. If these data are not available, please check the box provided. After checking the box and clicking on the 'save' button, the statistical fields will no longer be marked as mandatovy and you will be able to complete and submit your deposition. yes/no A value that provides an estimate of the quality of the reported representative structure. The functional form of the structure figure of merit value. Torsion angle energy value calculated for the representative conformer. Estimated error in the torsion angle energy value calculated for the representative conformer. Total energy value calculated for the representative conformer. Estimated error in the total energy value calculated for the representative conformer. Van der Waals energy value calculated for the representative conformer. Estimated error in the Van der Waals energy value calculated for the representative conformer. Pointer to '_Conformer_stat_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Items in the constraint_file category record the name of the constraint file, the software used to calculate conformers with the constraint file, and the characteristics of the constraints in the constraint file. Local unique identifier for a block of constraints within the constraint file. 5 Number of constraints of this type and subtype in the file. 2045 Another level of description of the type of constraints in the file (simple, ambiguous, etc.) yes Local unique identifier for the listed constraint file. Pointer to '_Software.ID' A pointer to a saveframe of category software. X-PLOR NIH Name of the software application that the listed constraint file is used as input. Name of the uploaded file that contains the constraint data. sns_restraints.txt Pointer to '_Constraint_stat_list.ID' Specific type of constraint. NOE The general type of constraint (distance, torsion angle, RDC, etc.) distance Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Items in the constraint_stat_list category provide information about a list of reported constraint statistics derived from the constraints used to calculate the structure of a molecular assembly. Total number of angle constraints assumed to be present. 34 Total number of distance constraints assumed to be present. These may have been taken from an X-ray structure. 8 Total number constraint values defining H-bonds Total number of constraint values defining disulfide bonds Average number of constraint violations per residue in the biopolymer. Average number of constraints per residue in the biopolymer. 17 Total number of constraints derived from 1H chemical shift data. Total number of constraints derived from CA and CB chemical shift data. Total number of constraints derived from coupling constant data. Total number of constraints derived from paramagnetic relaxation data. 32 Total number of constraints derived from photo cidnp data. Text providing additional information regarding the reported constraint statistics. Please enter the total number of dihedral and torsion angle constraints used to calculate the reported conformers. This would include constraints for all components in the molecular system (proteins, nucleic acids, and ligands). 255 Method used to calculate the distance constraint violations. Number of H-bonds constrained by experimental data Total number of nucleic acid alpha angle contstraints Total number of ambiguous nucleic acid dihedral angle constraints Total number of nucleic acid beta angle constraints Total number of nucleic acid chi angle constraints Total number of nucleic acid delta angle constraints Enter the total number of dihedral and torsion angle constraints related to the nucleic acid components of the molecular system studied. 139 Total number of nucleic acid epsilon angle constraints Total number of nucleic acid gamma angle constraints Total number of constraints for other nucleic acid angles Total number of other kinds of nucleic acid constraints Total number of nucleic acid sugar pucker constraints Total number of ambiguous intermolecular NOE constraints. Total number of ambiguous intramolecular NOE constraints. Mothod used to correct for motional averaging in evaluating interproton distances from NOE data. r-3 Enter the total number of NOE constraints that represent interactions between nuclei on different molecular components in the molecular assembly studied. 37 Method used to evaluate interproton distances from NOE data. Enter the total count of NOE values that represent interactions between atoms within a single residue (amino acid, nucleic acid, or other residue). 409 Total number of unique intraresidue (i-j=0) NOE constraints. Enter the total count of 'long-range' NOE values representing interactions between residues distance in the biopolymer sequence (|i-j| > 4) and other NOEs not included in the other counts. 418 Total number of unique long range (|i-j|>4) NOE constraints. Provide the total count of the NOE values that represent interactions between residues defined as 'medium-range' or relatively close in the sequence of the biopolymer chain (|i-j| < 5). For proteins, these NOEs are often used to define secondary structure. 217 Total number of unique medium range (2<|i-j|<5) NOE constraints. Provide a total count of NOE values that do not fit in any of the catagories for specific types of NOE constraints (not the total NOE count) listed above. These might be NOE values from interactions between nuclei within a ligand. 28 A yes/no flag that defines whether pseudoatom corrections have been applied in calculating the NOE restraint statistics. yes/no Enter the total count of NOE values that represent interactions between sequential residues in the biopolymer chain (|i-j| = 1). 379 Total number of unique sequential (|i-j|=1) NOE constraints. Provide the total count of all NOE values used to calculate the conformers. 1423 Total number of unambiguous intermolecular NOE constraints. Total number of unambiguous intramolecular NOE constraints. Total number of unique NOE constraints. Total number of ambiguous dihedral angle constraints Total number of protein chi1 angle constraints 18 Enter the total number of dihedral and torsion angle constraints related to the protein components of the molecular system studied. 236 Total number of protein constraints for other torsion or dihedral angles Total number of other protein constraints Total number of protein phi angle constraints 58 Total number of protein psi angle constraints 58 Total number of ambiguous intermolecular residual dipolar coupling constraints. Total number of ambiguous intramolecular residual dipolar coupling constraints. One bond coupling between alpha carbon and carbonyl carbon 30 One bond coupling between alpha carbon and alpha proton 30 One bond coupling between alpha carbon and amide nitrogen 28 Total number of C to C RDC constraints One bond interesidue coupling between amide nitrogen and carbonyl carbon of previous residue 25 Total number of H to H RDC constraints Two bond interresidue coupling between amide proton and carbonyl carbon of previous residue 25 Four bond interresidue coupling between amide proton and alpha proton of previous residue 25 Three bond intraresidue coupling between amide proton and alpha proton 27 Total number of intermolecular RDC constraints 21 Total number of intraresidue (i-j=0) residual dipolar coupling constraints. Total number of long range (|i-j|>4) and other residual dipolar coupling constraints. Total number of medium range (|i-j|<5) residual dipolar coupling constraints. One bond coupling between amide nitrogen and amide proton 30 Total number of other residual dipolar coupling constraints. Total number of sequential (|i-j|=1) residual dipolar coupling constraints. Total number of all RDC constraints 220 Total number of unambiguous intermolecular residual dipolar coupling constraints. Total number of unambiguous intramolecular residual dipolar coupling constraints. Total number of ambiguous intermolecular ROE constraints. Total number of ambiguous intramolecular ROE constraints. Mothod used to correct for motional averaging in evaluating interproton distances from ROE data. r-3 Method used to evaluate interproton distances from ROE data. Enter the total count of NOE values that represent interactions between atoms within a single residue (amino acid, nucleic acid, or other residue). Enter the total count of 'long-range' NOE values representing interactions between residues distance in the biopolymer sequence (|i-j| > 4) and other NOEs not included in the other counts. Provide the total count of the NOE values that represent interactions between residues defined as 'medium-range' or relatively close in the sequence of the biopolymer chain (|i-j| < 5). For proteins, these NOEs are often used to define secondary structure. Total number of other kinds of ROE constraints. A yes/no flag that defines whether pseudoatom corrections have been applied in calculating the ROE restraint statistics. yes/no Enter the total count of NOE values that represent interactions between sequential residues in the biopolymer chain (|i-j| = 1). Provide the total count of all NOE values used to calculate the conformers. Total number of unambiguous intermolecular ROE constraints. Total number of unambiguous intramolecular ROE constraints. Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. Number of disulfide bonds constrained by experimental values Depositors are strongly encouraged to enter a few statistical parameters describing the constraints used to calculate the deposited conformers. If these data are not available, please check the box provided. After checking the box and clicking on the 'save' button, the fields for entering constraint statistics will not be marked as mandatory and you will be able to complete your depositions without providing this information. yes/no A set of constraint statistics data formatted as ASCII text. The data format used to represent the constraint statistical data as ASCII text in the text block that is the value to the '_Assigned_chem_shift.Text_data' tag. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the reported list of contraint statistics. Items in the constraint_stat_list_ens category record statistical information about the constraints used to calculate the reported ensemble of conformers. Root mean squared deviation calculated over all distance constraint violations. Estimated error in the rmsd calculated over all distance contstraint violations. Root mean squared deviation calculated over the ambiguous intermolecular distance constraint violations for the ensemble of conformers. Estimated error in the rmsd calculated over the ambiguous intermolecular distance constraint violations for the ensemble of conformers. Root mean squared deviation calculated over the ambiguous intramolecular distance constraint violations for the ensemble of conformers. Estimated error in the rmsd calculated over the ambiguous intramolecular distance constraint violations for the ensemble of conformers. Depositors are strongly encouraged to provide a few statistics related to the constraints used to calculate the ensemble of conformers and the conformer ensemble. If the statistics are not available, the box provided can be checked and the constraint statistics page saved. This will remove the mandatory requirement to enter the statistical data. yes/no Root mean squared deviation value for the dihedral angle constraint violations calculated over the ensemble of conformers. Estimated error in the dihedral angle constraint violations calculated over the ensemble of conformers. Method used to calculate the dihedral angle constraint violation statistics. Average dihedral angle constraint violation calculated over the ensemble of conformers. Value for the maximum dihedral angle constratint violation for the ensemble of conformers. 10 Root mean square deviation for the 13C-13C residual dipolar coupling restraints. Root mean square deviation error for the 13C-13C residual dipolar coupling restraints. Root mean square deviation for the 1H-13C residual dipolar coupling restraints. Root mean square deviation error for the 1H-13C residual dipolar coupling restraints. Root mean square deviation for the 1H-15N residual dipolar coupling restraints. Root mean square deviation error for the 1H-15N residual dipolar coupling restraints. Root mean square deviation for the 1H-1H residual dipolar coupling restraints. Root mean square deviation error for the 1H-1H residual dipolar coupling restraints. Value for the average distance constraint violation. 0.02 Value for the maximum distance constraint violation in angstroms. 0.7 Root mean squared deviation calculated over the hydrogen bond constraint violations for the ensemble of conformers. Estimated error in the rmsd calculated over the hydrogen bond constraint violations for the ensemble of conformers. Root mean squared deviation calculated over the intraresidue distance constrant violations for the ensemble of conformers. Estimated error in the rmsd calculated over the intraresidue distance constraint violations for the ensemble of conformers. Root mean squared deviation calculated over the 'long range' distance constraint violations for the ensemble of conformers. Estimated error in the rmsd calculated over the 'long range' distnace constraint violations for the ensemble of conformers. Value for the maximum lower distance constraint violation in angstroms. Root mean squared deviation calculated over the 'sequencial distance constraint violations for the ensemble of conformers. Estimated error in the rmsd calculated over the 'sequencial' distance constraint violations for the ensemble of conformers. Root mean squared deviation calculated over the 'short range' distance constraint violations for the ensemble of conformers. Estimated error in the rmsd calculated over the 'short range' distance constraint violations for the ensemble of conformers. Root mean squared deviation calculated over the unambiguous intermolecular distance constraint violations for the ensemble of conformers. Estimated error in the rmsd calculated over the unambiguous intermolecular distance constraint violations for the ensemble of conformers. Value for the maximum upper distance constraint violation in angstroms. Pointer to '_Constraint_stat_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Items in the constraint_stat_list_rep category record statistical information about the constraints in relation to the reported representative conformer. Root mean squared deviation calculated over the ambiguous intermolecular distance constraint violations for the representative conformer. Estimated error in the rmsd calculated over the ambiguous intermolecular distance constraint violations for the representative conformer. Root mean squared deviation calculated over the ambiguous intramolecular distance constraint violations for the representative conformer. Estimated error in the rmsd calculated over the ambiguous intramolecular distance constraint violations for the representative conformer. Depositors are strongly encouraged to enter statistics regarding the submitted constraints and the coordinates for the deposited representative conformer. Root mean squared deviation value for the dihedral angle constraint violations calculated over the representative conformer. Estimated error in the dihedral angle constraint violations calculated over the representative conformer. Root mean square deviation for the 13C-13C residual dipolar coupling restraints. Root mean square deviation error for the 13C-13C residual dipolar coupling restraints. Root mean square deviation for the 1H-15N residual dipolar coupling restraints. Root mean square deviation error for the 1H-15N residual dipolar coupling restraints. Root mean square deviation for the 1H-13C residual dipolar coupling restraints. Root mean square deviation error for the 1H-13C residual dipolar coupling restraints. Root mean square deviation for the 1H-1H residual dipolar coupling restraints. Root mean square deviation error for the 1H-1H residual dipolar coupling restraints. Value for the maximum distance constraint violation in angstroms. Value for the average distance constraint violation. 0.02 Root mean squared deviation calculated over the hydrogen bond constraint violations for the representative conformer. Estimated error in the rmsd calculated over the hydrogen bond constraint violations for the representative conformer. Root mean squared deviation calculated over the intraresidue distance constrant violations for the representative conformer. Estimated error in the rmsd calculated over the intraresidue distance constraint violations for the representative conformer. Root mean squared deviation calculated over the 'long range' distance constraint violations for the representative conformer. Estimated error in the rmsd calculated over the 'long range' distnace constraint violations for the representative conformer. Value for the maximum lower distance constraint violation in angstroms. Root mean squared deviation calculated over the 'sequencial distance constraint violations for the representative conformer. Estimated error in the rmsd calculated over the 'sequencial' distance constraint violations for the representative conformer. Root mean squared deviation calculated over the 'short range' distance constraint violations for the representative conformer. Estimated error in the rmsd calculated over the 'short range' distance constraint violations for the representative conformer. Root mean squared deviation calculated over the unambiguous intermolecular distance constraint violations for the representative conformer. Estimated error in the rmsd calculated over the unambiguous intermolecular distance constraint violations for the representative conformer. Value for the maximum upper distance constraint violation in angstroms. Pointer to '_Constraint_stat_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Items in the constraint_stats_constr_list category define the sets of constraints used to calculate the statistical values reported. Pointer to a saveframe that contains structural constraint values. Saveframe category for the type of constraints used to calculate the constraint statistics. Pointer to the ID for the saveframe of the category defined by the tag '_Conf_family_coord_set_constr_list.Constraint_list_category'. Pointer to '_Constraint_stat_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Items in the coupling_constant category describe the scalar coupling constants values assigned to specific atoms in a molecular assembly. A code indicating the presence of ambiguity in the assignment of the atom to the coupling constant value. This type of ambiguity can arise for geminal groups like the glycine alpha protons and other methylene groups. A code indicating the presence of ambiguity in the assignment of the atom to the coupling constant value. This type of ambiguity can arise for geminal groups like the glycine alpha protons and other methylene groups. Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' The mass number for the chemical element defined by the tag '_Atom_type' or any of its related tags. The mass number for the chemical element defined by the tag '_Atom_type' or any of its related tags. Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Entity_assembly_ID. An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Entity_assembly_ID. An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 A code that defines the atoms involved in the coupling constant and the number of bonds between the named atoms. The code is generated on the basis of the standard nomenclature for coupling constants used in the NMR community. Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Text providing additional information about the reported coupling constants. Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Scalar coupling constant value Estimated or measured error in the scalar coupling constant value. Maximum estimated value for a scalar coupling constant when a specific value cannot be obtained. Minimum estimated value for a scalar coupling constant when a specific defined value cannot be obtained. Pointer to '_Coupling_constant_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' An integer value that is a unique identifier for the coupling constant value. Items in the coupling_constant_experiment category provide pointers to the NMR experiments and samples used to collect the data for a set of reported scalar coupling constants. Pointer to a saveframe of the category NMR spectrometer experiment. Pointer to '_Sample.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category sample. Physical state of the sample either anisotropic or isotropic. Pointer to '_Coupling_constant_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Experiment.ID' Items in the coupling_constant_list category provide information about a list of reported scalar coupling constant values. The name of the file submitted with this depostion that contains the quantitative data for this saveframe. Text describing the reported coupling constants. Pointer to '_Sample_condition_list.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category sample_conditions. Category assigned to the information in the saveframe. A descriptive label that uniquely identifies this list of reported coupling constants.. The operating proton frequency in MHz of the NMR spectrometer used to collect the data. 600 A set of scalar coupling constant data formatted as ASCII text. The data format used to represent the coupling constant data as ASCII text in the text block that is the value to the '_Coupling_constant_list.Text_data' tag. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' An integer value that uniquely identifies this saveframe of scalar coupling constant values from other saveframes of this category in an entry. Items in the coupling_constant_software category provide pointers to the software category and methods category where descriptions of software applications and methods can be found. Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category method. Pointer to a saveframe of the category software. Pointer to '_Coupling_constant_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Software.ID' Items in the cross_correlation_D_CSA category describe the dipole-chemical shift anisotropy cross-correlation values assigned to a molecular assembly. Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' The mass number for the chemical element defined by the tag '_Atom_type' or any of its related tags. The mass number for the chemical element defined by the tag '_Atom_type' or any of its related tags. Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Entity_assembly_ID. An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Entity_assembly_ID. An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' The mass number for the chemical element defined by the tag '_Atom_type' or any of its related tags. The mass number for the chemical element defined by the tag '_Atom_type' or any of its related tags. Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Entity_assembly_ID. An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Entity_assembly_ID. An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' The cross-correlation dipole-CSA relaxation value. The estimated error in the reported cross-correlation dipole-CSA relaxation value. Pointer to '_Cross_correlation_D_CSA_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the observed cross-correlation value. Items in the cross_correlation_D_CSA_experiment category provide pointers to the NMR experiments and samples used to collect the data for a set of reported cross-correlation dipole chemical shift anisotropy data. Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'NMR_spectrometer_expt' Pointer to '_Sample.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'sample' Physical state of the sample either anisotropic or isotropic. Pointer to '_Cross_correlation_D_CSA_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Experiment.ID' Items in the cross_correlation_D_CSA_list category provide information about a list of reported dipole-chemical shift anisotropy cross correlation values. The name of the file submitted with this depostion that contains the quantitative data for this saveframe. Text describing the reported cross correlation data. Pointer to '_Sample_condition_list.ID' The label for the set of experimental sample conditions used to collect the data for determination of the cross-correlation values. Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. The operating proton frequency in MHz of the NMR spectrometer used to collect the data. 600.1283731 A set of cross-correlation dipole-CSA relaxation data formatted as ASCII text. The data format used to represent the cross-correlation dipole-CSA relaxation data as ASCII text in the text block that is the value to the '_Assigned_chem_shift.Text_data' tag. Units for the cross correlation values reported. s-1 Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the list of cross-correlation values. Items in the cross_correlation_D_CSA_software category provide pointers to the software category and methods category where descriptions of software applications and methods can be found. Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'software' Pointer to '_Cross_correlation_D_CSA_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Software.ID' Items in the cross_correlation_DD category describe the dipole-dipole cross-correlation values assigned to a molecular assembly. Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' The mass number for the chemical element defined by the tag '_Atom_type' or any of its related tags. The mass number for the chemical element defined by the tag '_Atom_type' or any of its related tags. Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Entity_assembly_ID. An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Entity_assembly_ID. An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' The mass number for the chemical element defined by the tag '_Atom_type' or any of its related tags. The mass number for the chemical element defined by the tag '_Atom_type' or any of its related tags. Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Entity_assembly_ID. An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Entity_assembly_ID. An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' The cross-correlation dipole-dipole relaxation value. The estimated error in the reported cross-correlation dipole-dipole relaxation value. Pointer to '_Cross_correlation_DD_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the observed cross-correlation value. Items in the cross_correlation_DD_experiment category provide pointers to the NMR experiments and samples used to collect the data for a set of reported cross-correlation dipole-dipole relaxation values. Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'NMR_spectrometer_expt' Pointer to '_Sample.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'sample' Physical state of the sample either anisotropic or isotropic. Pointer to '_Cross_correlation_DD_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Experiment.ID' Items in the cross_correlation_DD_list category provide information about a list of reported dipole-dipole cross correlation values. The name of the file submitted with this depostion that contains the quantitative data for this saveframe. Text describing the reported cross correlation data. Pointer to '_Sample_condition_list.ID' The label for the set of experimental sample conditions used to collect the data for determination of the cross-correlation values. Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. The operating proton frequency in MHz of the NMR spectrometer used to collect the data. 600.1283731 A set of cross-correlation dipole-dipole relaxation data formatted as ASCII text. The data format used to represent the cross-correlation dipole-dipole relaxation data as ASCII text in the text block that is the value to the '_Cross_correlation_DD_list.Text_data' tag. Units for the cross correlation values reported. s-1 Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the list of cross-correlation values. Items in the cross_correlation_DD_software category provide pointers to the software category and methods category where descriptions of software applications and methods can be found. Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'software' Pointer to '_Cross_correlation_DD_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Software.ID' Items in the CS_anisotropy category describe the chemical shift anisotropy values assigned to specific atoms in a molecular assembly. Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' The mass number for the chemical element defined by the tag '_Atom_type' or any of its related tags. The value for this tag is a standard IUPAC abbreviation for an element (i.e., H, C, P, etc). An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Entity_assembly_ID. An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 Value for the bond length Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Value for alpha Euler angle. Value for the beta Euler angle. Value for the gamma Euler angle. Value for the first diagonal element for the principal matrix. Value for the second diagonal element for the principal matrix. Value for the third diagonal element for the principal matrix. Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Chemical shift anisotropy value Estimated error in the chemical shift anisotropy value Pointer to '_Chem_shift_anisotropy.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the observed chemical shift anisotropy. Items in the CS_anisotropy_experiment category provide pointers to the NMR experiments and samples used to collect the data for a set of reported chemical shift anisotropy data. Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'NMR_spectrometer_expt' Pointer to '_Sample.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'sample' Physical state of the sample either anisotropic or isotropic. Pointer to '_Chem_shift_anisotropy.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Experiment.ID' Items in the CS_anisotropy_software category provide pointers to the software category and methods category where descriptions of software applications and methods can be found. Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'software' Pointer to '_Chem_shift_anisotropy.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Software.ID' Items in the D_H_fract_factor_experiment category provide pointers to the NMR experiments and samples used to collect the data for a set of reported D/H fractionation factors. Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'NMR_spectrometer_expt' Pointer to '_Sample.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'sample' Physical state of the sample either anisotropic or isotropic. Pointer to '_D_H_fractionation_factor_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Experiment.ID' Items in the D_H_fract_factor_software category provide pointers to the software category and methods category where descriptions of software applications and methods can be found. Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'software' Pointer to '_D_H_fractionation_factor_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Software.ID' Items in the D_H_fractionation_factor category describe the deuterium/hydrogen fractionation factor values for a molecular assembly. Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' The value for this tag is a standard IUPAC abbreviation for an element (i.e., H, C, P, etc). An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Entity_assembly_ID. An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Deuterium-hydrogen fractionation factor value. Estimated error in the reported deuterium-hydrogen fractionation factor value. Pointer to '_D_H_fractionation_factor_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the observed deuterium/hydrogen fractionation factor. Items in the D_H_fractionation_factor_list category provide information about a list of reported deuterium/hydrogen fractionation factor values. The name of the file submitted with this depostion that contains the quantitative data for this saveframe. Text describing the reported deuterium/hydrogen fractionation factors. Pointer to '_Sample_condition_list.ID' The label for the set of experimental sample conditions used to collect the data for determination of the D/H fractionation factors. Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. A set of deuterium-hydrogen fractionation factor data formatted as ASCII text. The data format used to represent the deuterium-proton fractionation factor data as ASCII text in the text block that is the value to the '_D_H_fractionation_factor_list.Text_data' tag. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the list of reported deuterium/hydrogen fractionation factors. Items in the data_set category define the kinds of data and the number of data sets for each kind of data in the entry. The integer number of saveframes in the entry that are of the type given by the value to the tag '_Saveframe_category_type' in this loop. 2 Pointer to '_Entry.ID' The saveframe category type that contain quantitative data of the kind that is summarized in this table. The enumerated list for this tag is a subset of the full list of saveframe categories available in constructing an NMR-STAR file. assigned_chemical_shifts Items in the datum category define the types of datum in the entry and the quantity of each type. An integer representing the total number of values of the type defined by the value to the tag '_Data_type' found in all saveframes in the current entry. 981 Pointer to '_Entry.ID' A type of quantitative data found in the entry. 1H chemical shifts Items in the decoupling_pulse_sequence category define the parameters of a NMR pulse sequence used to decouple the magnetization between nuclei. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Name for a decoupling pulse sequence. Pointer to '_NMR_spec_expt.ID' Specific time period during the full pulse sequence where the decoupling pulse sequence is applied. Items in the deduced_H_bond category define the hydrogen bonds that have been deduced to exist in a molecular structure from the experimental data provided in an entry. Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID'. The atom designated is the one that is donating the proton in the hydrogen bond. A value that indicates the certainty with which this hydrogen bond is believed to exist. Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Entity_assembly_ID. An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Entity_assembly_ID. An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Entity_assembly_ID. An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Deduced_H_bond_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the hydrogen bond deduced from experimental data. Items in the deduced_H_bond_experiment category provide pointers to the NMR experiments and samples used to derive the data. Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'NMR_spectrometer_expt' Pointer to '_Sample.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'sample' Physical state of the sample either anisotropic or isotropic. Pointer to '_Deduced_H_bond_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Experiment.ID' Items in the deduced_H_bond_list category provide information about a list of reported hydrogen bonds deduced from experimental data and not from a calculated structure. The name of the file submitted with this depostion that contains the quantitative data for this saveframe. Text providing additional information regarding the hydrogen bonds. Pointer to '_Sample_condition_list.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'sample_conditions' Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. A set of hydrogen bond data formatted as ASCII text. The data format used to represent the deduced hydrogen bond data as ASCII text in the text block that is the value to the '_Deduced_H_bond_list.Text_data' tag. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the list of reported hydrogen bonds deduced from experimental data. Items in the deduced_H_bond_software category provide pointers to the software category and methods category where descriptions of software applications and methods can be found. Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'software' Pointer to '_Deduced_H_bond_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Software.ID' Items in the deduced_secd_struct_experiment category provide pointers to the NMR experiments and samples used to derive the data. Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'NMR_spectrometer_expt' Pointer to '_Sample.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'sample' Physical state of the sample either anisotropic or isotropic. Pointer to '_Deduced_secd_struct_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Experiment.ID' Items in the deduced_secd_struct_exptl describe secondary structure elements and their orientations determined experimentally. An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. Code that defines the type of secondary structural element. Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Text providing additional information regarding the secondary structure element. Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Name assigned to the secondary structural element. helix A Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' The angle between the axis of+BA1528 a helical structural element and the static field (Bo) for a solid state sample. Pointer to '_Deduced_secd_struct_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' An integer value that uniquely defines the secondary structure in the list. Items in the deduced_secd_struct_feature category define the kinds of secondary structure features that have been deduced to exist from the experimental data in an entry. Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Entity_assembly_ID. An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 Enter a name for this secondary structure element A value defining the assignment of the chemical component to a secondary structure feature. Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' A value that indicates the certainty with which this secondary structure feature has been determined. Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Spin_system.ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Deduced_secd_struct_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the reported secondary structure feature. Items in the deduced_secd_struct_list category provide information about a list of reported secondary structure elements deduced from experimental data and not from a calculated structure. The name of the file submitted with this depostion that contains the quantitative data for this saveframe. Text providing additional information about the set of secondary structural elements and their derivation. Text providing additional information about the values assigned to specific residues in the secondary structures. Pointer to '_Sample_condition_list.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'sample_conditions' Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. A set of secondary structure data formatted as ASCII text. The data format used to represent the secondary structure data as ASCII text in the text block that is the value to the '_Deduced_secd_struct_list.Text_data' tag. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the list of reported secondary structure features. Items in the deduced_secd_struct_software category provide pointers to the software category and methods category where descriptions of software applications and methods can be found. Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'software' Pointer to '_Deduced_secd_struct_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Software.ID' Items in the dipolar_coupling category describe the dipolar coupling values assigned to specific atoms in a molecular assembly. A code indicating ambiguity that may exist in the assignment of the atom to the dipolar coupling constant. A code indicating ambiguity that may exist in the assignment of the atom to the dipolar coupling constant. Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' The mass number for the chemical element defined by the tag '_Atom_type' or any of its related tags. The mass number for the chemical element defined by the tag '_Atom_type' or any of its related tags. Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Entity_assembly_ID. An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Entity_assembly_ID. An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' A community standard code used to describe the type of observed residual dipolar coupling. Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Value for the principal Euler angle alpha. Value for the principal Euler angle beta. Value for the principal Euler angle gamma. Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Dipolar coupling value Estimated error in the dipolar coupling value Estimated maximum value for the dipolar coupling constant when a specific value cannot be obtained. Estimated minimum value for the dipolar coupling when a specific value cannot be obtained. Pointer to '_Dipolar_coupling_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the observed residual dipolar coupling. Items in the dipolar_coupling_experiment category provide pointers to the NMR experiments and samples used to collect the data for a set of reported dipolar coupling values. Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'NMR_spectrometer_expt' Pointer to '_Sample.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'sample' Physical state of the sample either anisotropic or isotropic. Pointer to '_Dipolar_coupling_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Experiment.ID' Items in the dipolar_coupling_list category provide information about a list of reported dipolar coupling values. The name of the file submitted with this depostion that contains the quantitative data for this saveframe. Additional information regarding the Dipolar coupling data set can be entered in this field. Procedure used to fit the data in deriving the dipolar coupling values. Pointer to '_Sample_condition_list.ID' The label for the set of experimental sample conditions used to collect the data for determination of the residual dipolar coupling values. Scaling factor used in deriving the dipolar coupling values. Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. The operating proton frequency in MHz of the NMR spectrometer used to collect the data. 600.1283731 A set of dipolar coupling data formatted as ASCII text. The data format used to represent the dipolar coupling data as ASCII text in the text block that is the value to the '_Dipolar_coupling.Text_data' tag. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the list of observed residual dipolar couplings. Items in the dipolar_coupling_software category provide pointers to the software category and methods category where descriptions of software applications and methods can be found. Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'software' Pointer to '_Dipolar_coupling_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Software.ID' Items in the dipole_dipole_relax category describe the dipole-dipole relaxation values assigned to a molecular assembly. Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' The mass number for the chemical element defined by the tag '_Atom_type' or any of its related tags. The mass number for the chemical element defined by the tag '_Atom_type' or any of its related tags. Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Entity_assembly_ID. An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Entity_assembly_ID. An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' The dipole-dipole relaxation value. The estimated error in the reported dipole-dipole relaxation value. Pointer to '_Dipole_dipole_relax_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the observed dipole-dipole relaxation value. Items in the dipole_dipole_relax_experiment category provide pointers to the NMR experiments and samples used to collect the data for a set of reported dipole-dipole relaxation values. Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'NMR_spectrometer_expt' Pointer to '_Sample.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'sample' Physical state of the sample either anisotropic or isotropic. Pointer to '_Dipole_dipole_relax_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Experiment.ID' Items in the dipole_dipole_relax_list category provide information about a list of reported dipole-dipole relaxation values. The name of the file submitted with this depostion that contains the quantitative data for this saveframe. Text describing the reported dipole-dipole relaxation data. Pointer to '_Sample_condition_list.ID' The label for the set of experimental sample conditions used to collect the data for determination of the dipole-dipole relaxation values. Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. The operating proton frequency in MHz of the NMR spectrometer used to collect the data. 600.1283731 A set of dipole-dipole relaxation data formatted as ASCII text. The data format used to represent the dipole-dipole relaxation data as ASCII text in the text block that is the value to the '_Dipole_dipole_relax_list.Text_data' tag. The units used for the reported dipole-dipole relaxation values. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the list of Dipole-dipole relaxation values. Items in the dipole_dipole_relax_software category provide pointers to the software category and methods category where descriptions of software applications and methods can be found. Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'software' Pointer to '_Dipole_dipole_relax_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Software.ID' Items in the dist_constr_software_setting category provide a list of parameters and their values used in carrying out a structure calculation with the distance constraints provided. The value range assigned to the software parameter, if range is appropriate. The value assigned to the software parameter, if a single value is appropriate. Pointer to '_Distance_constraint_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Software.ID' A code or name for the parameter in the software package. Items in the dist_constraint category define the atoms associated with a specific distance constraint value. Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' The mass number for the chemical element defined by the tag '_Atom_type' or any of its related tags. The value for this tag is a standard IUPAC abbreviation for an element (i.e., H, C, P, etc). An alternative identifier for Asym_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Asym_ID. This item is provided as a place holder for information extracted from distance constraint files generated by various software applications. An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number. 2 An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Unique identifier for a member of the constraint node Fractional contribution of the constraint Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Distance_constraint_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Dist_constraint_tree.Constraint_ID' Pointer to '_Dist_constraint_tree.Node_ID' Items in the dist_constraint_comment_org category provide original comments extracted from constraint files containing distance constraint values. The column in the distance constraint file where the comment begins. The line in the distance constraint file where the comment begins. The column in the distance constraint file where the comment ends. The line in the distance constraint file where the comment ends. The text of the comment parsed from the distance constraint file. Pointer to '_Distance_constraint_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' An integer value that uniquely identifies the comment extracted from the distance constraint file. Items in the dist_constraint_conv_err category describe errors that occurred in converting the constraints to normalize the data with the atomic coordinates. Text providing additional information regarding a converion error. Type of constraint conversion error. Pointer to '_Dist_constraint_parse_file.ID' Identifier for the constraint in the parse file that produced a conversion error. Pointer to '_Distance_constraint_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' An integer value that uniquely identifies the conversion error. Items in the dist_constraint_parse_err category define the content and position of a segment of a distance constraint file that could not be parsed into NMR-STAR format. The column in the distance constraint file where the parse error began. The line in the distance constraint file where the parse error began. The text content of the parse error. The column in the distance constraint file where the parse error ended. The line in the distance constraint file where the parse error ended. Pointer to '_Distance_constraint_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' An integer value that uniquely identifies the error that occurred in parsing the distance constaint file. Items in the dist_constraint_parse_file category define the files parsed to generate the NMR-STAR file. Name of the file from which the distance constraints were parsed. Pointer to '_Distance_constraint_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' An integer that uniquely defines the file from other files in the list. Items in the dist_constraint_tree define the ambiguity in assigning distance constraints to specific atom pairs. ID of first sibling down. 0 means no node below. 1 Name can be given here, and the function in _Function_detail means the node does not have logic information. OR ID of another sibling to the right. 0 means no node to the right. 1 Unique identifier for the constraint in the list of constraints contained in one save frame. Pointer to '_Distance_constraint_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Nodes with logic only do not need to be listed here. Combined atoms into pseudo atoms (e.g. LEU QG for all 6 protons) is preferred to keep this loop limited. 1 Items in the dist_constraint_value category define the value and error for the distance constraints used to calculate a three-dimensional molecular structure. The value of the lower bound for the distance constraint. 2 The value of the upper bound for the distance constraint. 4 A single value assigned to the distance constraint. 3 Intensity lower val err Intensity upper val err Intensity val Pointer to '_Experiment.ID'. This value links the reported constraint to the experiment used to derive the data used to define the constraint. Pointer to '_Peak.ID' Pointer to '_Spectral_peak_list.ID' Pointer to '_Dist_constraint_tree.Constraint_ID' Pointer to '_Distance_constraint_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Dist_constraint_tree.Node_ID' Items in the distance_constraint_expt category provide pointers to the NMR experiments and samples used to collect the data for a set of reported distance constraints. Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'NMR_spectrometer_expt' Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to '_Sample.ID' Sample(s) used in deriving the data Physical state of the sample either anisotropic or isotropic. Pointer to '_Distance_constraint_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Experiment.ID' Items in the distance_constraint_list category provide information about a list of reported distance constraint values. Pointer to '_Constraint_file.Block_ID' Pointer to '_Constraint_file.ID' The type of reported distance constraint. NOE Name of the uploaded file that contains the distance constraint data. Text description providing additional information about the reported distance constraints. Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. A set of order parameter data formatted as ASCII text. The data format used to represent the order parameter data as ASCII text in the text block that is the value to the '_Distance_constraint_list.Text_data' tag. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the list of reported distance constraints. Items in the distance_constraint_software category provide pointers to the software category and methods category where descriptions of software applications and methods can be found. Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'software' Pointer to '_Distance_constraint_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Software.ID' NOT AVAILABLE A text description of the experiment. Pointer to '_EMR_instrument.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of category 'EMR_instrument'. Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Name for the electron magnetic resonance experiment. The volume of the sample used. The units of the measure for the volume of the sample. Category assigned to the information in the saveframe. A label that uniquely identifies the EMR experiment from other EMR experiments listed in the entry. Pointer to '_Software.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category software. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for each experiment listed. NOT AVAILABLE A text description of the EMR instrument. Name of the company or other entity that built the EMR instrument. The name or acronym used to describe the model of the EMR instrument. Unique code assigned to a specific EMR instrument by the manufacturer. Category assigned to the information in the saveframe. A label that uniquely identifies the EMR instrument from other EMR instruments listed in the entry. The type of EMR instrument used. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' A value that uniquely identifies the EMR instrument from other EMR instruments listed in the entry. Items in the energetic_penalty_function category provide descriptions for the energy penalty functions used in calculating the reported family of conformers. Text providing additional infromation about the energy penalty function. Pointer to '_Conformer_family_coord_set.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Energy penalty function applied in calculating a family of conformers. Items in the entity category describe the characteristics of a molecular entity (protein, nucleic acid, polycarbohydrate, cofactor, ligand, inhibitor, etc.) A boolean flag that indicates the presence or absence of multiple conformational states for specific chemical components of the entity. no A boolean flag to indicate the presence of multiple conformational states for the entity that have not been clearly defined. no A code for the entity that uniquely identifies the entity within a library of entities maintained at BMRB. The theoretical isoelectric point for the entity. Last date that a query was conducted to locate entries in databases that are related to this molecular entity. Last date that the table of related database entries was last updated. Text providing additional details regarding this entity. Enzyme Commission number Formula mass in daltons of the entity. Experimentally determined formula weight for the molecular entity. Method used to experimentally determine the formula weight for the molecular entity. Entity fragment description(s). replicase operator hairpin Details about any entity mutation(s). C280S A brief name commonly used for the entity. Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category chem_comp. A boolean flag that indicates the presence or absence of non-standard chiral atoms in the entity. no A flag indicating the presence or absence of non-standard linkages between monomers in the biopolymer. no A boolean flag that indicates the presence (N) or absence (Y) of non-standard chemical components in the entity. yes The number of chemical components that make up a polymer entity. 156 Non-polymer compounds like ATP or NAD may be comprised of more than one chemical component. If you want to describe each of the components in the non-polymer enter the number of components that exist in the non-polymer entity. 4 A boolean flag that indicates the paramagnetic state of the entity. Pointer to '_Entity.ID' The author may provide a numbering scheme for a biopolymer that is different from that defined by the public databases. This scheme may contain non-sequential numbering and the use of alphabetic characters. 3,K<BR>3a,S<BR>5,A A text description of the sequence for this entity. Residues 1-8 represent a non-native affinity tag<BR>This is the cytoplasmic globular domain of a membrane protein A code that indicates the common type of polymer to which the entity belongs. protein The sequence of a polymer entity expressed using the one-letter code for standard residues and an X for non-standard residues. HHHHHHAFGCRESWQAKCLPHNMVIXSDF The sequence of a polymer entity expressed using only the standard one-letter code for chemical components. The PDB strand/chain id(s) corresponding to this polymer entity. A Entity polymer types include protein, DNA, RNA, DNA/RNA hybrids, and carbohydrates. polypeptide(L) Additional information about the polymer type. The polypeptide contains two D-amino acids at positions 6 and 10 Category assigned to the information in the saveframe. A descriptive label that uniquely identifies this entity from all other chemically unique entities in the molecular assembly studied. HIV protease polypeptide The method by which the sample for the entity was produced. Entities isolated directly from natural sources (tissues, soil samples, etc.) are expected to have further information in the entity natural source category. Entities isolated from genetically manipulated sources are expected to have further information in the entity experimental source category. The TargetDB ID for the protein in the molecular system studied. 356560 A keyword that describes the state of the thiol groups in the entity. all disulfide bound Entities are of two types polymer or non-polymer. polymer Pointer to '_Entry.ID' An integer value that is the unique identifier for the entity within the entry. Items in the entity_assembly category identify each molecule in the molecular assembly. Pointer to '_Struct_asym.ID' A A flag indicating whether the component of the system is in chemical exchange with another component of the system. no A flag indicating whether the component of the system is a conformational isomer of another component of the system. yes Text information describing the component of the assembly that is pertinent to the component as found in the assembly. Specific details about the entity are given in the entity category. The bound ATP is in slow exchange with the free form Name for this molecular component of the molecular assembly subunit 1 Pointer to '_Entity.ID' This value points to the section of the entry where the chemical description is given for all assembly components of this type. For a homodimer a chemical description of the monomer is given only once and is pointed to by this value although the assembly contains two monomers. HIV protease polypeptide A flag indicating whether experimental data for a specific component of the assembly is reported. yes Unique identifier for the group of assembly components within the assembly that are magnetically equivalent in that only one set of NMR peaks are observed for the group. 1 PDB chain ID. A An enumerated list of descriptive terms used to define the conformational state of the component of the assembly. native The function of the asembly component within the assembly. catalytic unit Pointer to '_Assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for each component in the entity assembly. 1 NOT AVAILABLE Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.Sf_ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' The value of '_Entity_atom_list.ID' must uniquely identify an atom in the entity. Items in the entity_biological_function category describe the biological function of the molecular entity. A specific function carried out by the molecular entity in its native biological system. electron transport; protease; kinase Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Items in the entity_bond category define chemical bonds that are unique to the entity. Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' A text description of the bond. A common chemical bond descriptive name. The value that should be taken as the target for the chemical bond associated with the specified atoms expressed as a bond order. Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' The value of attribute id in category Entity_bond must uniquely identify a record in the Entity_bond list. NOT AVAILABLE Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.Sf_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Items in the entity_chimera_segment category describe the beginning and ending points of the two segments of a biopolymer that form the hybrid biopolymer. Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Text providing additional information about the fragment from the molecular entity. Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' 25 Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' 78 Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' The value of '_Entity_chimera_segment.ID' must uniquely identify a record in the Entity_fragment list. 1 Items in the entity_citation category provide pointers to citations save frames where citations that describe the entity are defined. Pointer to a saveframe of the category citation. citation 1 Pointer to '_Citation.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Items in the entity_common_name category provide a list of common names for the molecular entity. Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' A name commonly used in the literature to refer to this biopolymer. This may be a full name or an abbreviation. Rnase A code defining the type of the common name provided. abbreviation Items in the entity_comp_index category provide a consistent numbering system for the moieties (amino acid residues, nucleotides, monosaccharides, or other chemical components) that are linked together through chemical bonds to form either a polymer or a non-polymer entity. Author supplied sequence number identifying the position in the sequence of the polymer where the alternate residue or chemical compound is located. Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category chem_comp. Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique ID for the compound in the entity Items in the entity_comp_index_alt category define an alternate residue numbering scheme for the an entity. Author supplied sequence number identifying the position in the sequence of the polymer where the alternate residue or chemical compound is located. 27 Pointer to a saveframe of the category chem_comp. ALA Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' ALA Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' 35 Pointer to '_Entity.ID' 1 Pointer to '_Entry.ID' 6021 Items in the entity_db_link provide the names of databases and accession numbers for entries in the databases that are related to a molecular entity and information about the link entry. A code indicating that the link to a related database was provided by an author (yes) or obtained through another method (no). yes Code indicating if the listed database link is specific to the fragment of the entity described by the tag '_Entity.Fragment'. Text providing additional information about the matching entry. For structural databases, the method used to determine the structure. Code assigned by the database to the molecule in the database entry. Name of the molecular entity in the database entry. Cyt c A brief description of how the database entry is related to the molecular entity. A value taken from the database that is a measure of the quality of the structure. An integer value used to maintain the order of the rows in the entity DB loop when reading and writing NMR-STAR files. The sequence position in the database sequence at which the alignment with the sequence of the biopolymer studied begins. 10 The sequence position in the database sequence at which the alignment with the sequence of the biopolymer studied. 95 Text describing the alignment between the matched polymer sequences. Text describing the differences in the sequences for the matched polymers. The BLAST expectation value for the homology between the retrieved polymer and the molecular entity. Number of residues in the retrieved sequence that have identical positions in the molecular entity determined by a homology alignment method. Number of residues in the retrieved sequence where the corresponding residue in the molecular entity sequence has similar physical characteristics (hydrophobicity, charge, etc.) In percent, the ratio of the length of retrieve sequence to the length of the sequence of the molecular entity. This value can be used to determine if the retrieved sequence is a subset or superset of the molecular entity. Length of the polymer sequence retrieve from the database. Accession code for the entry in the database. P09020 Code assigned to a database. SWS Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Items in the entity_deleted_atom category define the atoms that are deleted from molecular entities when intermolecular bonds are formed to construct the molecular assembly. Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Entity_assembly_ID. An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_atom_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num'. Pointer to '_Assembly.Sf_ID' Pointer to '_Assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the listed deleted atom. Items in the entity_experimental_src category describe the biological system or other means used to produce a molecular entity for experimental purposes. Pointer to '_Citation.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'citation.' The citation would describe how, for example, the vector was constructed and the host organism picked. Additional information relevant to the data in the current saveframe or to a specific data item is entered as a value to this tag. The information entered must supplement information already present. Whenever possible data should associated with specific data tags and not included in the value to a '_Details' tag. Pointer to '_Entity_chimera_segment.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'entity.' This is the label assigned to the molecular entity by the author when completing the molecular entity portion of the deposition. lysozyme Organism culture number defined in the American Type Culture Collection. 27355 The name for the cell line used in producing the biopolymer. hela Specific type of cell if used to produce the biopolymer. Identifies the location inside (or outside) the cell which expressed the molecule. Proteins may be excreted from a production host or produced in the periplasmic space as opposed to the cytoplasm. cytoplasm Culture collection of the expression system. Additional information or comments regarding the host organism. A string to indicate the life-cycle or cell development cycle in which the gene is expressed and the mature protein is active. Specific gene which expressed the molecule. HIV-1 pol Genus of the host organism Escherichia Common name for the organism used as a host in producing a biopolymer. E. coli Unique ID assigned by the NCBI to organisms. Cell lines used as hosts in producing macromolecules often originate from a particular organ (e.g. chinese hamster ovary cells). If this is true for the system used in this study please enter the name of the organ that was the source for the cell line used. Specific organelle which expressed the molecule. mitochondria The scientific name of the organism that served as host for the production of the entity. Escherichia coli Scientific name for the species of the organism as defined by NCBI taxonomists whenever possible. coli The scientific name for the strain of an organism. K12 In the hierarchy of organism nomenclature, the name or code designating a subvariant of the organism used to express the entity. These may specific hosts designed with mutations to knock out proteases or other enzymes deleterious to the production of the entity. The tissue from an organism that is the natural or experimental source of the molecule. The fraction of the tissue which expressed the molecule. Name used to classify the variant of an organism. The name of a vector used to insert a gene into a eukaryotic host to express the biopolymer used in the experiments. baculovirus The name of a plasmid used in a bacterial system to generate the protein or nucleic acid used in the experiments. pBR322 The laboratory method used to obtain the biopolymers studied. recombinant technology Text comments regarding the vector used to produce the biopolymer. Name given to the vector used to insert a gene into a host organism. pBR322 The kind of biological object used to insert a gene into a host organism for the production of a biological molecule studied in the entry. 'plasmid' Commercial or academic vendor that supplied the defined item. Aldrich Pointer to '_Entity_experimental_src_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' An integer value that uniquely identifies each experimental source in the list of experimental sources. Items in the entity_experimental_src_list category define an entity experimental source save frame. Category assigned to the information in the saveframe. The framecode for the save frame where the experimental sources for each entity are listed. Pointer to '_Entry.ID'. An integer value that uniquely identifies one Entity_experimental_src saveframe from all other saveframes of this category. Items in the entity_keyword category provide a list of keywords that describe a molecular entity. Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' A single word or very brief phrase that characterizes the molecular entity. Items in the entity_natural_src category describe the organism, virus, or other naturally occurring object that is the original source for a molecular entity or a major portion of a molecular entity. Organism culture number defined in the American Type Culture Collection. 27355 Name the specific line of cells used in the experiment. 4-4-20 murine-murine hybridoma Identify the particular kind of cell. B-lymphocyte The cellular location where the molecular entity is found with in the natural source for the molecular entity. cytoplasm Pointer to '_Citation.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category citation. The molecular entity or biopolymer is common to more than one natural source. Give any other remarks or comments on the biological source which may be relevant. German collection of microorganisms (DSM) For molecular entities that are present in an organism only at a define stage in the development of the organism, the stage they are present. Pointer to '_Entity_chimera_segment.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'entity.' This is the label assigned to the molecular entity by the author when completing the molecular entity portion of the deposition. lysozyme Indicate cellular location here such as cytoplasm periplasm extracellular etc. cytoplasm A domain or fragment of the molecule. Name of the gene that is the source of the biopolymer tmoC Genus for the natural organism Saccharomyces ICTV database decimal code for a virus Kingdom classifications for an organism as defined by NCBI taxonomists. Metazoa NCBI taxonomy ID 9606 The organ of a higher organism where the biopolymer is found in nature. pancreas Organized structure within a cell. mitochondria A common acronym used to identify the organism. Common name used for the biological organism. baker's yeast Scientific name for the organism. Usually a combination of the genus and species for the organism. Homo sapiens The name for a plasmid that naturally contains the gene for the biopolymer. PPED5-399 Text details describing the plasmid that is the natural source for the molecular entity. If the molecule was isolated from a particular secretion such as saliva urine or venom this is stated here. venom Scientific name for the species of the organism as defined by NCBI taxonomists whenever possible. cerevisiae The scientific name for the strain of an organism. gm3c2; BH10 isolate Name used to define a subvariant of an organism. Scientific superkingdom classification for an organism as defined by NCBI taxonomists. Eukaryota The tissue from an organism that is the natural or experimental source of the molecule. muscle The fraction of the tissue that was used as the source of the molecular entity. The general type of natural source for the entity or an indication if no natural source or multiple natural sources. organism Name used to classify the variant of an organism. BRU isolate Pointer to '_Entity_natural_src_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' An integer value that uniquely identifies the natural source provided. Items in the entity_natural_src_list category define an entity natural source save frame. Category assigned to the information in the saveframe. Framecode for the save frame where the natural sources for each entity are listed. Pointer to '_Entry.ID'. An integer value that is the unique identifier for saveframes of the type 'natural_source'. Data items in the entity_poly_seq category specify the sequence of monomers in a polymer. Allowance is made for the possibility of microheterogeneity in a sample by allowing a given sequence number to be correlated with more than one monomer ID. The corresponding ATOM_SITE entries should reflect this heterogeneity. Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' A flag to indicate whether this monomer in the polymer is heterogeneous in sequence. This would be rare. This data item is a pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' in the chem_comp category. Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' The value of '_Entity_poly_seq.Num must uniquely and sequentially identify a record in the Entiy_poly_seq list. Note that this item must be a number and that the sequence numbers must progress in increasing numerical order. Items in the entity_purity category define the purity of a molecular entity in a sample. Text describing the reported purity values and measurements. Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category entity. Technique used to determine the purity of the molecule. mass spectrometry Pointer to '_Sample.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category sample. Purity value Units for the reported purity value. Pointer to '_Entity_purity_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' An integer value that uniquely identifies the purity value in the table of reported purity values in the entry. Items in the entity_purity_citation provide links to the citations category where literature references can be found. Pointer to a saveframe of the category citation. Pointer to '_Citation.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_purity_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Items in the entity_purity_list category define a unique set of information about the purity of molecular entities in samples used to collect experimental data. Text providing additional information describing the purity of the molecules reported. Category assigned to the information in the saveframe. A descriptive label for this set of molecule purity values. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' An integer value that uniquely identifies this saveframe from other saveframes in the entry of the same category. Items in the entity_systematic_name category provide a list of systematic names for a molecular entity and the systematic naming system. A name for the biopolymer that has been defined by an official body or is derived from rules defined by an official organization recognized by the scientific community. Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' An official method of nomenclature or defined set of nomenclature for biopolymers recognized by the scientific community. Enzyme Commission Items in the entry category describe an entry. Date BMRB accession number was assigned to the entry. 1999-07-04 The name of the disk directory where data is stored at BMRB. An optional text description of the entry used to provide additional information above that given as values to other items in the entry. The experimental method used to gather the data in the entry is given as the value to this tag. NMR Enter the type of NMR method used (e.g., solution, solid-state (powder), theoretical, etc.). Solution Date the current version of th entry was released. 2002-01-12 Version of NMR-STAR in which the current entry is formatted. 2.1.1 Version of NMR-STAR in which the original entry was generated. 1 Date the entry was originally released. 2002-03-21 The value to this tag defines who entered the original data into the database. Entries taken from the literature and entered by BMRB staff are marked 'BMRB.' Entries supplied by authors are marked 'author' and entries taken from the PDB will be marked 'PDB.' author Category assigned to the information in the saveframe. entry_information STAR framecode for this saveframe. The value is defined as 'entry_information' for the entry information saveframe in each entry. entry_information Date the entry was submitted to BMRB. 1999-07-03 A descriptive title for the entry. Something similar to the title of a scientific paper. Backbone 1H, 13C, and 15N Chemical Shift Assignments for Lysozyme Defines whether the current version of the entry is the original version or an updated version. original BMRB accession number for this entry 4181 Items in the entry_author category define the names of the authors of an entry. The family name of the author. Stevenson A common family title (not a professional title). Jr. Initial of the author's first name. A. The name given the author at birth or currently used by the author for publication purposes. Can be an initial if the author uses a second name as a full name when publishing. Adlai The initials for the author's middle names. A name can be used here if the author uses a middle name for publications. T.L. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Integer value defining the position of the author's name in the list of authors. 1 Items in the entry_src category describe the organization that is the source of the data in an entry. Name of the organization (company, research laboratory, etc.) that carried out the research reported in the entry. Wuthrich group; ETH Laboratory title or name or acronym for the organization where the research was conducted. More than one organization can be provided. NESGC Name of the project under which the data reported in an entry was sponsored or funded. This might be the title for a grant funding the research or the name of the overall project defined by a granting agency. NIH Protein Structure Initiative Pointer to '_Entry.ID' A unique integer identifier for this organization or project within the entry. 1 Items in the experiment category define the experiments carried out and the samples, sample conditions, and if relevant NMR spectrometer used in the experiment. Pointer to '_Chromatographic_column.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of category 'chromatographic_column'. Pointer to '_Chromatographic_system.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of category 'chromatographic_system'. Pointer to '_EMR_expt.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of category 'EMR_expt'. Pointer to '_EMR_instrument.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of category 'EMR_instrument'. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Experiment_list.ID' Pointer to '_Fluorescence_instrument.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of category 'fluorescence_instrument'. Pointer to '_FRET_expt.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of category 'FRET_expt'. Pointer to '_Mass_spec.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of category 'Mass_spectrometer'. Pointer to '_MS_expt.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of category 'MS_expt'. Names for NMR experiments commonly found in the literature. 1H-15N HSQC Pointer to '_NMR_spec_expt.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of category 'NMR_spectrometer_expt'. Pointer to '_NMR_spectral_processing.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of category 'NMR_spectral_processing'. Pointer to '_NMR_spectrometer.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of category 'NMR_spectrometer'. Pointer to '_NMR_spectrometer_probe.ID' Pointer to saveframe of category 'NMR_spectrometer_probe' The kind of NMR sample tube used to hold the sample during the NMR experiment. The value for this tag is a flag to indicate if time-domain (raw) NMR data have been deposited for this experiment. yes The angle at which the sample was positioned in the NMR spectrometer during the NMR experiment. Pointer to '_Sample_condition_list.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of category 'sample_conditions'. sample_conditions_1 Pointer to '_Sample.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of category 'sample''. sample_1 The rate at which the sample was spun while in the NMR spectrometer during the NMR experiment. Physical state of the sample (anisotropic or isotropic for solution studies and solid for solid-state studies). isotropic The volume of the sample used. The units of the measure for the volume of the sample. Pointer to '_SAXS_expt.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of category 'SAXS_expt'. Pointer to '_Xray_instrument.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of category 'Xray_instrument'. Unique identifier for each experiment listed. NOT AVAILABLE Text providing additional information regarding the computer file. The directory path where the computer file is located. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Experiment_list.ID' The type of computer file that has information related to the experiment. Pointer to '_Experiment.ID' The name of a computer file containing information related to the experiment. Items in the experiment_list category provide meta data about a set of experiments used to collect the data provided in an entry. Text providing further information describing the NMR experiment(s) listed. The structure was determined using a combination of NOE and residual dipolar coupling data. Category assigned to the information in the saveframe. Descriptive label used to uniquely identify the NMR experiment list within the entry. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the list of NMR experiments. Items in the floating_chirality category define the atoms whose chirality was allowed to float in a structure determination. Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. An alternative identifier for Asym_ID that may be provided by an author. An alternative identifier for Asym_ID that may be provided by an author. An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number. 2 An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number. 2 An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Code used to define the type of stereospecific assignment. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Floating_chirality_assign.ID' Unique identifier for the reported floating chirality stereoassignment. Items in the floating_chirality_assign category provide meta data regarding the floating chirality assignments used in calculating a three-dimensional structure. Name of the file that contains the definitions for the floating chirality assignments. Text description providing additional information about the reported floating chirality data. Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. Total number of assigned stereo groups in the molecular assembly. Total number of stereo groups in the molecular assembly.. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the reported list of floating chirality stereoassignments. Items in the floating_chirality_software category provide pointers to the software category and methods category where descriptions of software applications and methods can be found. Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'software' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Floating_chirality_assign.ID' Pointer to '_Software.ID' NOT AVAILABLE A text description of the Fluorescence instrument. Name of the company or other entity that built the Fluorescence instrument. The name or acronym used to describe the model of the Fluorescence instrument. Unique code assigned to a specific Fluorescence instrument by the manufacturer. Category assigned to the information in the saveframe. A label that uniquely identifies the fluorescence instrument from other Fluorescence instruments listed in the entry. The type of Fluorescence instrument used. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' A value that uniquely identifies the Fluorescence instrument from other Fluorescence instruments listed in the entry. Items in the force_constant category record the force constant terms and their values used in calculating the reported conformers. Select a force constant parameter from the list provided or enter your own name for the parameter that you are entering a value. Provide the units for the value entered. Enter the value for the selected or manually entered force constant parameter. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Force_constant_list.ID' Unique identifier for the reported force constant. Items in the force_constant_list category provide information about a list of reported force constants used in calculating the structure of a molecular assembly. Name of the uploaded data file that contains the list of force constant values used in calculating the structure. Code defining if the default force constant values provided with the software package were used. yes Text providing additional information regarding the force constants used in calculating a structure. Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the list of reported force constants used in calculating structures. Items in the force_constant_software category provide pointers to the software category and methods category where descriptions of software applications and methods can be found. Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'software' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Force_constant_list.ID' Pointer to '_Software.ID' NOT AVAILABLE A text description of the experiment. Pointer to '_Fluorescence_instrument.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of category 'FRET_instrument'. Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Name for the FRET experiment. The volume of the sample used. The units of the measure for the volume of the sample. Category assigned to the information in the saveframe. A label that uniquely identifies the FRET experiment from other FRET experiments listed in the entry. Pointer to '_Software.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category software. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for each experiment listed. NOT AVAILABLE Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' The number of combined protons and neutrons for the chemical element defined by the tag '_Atom_type' or any of its related tags. The number of combined protons and neutrons for the chemical element defined by the tag '_Atom_type' or any of its related tags. The value for this tag is a standard IUPAC abbreviation for an element (i.e., H, C, P, etc). The value for this tag is a standard IUPAC abbreviation for an element (i.e., H, C, P, etc). Author's alternate location identifier. Author's alternate location identifier. An alternative identifier for Asym_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Asym_ID. This item is provided as a place holder for information extracted from distance constraint files generated by various software applications. An alternative identifier for Asym_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Asym_ID. This item is provided as a place holder for information extracted from distance constraint files generated by various software applications. An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 Author's atom name. Author's atom name. Author assigned chain ID A Author assigned chain ID A An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number. 2 An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number. 2 An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Fractional contribution of the constraint The value of the lower bound for the distance constraint. 2 The value of the upper bound for the distance constraint. 4 A single value assigned to the distance constraint. 3 Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Intensity lower val err Intensity upper val err Intensity val Code that defines the logical relationship (or, and, etc.) between the set of distance constraint members. Every member of the constraint must be assigned a value. PDB atom name. CD1 PDB atom name. CD1 PDB insertion code. PDB insertion code. PDB model number. 1 PDB model number. 1 The value is an integer that identifies a record in the atom_site list. This is a place holder for the atom record number extracted from a PDB formatted file. 14034 The value is an integer that identifies a record in the atom_site list. This is a place holder for the atom record number extracted from a PDB formatted file. 14034 PDB residue name. TYR PDB residue name. TYR PDB residue number. 6 PDB residue number. 6 PDB strand id. A PDB strand id. A Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Peak.ID' Pointer to '_Spectral_peak_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Gen_dist_constraint_list.ID' Unique identifier for the reported distance constraint. Unique identifier for a member of a constraint defined by the value to the tag '_Gen_dist_constraint.ID'. For distance constraints with ambiguity that is related by a logical operator (or, and, etc.), the constraint will have two or more members. NOT AVAILABLE The column in the distance constraint file where the comment begins. The line in the distance constraint file where the comment begins. The column in the distance constraint file where the comment ends. The line in the distance constraint file where the comment ends. The text of the comment parsed from the distance constraint file. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Gen_dist_constraint_list.ID' An integer value that uniquely identifies the comment extracted from the distance constraint file. NOT AVAILABLE Text providing additional information regarding a converion error. Type of constraint conversion error. Pointer to '_Gen_dist_constraint_parse_file.ID' Identifier for the constraint in the parse file that produced a conversion error. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Gen_dist_constraint_list.ID' An integer value that uniquely identifies the conversion error. NOT AVAILABLE Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'NMR_spectrometer_expt' Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to '_Sample.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'sample'. Physical state of the sample either anisotropic or isotropic. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Experiment.ID' Pointer to '_Gen_dist_constraint_list.ID' NOT AVAILABLE Pointer to '_Constraint_file.Block_ID' Pointer to '_Constraint_file.ID' The type of reported distance constraint. NOE Name of the uploaded file that contains the distance constraint data. Text description providing additional information about the reported distance constraints. Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. A set of distance constraint data formatted as ASCII text. The data format used to represent the order parameter data as ASCII text in the text block that is the value to the '_Gen_dist_constraint_list.Text_data' tag. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the list of reported distance constraints. NOT AVAILABLE The column in the distance constraint file where the parse error began. The line in the distance constraint file where the parse error began. The text content of the parse error. The column in the distance constraint file where the parse error ended. The line in the distance constraint file where the parse error ended. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Gen_dist_constraint_list.ID' An integer value that uniquely identifies the error that occurred in parsing the distance constaint file. NOT AVAILABLE Name of the file from which the distance constraints were parsed. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Gen_dist_constraint_list.ID' An integer that uniquely defines the file from other files in the list. NOT AVAILABLE Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'software' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Gen_dist_constraint_list.ID' Pointer to '_Software.ID' NOT AVAILABLE The value range assigned to the software parameter, if range is appropriate. The value assigned to the software parameter, if a single value is appropriate. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Gen_dist_constraint_list.ID' Pointer to '_Software.ID' A code or name for the parameter in the software package. Items in the H_chem_shift_constraint category describe the 1H chemical shift value used as a constraint in calculating the structure of a molecular assembly. Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' The mass number for the chemical element defined by the tag '_Atom_type' or any of its related tags. The value for this tag is a standard IUPAC abbreviation for an element (i.e., H, C, P, etc). An alternative identifier for Asym_ID that may be provided by an author. An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number. 2 An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 The value for the H chemical shift. Estimated error in the H chemical shift. Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Experiment.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_H_chem_shift_constraint_list.ID' Unique identifier for a reported proton chemical shift constraint in the list contained within one save frame. Items in the H_chem_shift_constraint_expt category provide pointers to the NMR experiments and samples used to collect the data for a set of reported 1H chemical shift constraints. Pointer to '_Experiment.Name' Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to '_Sample.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'sample' Physical state of the sample either anisotropic or isotropic. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Experiment.ID' Pointer to '_H_chem_shift_constraint_list.ID' Items in the H_chem_shift_constraint_list category provide information about a list of reported 1H chemical shift constraint values. Pointer to '_Constraint_file.Block_ID' Pointer to '_Constraint_file.ID' File format for the proton chemical shift constraints. XPLOR Name of the file that contains the H chemical shift constraints. Text description providing additional information about the reported H chemical shift constraints. Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. A set of order parameter data formatted as ASCII text. The data format used to represent the order parameter data as ASCII text in the text block that is the value to the '_H_chem_shift_constraint_list.Text_data' tag. The units assigned to the H chemical shift constraint values. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the reported list of proton chemical shift constraints. Items in the H_chem_shift_constraint_software category provide pointers to the software category and methods category where descriptions of software applications and methods can be found. Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'software' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_H_chem_shift_constraint_list.ID' Pointer to '_Software.ID' Items in the H_exch_protection_fact_experiment category provide pointers to the NMR experiments and samples used to collect the data for a set of reported hydrogen exchange protection factors. Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'NMR_spectrometer_expt' Pointer to '_Sample.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'sample' Physical state of the sample either anisotropic or isotropic. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Experiment.ID' Pointer to '_H_exch_protection_factor_list.ID' category description not available Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'software' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_H_exch_protection_factor_list.ID' Pointer to '_Software.ID' Items in the H_exch_protection_factor category describe the hydrogen exchange protection factor values assigned to specific atoms in a molecular assembly. Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' The mass number for the chemical element defined by the tag '_Atom_type' or any of its related tags. The value for this tag is a standard IUPAC abbreviation for an element (i.e., H, C, P, etc). An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Entity_assembly_ID. An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 Intrinsic hydrogen exchange rate calculated from empirical data. Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Hydrogen exchange protection factor value Estimated error in the hydrogen exchange protection factor value Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_H_exch_protection_factor_list.ID' Unique identifier for the observed hydrogen exchange protection factor. Items in the H_exch_protection_factor_list category provide information about a list of reported hydrogen exchange protection factor values. The name of the file submitted with this depostion that contains the quantitative data for this saveframe. Text describing the reported hydrogen exchange protection factors. Pointer to '_Sample_condition_list.ID' The label for the set of experimental sample conditions used to collect the data for determination of the H-exchange protection factors. Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. Pointer to '_Citation.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'Citation.' this would be the citation for the method used to calculate standard hydrogen exchange rates used to determine the reported protection factors. A set of hydrogen protection factor data formatted as ASCII text. The data format used to represent the hydrogen exchange protection factor data as ASCII text in the text block that is the value to the '_H_exch_protection_factor.Text_data' tag. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' An integer value that uniquely identifies this saveframe of hydrogen exchange protection factor data from other saveframes of this category in an entry. Items in the H_exch_rate category describe the hydrogen exchange rate values assigned to specific atoms in a molecular assembly. Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' The mass number for the chemical element defined by the tag '_Atom_type' or any of its related tags. The value for this tag is a standard IUPAC abbreviation for an element (i.e., H, C, P, etc). An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Entity_assembly_ID. An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Hydrogen exchange rate value Estimated error in the hydrogen exchange rate value. Estimated maximum value for the hydrogen exchange rate when a specific value cannot be obtained. Estimated minimum value for the hydrogen exchange rate when a specific value cannot be obtained. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_H_exch_rate_list.ID' Unique identifier for the observed hydrogen exchange rate. Items in the H_exch_rate_experiment category provide pointers to the NMR experiments and samples used to collect the data for a set of reported hydrogen exchange rates. Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'NMR_spectrometer_expt' Pointer to '_Sample.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'sample' Physical state of the sample either anisotropic or isotropic. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Experiment.ID' Pointer to '_H_exch_rate_list.ID' Items in the H_exch_rate_list category provide information about a list of reported hydrogen exchange rate values. The name of the file submitted with this depostion that contains the quantitative data for this saveframe. Text describing the reported hydrogen exchange rates. Pointer to '_Sample_condition_list.ID' The label for the set of experimental sample conditions used to collect the data for determination of the H-exchange rates. Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. A set of hydrogen exchange rate data formatted as ASCII text. The data format used to represent the hydrogen exchange data as ASCII text in the text block that is the value to the '_H_exch_rate_list.Text_data' tag. The units used for the reported hydrogen exchange rates. s-1 Pointer to '_Entry.ID' A unique identifier for the list of hydrogen exchange rate data. Items in the H_exch_rate_software category provide pointers to the software category and methods category where descriptions of software applications and methods can be found. Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'software' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_H_exch_rate_list.ID' Pointer to '_Software.ID' Items in the heteronucl_NOE category capture heteronuclear NOE values for pairs of nuclei. Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' 264 Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' 265 Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' N Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' H The mass number for the chemical element defined by the tag '_Atom_type' or any of its related tags. The mass number for the chemical element defined by the tag '_Atom_type' or any of its related tags. Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. N Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. H An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. N An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HN An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. LYS An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. LYS An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Entity_assembly_ID. An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Entity_assembly_ID. An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. 265 An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. 265 Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' LYS Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' LYS Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' 5 Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' 5 Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' 1 Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' 1 Pointer to '_Entity.ID' 1 Pointer to '_Entity.ID' 1 Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' 5 Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' 5 Heteronuclear NOE value Estimated error in the heteronuclear NOE value Pointer to '_Entry.ID' 3456 Pointer to '_Heteronucl_NOE_list.ID' 1 Unique identifier for the reported heteronuclear NOE value in this set of heteronuclear NOE values. 1 Items in the heteronucl_NOE_experiment category provide pointers to the NMR experiments and samples used to collect the data for a set of reported heteronuclear NOE values. Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'NMR_spectrometer_expt' 1H-15N heteronuclear NOE Pointer to '_Sample.ID' 2 Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'sample' 15N labeled Physical state of the sample either anisotropic or isotropic. isotropic Pointer to '_Entry.ID' 3456 Pointer to '_Experiment.ID' 5 Pointer to '_Heteronucl_NOE_list.ID' 1 Items in the heteronucl_NOE_list category provide information about a list of reported heteronuclear NOE values. The name of the file submitted with this depostion that contains the quantitative data for this saveframe. HN_hetnoe.tbl Text providing additional information about the data reported. A keyword that defines the type of value reported as the heteronuclear NOE. peak height; peak integral; contour count; relative intensities Brief text describing the NOE ref value used and how it was derived. Value used to calibrate other NOE measurements 20000000 Pointer to '_Sample_condition_list.ID' 1 Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'sample conditions' sample_conditions_1 Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. Operating frequency of the spectrometer used to collect the heteronuclear NOE data reported as the 1H frequency in MHz. 600 MHz A set of heteronuclear NOE data formatted as ASCII text. The data format used to represent the heteronuclear NOE data as ASCII text in the text block that is the value to the '_Heteronucl_NOE_list.Text_data' tag. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' 3456 An integer value that uniquely identifies this saveframe of heteronuclear NOE data from other saveframes of this category in an entry. 1 Items in the heteronucl_NOE_software category provide pointers to the software category and methods category where descriptions of software applications and methods can be found. Pointer to '_Method.ID' 1 Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'software' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' 3456 Pointer to '_Heteronucl_NOE_list.ID' 1 Pointer to '_Software.ID' 2 Items in the heteronucl_T1_experiment category provide pointers to the NMR experiments and samples used to collect the data for a set of reported heteronuclear T1 values. Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'NMR_spectrometer_expt' Pointer to '_Sample.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'sample' Physical state of the sample either anisotropic or isotropic. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Experiment.ID' Pointer to '_Heteronucl_T1_list.ID' Items in the heteronucl_T1_list category provide information about a list of reported heteronuclear T1 relaxation values. The name of the file submitted with this depostion that contains the quantitative data for this saveframe. Text describing the reported heteronuclear T1 relaxation data. Pointer to '_Sample_condition_list.ID' The label for the set of experimental sample conditions used to collect the data for determination of the heteronuclear T1 relaxation values. Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. The operating proton frequency in MHz of the NMR spectrometer used to collect the data. 600.1283731 A code describing the nuclei involved in the measured T1 coherence. Iz;Sz The units used for the reported T1 relaxation values. This will define the form of the reported data as either time or rate. s; s-1; ms A set of heteronuclear T1 relaxation data formatted as ASCII text. The data format used to represent the heteronuclear T1 relaxation data as ASCII text in the text block that is the value to the '_Heteronucl_T1_list.Text_data' tag. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' An integer value that uniquely identifies this saveframe of heteronuclear T1 data from other saveframes of this category in an entry. Items in the heteronucl_T1_software category provide pointers to the software category and methods category where descriptions of software applications and methods can be found. Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'software' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Heteronucl_T1_list.ID' Pointer to '_Software.ID' Items in the heteronucl_T1rho_experiment category provide pointers to the NMR experiments and samples used to collect the data for a set of reported heteronuclear T1rho values. Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'NMR_spectrometer_expt' Pointer to '_Sample.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'sample' Physical state of the sample either anisotropic or isotropic. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Experiment.ID' Pointer to '_Heteronucl_T1rho_list.ID' Items in the heteronucl_T1rho_list category provide information about a list of reported heteronuclear T1rho values. The name of the file submitted with this depostion that contains the quantitative data for this saveframe. Text describing the reported heteronuclear Trho relaxation data. The units used for the reported R exchange values. Pointer to '_Sample_condition_list.ID' The label for the set of experimental sample conditions used to collect the data for determination of the heteronuclear T1rho relaxation values. Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. The operating proton frequency in MHz of the NMR spectrometer used to collect the data. 600.1283731 A code describing the nuclei involved in the measured T1rho coherence. The units used for the reported T1rho relaxation values. s; s-1; ms Method used to calibrate the temperature unit on the NMR spectrometer used to collect the experimental data. Method used to control the temperature of the sample to eliminate heating caused by the long spin-lock pulse. A set of heteronuclear T1rho relaxation data formatted as ASCII text. The data format used to represent the heteronuclear T1rho relaxation data as ASCII text in the text block that is the value to the '_Heteronucl_T1rho.Text_data' tag. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' An integer value that uniquely identifies this saveframe of heteronuclear T1rho data from other saveframes of this category in an entry. Items in the heteronucl_T1rho_software category provide pointers to the software category and methods category where descriptions of software applications and methods can be found. Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'software' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Heteronucl_T1rho_list.ID' Pointer to '_Software.ID' Items in the heteronucl_T2_experiment category provide pointers to the NMR experiments and samples used to collect the data for a set of reported heteronuclear T2 relaxation values. Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'NMR_spectrometer_expt' Pointer to '_Sample.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'sample' Physical state of the sample either anisotropic or isotropic. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Experiment.ID' Pointer to '_Heteronucl_T2_list.ID' Items in the heteronucl_T2_list category provide information about a list of reported heteronuclear T2 relaxation values. The name of the file submitted with this depostion that contains the quantitative data for this saveframe. Text describing the reported heteronuclear T2 relaxation data. The units used for the reported R exchange values. Pointer to '_Sample_condition_list.ID' The label for the set of experimental sample conditions used to collect the data for determination of the heteronuclear T2 relaxation values. Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. The operating proton frequency in MHz of the NMR spectrometer used to collect the data. 600.1283731 A code describing the nuclei involved in the measured T2 coherence. The units used for the reported T2 relaxation values. s; s-1; ms Method used to calibrate the temperature unit on the NMR spectrometer used to collect the experimental data. Method used to control the temperature of the sample to eliminate heating caused by the long spin-lock pulse. A set of heteronuclear T2 relaxation data formatted as ASCII text. The data format used to represent the heteronuclear T2 relaxation data as ASCII text in the text block that is the value to the '_Heteronucl_T2_list.Text_data' tag. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' An integer value that uniquely identifies this saveframe of heteronuclear T2 data from other saveframes of this category in an entry. Items in the heteronucl_T2_software category provide pointers to the software category and methods category where descriptions of software applications and methods can be found. Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'software' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Heteronucl_T2_list.ID' Pointer to '_Software.ID' Items in the homonucl_NOE category capture homonuclear NOE values for pairs of nuclei. Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' The mass number for the chemical element defined by the tag '_Atom_type' or any of its related tags. The mass number for the chemical element defined by the tag '_Atom_type' or any of its related tags. Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Entity_assembly_ID. An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Entity_assembly_ID. An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Homonuclear NOE value Estimated error in the homonuclear NOE value. Maximum homonuclear NOE value Minimum homonuclear NOE value Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Homonucl_NOE_list.ID' Unique identifier for the observed homonuclear NOE. Items in the homonucl_NOE_experiment category provide pointers to the NMR experiments and samples used to collect the data for a set of reported homonuclear NOE values. Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'NMR_spectrometer_expt' Pointer to '_Sample.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'sample' Physical state of the sample either anisotropic or isotropic. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Experiment.ID' Pointer to '_Homonucl_NOE_list.ID' Items in the homonucl_NOE_list category provide information about a list of reported homonuclear NOE values. The name of the file submitted with this depostion that contains the quantitative data for this saveframe. Text providing additional information about the set of homonuclear NOE values and their derivation. Enter the method used to measure the intensities of the NOE peaks. peak height; peak integral; contour count; relative intensities Provide a brief description for the source of the NOE reference value and how the actual value was determined. NOE value for the Tyr HD and HE protons Supply the value used to normalize the NOE intensities. 120000000 Pointer to '_Sample_condition_list.ID' Enter the label given to the set of sample conditions used to collect the NOE data reported. Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. A set of homonuclear NOE data formatted as ASCII text. The data format used to represent the homonuclear NOE data as ASCII text in the text block that is the value to the '_Homonucl_NOE_list.Text_data' tag. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' An integer value that uniquely identifies this saveframe of homonuclear NOE data from other saveframes of this category in an entry. Items in the homonucl_NOE_software category provide pointers to the software category and methods category where descriptions of software applications and methods can be found. Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'software' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Homonucl_NOE_list.ID' Pointer to '_Software.ID' NOT AVAILABLE Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' The value for this tag is a standard IUPAC abbreviation for an element (i.e., H, C, P, etc). The value for this tag is a standard IUPAC abbreviation for an element (i.e., H, C, P, etc). ? ? An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. ? ? An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' ? ? Pointer to '_Entry.ID' ? Pointer to '_Interatomic_distance_list.ID' NOT AVAILABLE Name of the file containing interatomic distance data. ? ? ? ? ? Pointer to '_Entry.ID' ? Items in the atom_chem_shift category describe the chemical shift value assigned to specific atoms in a molecular assembly. Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' The mass number for the chemical element defined by the tag '_Atom_type' or any of its related tags. 1 13 15 The value for this tag is a standard IUPAC abbreviation for an element (i.e., H, C, P, etc). An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Entity_assembly_ID. An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 Observed chemical shift value for the defined atom in the molecular assembly. Estimated error in the observed chemical shift value for the defined atom in the molecular assembly. Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Chemical shift value for the specified atom in the molecular assembly in a control isotopically labeled sample. Estimated error in the chemical shift value for the specified atom in the molecular assembly in a control isotopically labeled sample. Chemical shift value for the specified atom in the molecular assembly in the experimental isotopically labeled sample. Estimated error in the chemical shift value for the specified atom in the molecular assembly in a experimental isotopically labeled sample. Pointer to '_Isotope_label_pattern.ID' Pointer to '_Isotope_label_pattern.ID' Pointer to '_Sample.ID' Pointer to '_Sample.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Chem_shift_isotope_effect_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the observed isotope effect. Items in the isotope_effect_experiment category provide pointers to the NMR experiments and samples used to collect the data for a set of chemical shift data that report the effect of isotopic substitutions in a molecular assembly. Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'NMR_spectrometer_expt' Pointer to '_Sample.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'sample' Physical state of the sample either anisotropic or isotropic. Pointer to '_Chem_shift_isotope_effect_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Experiment.ID' Items in the isotope_effect_software category provide pointers to the software category and methods category where descriptions of software applications and methods can be found. Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'software' Pointer to '_Chem_shift_isotope_effect_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Software.ID' Items in the isotope_label_pattern define the isotope number of the atoms in the molecules studied. Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' The mass number for the chemical element defined by the tag '_Atom_type' or any of its related tags. The value for this tag is a standard IUPAC abbreviation for an element (i.e., H, C, P, etc). An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Entity_assembly_ID. An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Chem_shift_isotope_effect_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the defined isotope labeling pattern. Items in the J_three_bond_constraint category describe the scalar three-bond coupling constant values used as constraints in calculating the structure of a molecular assembly. Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. An alternative identifier for Asym_ID that may be provided by an author. An alternative identifier for Asym_ID that may be provided by an author. An alternative identifier for Asym_ID that may be provided by an author. An alternative identifier for Asym_ID that may be provided by an author. An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number. 2 An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number. 2 An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number. 2 An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number. 2 An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Estimated error in the reported J three bond constraint value. Value for the lower bound of a J three bond constraint. Value for the upper bound of a J three bond constraint. Value for the J three bond constraint when a single value is reported. Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Experiment.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the reported three bond scalar coupling constraint. Pointer to '_J_three_bond_constraint_list.ID' Items in the J_three_bond_constraint_expt category provide pointers to the NMR experiments and samples used to collect the data for a set of J three bond constraints. Pointer to '_Experiment.Name' Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to '_Sample.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'sample' Physical state of the sample either anisotropic or isotropic. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Experiment.ID' Pointer to '_J_three_bond_constraint_list.ID' Items in the J_three_bond_constraint_list category provide information about a list of reported scalar three bond coupling constant constraint values. Pointer to '_Constraint_file.Block_ID' Pointer to '_Constraint_file.ID' File format for the J-three bond coupling constant constraints. XPLOR Name of the file that contains the J-three bond coupling constant constraints. Text description providing additional information about the reported J three bond constraints. Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. A set of J-three bond coupling data formatted as ASCII text. The data format used to represent the J three bond constraints data as ASCII text in the text block that is the value to the '_J_three_bond_constraint_list.Text_data' tag. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the list of reported three bond scalar coupling constraints. Items in the J_three_bond_constraint_software category provide pointers to the software category and methods category where descriptions of software applications and methods can be found. Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'software' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_J_three_bond_constraint_list.ID' Pointer to '_Software.ID' Items in the Karplus_equation category define the Karplus equation used to convert coupling constant values into torsion angle values. Pointer to '_Citation.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'citation' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' A code used to define the type of torsion angle. phi; psi; omega; chi1 Pointer to '_Torsion_angle_constraint_list.ID' NOT AVAILABLE Pointer to '_Struct_asym.ID' A Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' The starting sequence position in the molecular entity for the segment being described. 46 Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' The ending sequence position in the molecular entity for the segment being described. 52 Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' 1 Pointer to '_Entity.ID' 1 The name assigned to the molecular entity where the defined segment is located. ubiquitin A descriptive phrase that indicates the quality of the structural conformations reported for the defined segment of the biopolymer. not well defined Pointer to '_Conformer_family_coord_set.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' A numeric identifier for the segment of a molecule for which a quality value is reported. Items in the mass_spec category provide meta information about the mass spectrometer described. A text description of the Mass spectrometer. Name of the company or other entity that built the Mass spectrometer. The name or acronym used to describe the model of the spectrometer. Unique code assigned to a specific spectrometer by the manufacturer. Category assigned to the information in the saveframe. A label that uniquely identifies the Mass spectrometer from other spectrometers listed in the entry. The type of mass spectrometer used. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' A value that uniquely identifies the Mass spectrometer from other spectrometers listed in the entry. Items in the mass_spec_citation category provide pointers to citations where the mass spectrometer is described. Pointer to a saveframe of the category citation. Pointer to '_Citation.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Mass_spec.ID' NOT AVAILABLE The name for the parameter taken from an enumerated list or provided by a depositor. The value for the parameter. This value may be numeric or a character string. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' An integer value that uniquely identifies the parameter in the list. Pointer to '_Mass_spec_config.ID' Pointer to '_Mass_spec.ID' NOT AVAILABLE The name of the component in the mass spectrometer. The type of component in the mass spectrometer An integer value that uniquely identifies the position of the component in the mass spectrometer. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' An integer value that uniquely identifies the component of the mass spectrometer. Pointer to '_Mass_spec.ID' Items in the mass_spec_ref_compd category records information about the compounds used as references in a mass spectrometry experiment. Mass of the compound calculated using the mass of the most abundant isotope for each atom in the compound. Name for the mass reference compound. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique local identifier assigned to the mass reference compound. Pointer to '_Mass_spec_ref_compd_set.ID' Items in the mass_spec_ref_compd_set category provide meta data regarding a set of reference compounds used in carrying out mass spectrometry experiments. A text description of the mass reference compound. Category assigned to the information in the saveframe. A label that uniquely identifies the mass reference compound. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' A value that uniquely identifies the mass reference compound from other mass reference compounds listed in the entry. NOT AVAILABLE Pointer to a saveframe of the category software. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Mass_spec.ID' Pointer to '_Software.ID' Items in the mass_spectrometer_list category provide meta information regarding the reported list of mass spectrometers. A value that uniquely identifies the Mass spectrometer from other spectrometers listed in the entry. Category assigned to the information in the saveframe. A label that uniquely identifies the Mass spectrometer from other spectrometers listed in the entry. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Items in the mass_spectrometer_view category provide the characteristics of mass spectrometers used to collect data reported in an entry. Pointer to '_Citation.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category citation. A text description of the Mass spectrometer. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' The kind of fragmentation method used by the defined mass spectrometer. The kind of ionization method used by the defined mass spectrometer. Name of the company or other entity that built the Mass spectrometer. Pointer to '_Mass_spectrometer_list.ID' The name or acronym used to describe the model of the spectrometer. Common name used for an NMR spectrometer. Unique code assigned to a specific spectrometer by the manufacturer. The type of spectrum produced by the mass spectrometer. Approximate strength of the magnetic field for the spectrometer as defined by the proton frequency of the instrument expressed in MHz. Unique local identifier assigned to an NMR spectrometer. Items in the method category provide meta data about the reported method. Pointer to '_Computer.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category computer. The type of derivation used in the reported method. Text description providing additional information about the reported method. Category assigned to the information in the saveframe. Descriptive label used to uniquely identify this method. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' A value that uniquely identifies the method describe from other methods given in the entry. Items in the method_citation category provide pointers to the citations where the method is described. Pointer to a saveframe of the category citation. Pointer to '_Citation.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Method.ID' Items in the method_file category provide information regarding external files that contain the reported method. The method provided as an ASCII text document that is included in the NMR-STAR file as a value to this tag. The format used in the ASCII texted document that is the method and is the value to the tag attribute Text in category Method. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Method.ID' Name for the file containing the source code or protocol for the reported method. Items in the method_parameter category provide information regarding an external file that contains the parameters for the reported method. Text for the reported method. Format in which the method information is encoded. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Name of the file that contains parameters required to execute the method. Pointer to '_Method.ID' NOT AVAILABLE Pointer to '_Conformer_family_coord_set.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Atom_site.Model_ID' The identifier for the model in the set of reported structural models. This data item is a pointer to the '_Atom.site_Model_ID' in the Atom_site category. 1 A brief phrase that describes an atomic coordinate model that is a member of the set of models reported in the Atom_site category. representative lowest energy Items in the mol_interaction_chem_shift category describe the chemical shift values assigned to specific atoms in a molecular assembly that result from the interactions between molecules in the molecular assembly. Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' The mass number for the chemical element defined by the tag '_Atom_type' or any of its related tags. The value for this tag is a standard IUPAC abbreviation for an element (i.e., H, C, P, etc). An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Entity_assembly_ID. An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 The difference between the chemical shift value for the atom in the free state of the molecule and in the state where it is interacting with one or more other molecules. Estimated error for the delta chemical shift value reported. Chemical shift value for the atom when in the presence of the molecules that are interacting with it. Estimated error in the chemical shift value. Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the observed chemical shift difference for a nuclei caused by the interaction between two members of the molecular assembly. Pointer to '_Mol_interaction_chem_shift_diff.ID' Items in the mol_interaction_chem_shift_diff category provide information about a list of reported chemical shift values resulting from the interactions between molecules in a molecular assembly. Pointer to '_Chem_shift_reference.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'chemical_shift_reference.' This is the saveframe where the chemical shift referencing standards are described. The name of the file submitted with this depostion that contains the quantitative data for this saveframe. Text providing additional information regarding the set of molecular interaction data and their derivation. Pointer to '_Sample_condition_list.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'sample_conditions' Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. A set of chemical shift data defining molecular interactions formatted as ASCII text. The data format used to represent the chemical shift data for molecular interaction observations as ASCII text in the text block that is the value to the '_Mol_interaction_chem_shift_diff.Text_data' tag. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' An integer value that uniquely identifies this saveframe of molecular interaction information from other saveframes of this category in an entry. Items in the mol_interaction_diff_experiment category provide pointers to the NMR experiments and samples used to collect the data for a set of reported chemical shifts that represent the effect of two or molecules interaction with each other. Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'NMR_spectrometer_expt' Pointer to '_Sample.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'sample' Physical state of the sample either anisotropic or isotropic. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Experiment.ID' Pointer to '_Mol_interaction_chem_shift_diff.ID' Items in the mol_interaction_diff_software category provide pointers to the software category and methods category where descriptions of software applications and methods can be found. Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'software' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Mol_interaction_chem_shift_diff.ID' Pointer to '_Software.ID' NOT AVAILABLE Chemical composition of the chemical fragment assigned to the MZ ratio. Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_MS_chromatogram_ion.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the reported chromatogram annotation. Pointer to '_MS_chromatogram_list.ID' NOT AVAILABLE Pointer to '_Experiment.Name' Pointer to '_Sample.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'sample' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Experiment.ID' Pointer to '_MS_chromatogram_list.ID' NOT AVAILABLE The full width of the mass to charge signal at half maximum intensity. The intensity of the mass to charge ratio signal. A reported mass to charge ratio value. The error in the reported mass to charge ratio value. The relative intensity of the mass to charge ratio value. The signal to noise ratio of the mass to charge signal. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the observed MZ ratio value. Pointer to '_MS_chromatogram_list.ID' NOT AVAILABLE Text describing the reported MZ ratio values. Pointer to '_Sample_condition_list.ID' The label for the set of experimental sample conditions used to collect the data for determination of the MZ ratio values. Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. A set of MZ ratio data formatted as ASCII text. The data format used to represent the MZ ratio data as ASCII text in the text block that is the value to the '_MS_chromatogram_list.Text_data' tag. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the list of reported mass spectral MZ values from a MS chromatogram. NOT AVAILABLE The name given the parameter The units used for the value of the parameter. The value given for the parameter. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the reported parameter value. Pointer to '_MS_chromatogram_list.ID' NOT AVAILABLE Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'software' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_MS_chromatogram_list.ID' Pointer to '_Software.ID' NOT AVAILABLE Pointer to '_Mass_spec.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category mass_spectrometer. Name for the mass spec experiment. Category assigned to the information in the saveframe. A label that uniquely identifies the mass spec experiment from other mass spec experiments listed in the entry. The type of spectrum produced by the mass spectrometer. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for each experiment listed. NOT AVAILABLE The name given to the parameter. The type of parameter specified (acquisition or processing). The value given to the parameter. The error reported for the parameter if appropriate. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' An integer value that uniquely identifies a parameter in the list. Pointer to '_MS_expt.ID' NOT AVAILABLE A text description of the experiment. Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to a saveframe of the category software. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_MS_expt.ID' Pointer to '_Software.ID' NOT AVAILABLE The full width of the mass to charge signal at half maximum intensity. The intensity of the mass to charge ratio signal. A reported mass to charge ratio value. The error in the reported mass to charge ratio value. The relative intensity of the mass to charge ratio value. The signal to noise ratio of the mass to charge signal. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the observed precursor ion MZ ratio value. Pointer to '_MZ_ratio_data_list.ID' NOT AVAILABLE Chemical composition of the chemical fragment assigned to the MZ ratio. Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the reported MZ ratio annotation. Pointer to '_MZ_precursor_ion.ID' Pointer to '_MZ_ratio_data_list.ID' NOT AVAILABLE The full width of the mass to charge signal at half maximum intensity. The intensity of the mass to charge ratio signal. A reported mass to charge ratio value. The error in the reported mass to charge ratio value. The relative intensity of the mass to charge ratio value. The signal to noise ratio of the mass to charge signal. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the observed product ion MZ ratio value. Pointer to '_MZ_ratio_data_list.ID' NOT AVAILABLE Chemical composition of the chemical fragment assigned to the MZ ratio. Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the reported MZ ratio annotation. Pointer to '_MZ_product_ion.ID' Pointer to '_MZ_ratio_data_list.ID' NOT AVAILABLE Text describing the reported MZ ratio values. Method used to derive the reported error values. Units for the reported intensity values. Pointer to '_Mass_spec_ref_compd.ID' Pointer to '_Mass_spec_ref_compd_set.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'Mass spec ref compd set' Units for the reported MZ error values. Pointer to '_Sample_condition_list.ID' The label for the set of experimental sample conditions used to collect the data for determination of the MZ ratio values. Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. A set of MZ ratio data formatted as ASCII text. The data format used to represent the MZ ratio data as ASCII text in the text block that is the value to the '_MZ_ratio_data_list.Text_data' tag. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the list of reported mass spectral MZ values. NOT AVAILABLE Pointer to '_Experiment.Name' Pointer to '_Sample.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'sample' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Experiment.ID' Pointer to '_MZ_ratio_data_list.ID' NOT AVAILABLE Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'software' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_MZ_ratio_data_list.ID' Pointer to '_Software.ID' NOT AVAILABLE The name given the parameter The units used for the value of the parameter. The value given for the parameter. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the reported parameter value. Pointer to '_MZ_ratio_data_list.ID' Items in the natural_source_db category define links to databases that contain information about the organisms and entities that are the natural source for molecular entities. The kind of database where the data are located. sequence; structure; genome Pointer to '_Entity_chimera_segment.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'entity' Defines whether the current version of the entry is the original version or an updated version. original The unique code assigned to a cDNA sequence for the gene. Unique code assigned to the locus for the gene in the genome. Code assigned to the open reading frame coding for a protein or nucleic acid. at1g01020 Code or abbreviation used by a database organization. TAIR Pointer to '_Entity_natural_src.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_natural_src_list.ID' The accession code assigned to the entry by the database. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Items in the NMR_experiment_citation category define pointers to citations described in an entry that provide information about the NMR experiment. Pointer to a saveframe of the category citation. Pointer to '_Citation.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_NMR_spec_expt.ID' Items in the NMR_experiment_file category define the electronic files used to carry out or produced by an NMR spectrometer experiment. How the bytes (usually 4, but sometimes 3, for example on AM spectrometers) are arranged. Depends on the computer platform employed. Number of bytes per data point. Most Sun, SGI, and Linux systems use 4 bytes ( of 8 bits each yielding a total of 32 bits) per point. Algorithm used to compress the NMR experiment file. Additional information regarding the time-domain (raw) data file for this NMR experiment. The directory path within the BMRB archive that must be followed to locate listed NMR experiment file. Size in bytes of the file header associated with the raw unprocessed data. Size in bytes of the record header within the NMR experiment file. Size in bytes of the record trailer within the NMR experiment file. The type of time-domain file being deposited. NMR experiment directory Pointer to '_Entry.ID' The name of the file containing information relevant to the NMR experiment. Multiple files can be listed. These files might include the time-domain (raw) data for the NMR experiment, the pulse sequence for the experiment, and parameters for acquiring and processing the data. 1H15N_HSQC Pointer to '_NMR_spec_expt.ID' NOT AVAILABLE Name for the NMR experiment as defined by a systematic naming system. The name of the systematic NMR experiment naming system used to name the NMR experiment. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_NMR_spec_expt.ID' Items in the NMR_probe category describe the type of probe. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_NMR_spectrometer_probe.ID' The type of probe. Items in the NMR_spec_expt category provide detailed information about an NMR spectrometer experiment. The time required to switch between carrier frequencies. A text description of the experiment. Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' A commonly used name for the NMR experiment found in the literature. HNCO; 1H15N HSQC Pointer to '_NMR_spectrometer.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category NMR_spectrometer. Pointer to '_NMR_spectrometer_probe.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category NMR_spectrometer_probe. Type of NMR tube used to contain the sample during data acquisition. standard An accession code assigned by BMRB that uniquely identifies the NMR experiment pulse sequence within the BMRB pulse sequence library. The angle of the sample relative to the external magnetic field. 54 degrees The spinning rate of the sample during data collection (in Hz). 20 Volume of the sample during data collection 300 Provide the units appropriate for the sample volume. uL Category assigned to the information in the saveframe. Descriptive label used to uniquely identify the NMR experiment and its parameters. Pointer to '_Software.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category software. The type of NMR experiment. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' A value that uniquely identifies the NMR experiment from other NMR experiments listed in the entry. Items in the NMR_spectral_proc_software category provide pointers to software save frames where the software application(s) used to process the spectral data are described. Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category method. Pointer to a saveframe of the category software. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_NMR_spectral_processing.ID' Pointer to '_Software.ID' Items in the NMR_spectral_processing category define the parameters used in converting the time-domain data from an NMR experiment into frequency domain data or other forms of information. Category assigned to the information in the saveframe. Descriptive label used to uniquely identify this set of NMR spectral processing parameters. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' A value that uniquely identifies the set of spectral processing from other sets of spectral processing parameters in the entry. Items in the NMR_spectrometer category describe an NMR spectrometer used to collect experimental data. A text description of the NMR spectrometer. Approximate strength of the magnetic field for the spectrometer as defined by the proton frequency of the instrument expressed in MHz. 800 Name of the company or other entity that built the NMR spectrometer. Bruker The name or acronym used to describe the model of the spectrometer. DMX Unique code assigned to a specific spectrometer by the manufacturer. 1234AB5678 Category assigned to the information in the saveframe. A label that uniquely identifies the NMR spectrometer from other spectrometers listed in the entry. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' A value that uniquely identifies the NMR spectrometer from other spectrometers listed in the entry. Items in the NMR_spectrometer_citation category provide links to the citations category where literature references describing an NMR spectrometer can be found. Pointer to a saveframe of the category citation. Pointer to '_Citation.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_NMR_spectrometer.ID' Items in the NMR_spectrometer_list category define a set of NMR spectrometers and their descriptions. Category assigned to the information in the saveframe. A label that uniquely identifies the NMR spectrometer from other spectrometers listed in the entry. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' A value that uniquely identifies the NMR spectrometer from other spectrometers listed in the entry. Items in the NMR_spectrometer_probe category describe an NMR spectrometer probe. Text information describing the NMR spectrometer probe. The diameter of the probe bore. The internal volume of the probe. Name of the company or other entity that built the NMR probe. The name or acronym used to describe the model of the probe. Chemical composition of the rotor used in the probe. Length of the rotor used in the probe. Unique code assigned to a specific probe by the manufacturer. Category assigned to the information in the saveframe. A label that uniquely identifies the probe from other probes listed in the entry. A code indicating the presence of a spacer in the probe. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' A value that uniquely identifies the NMR probe from other probes listed in the entry. Items in the NMR_spectrometer_probe_citation category provide pointers to the citations category. Pointer to a saveframe of the category citation. Pointer to '_Citation.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_NMR_spectrometer_probe.ID' Items in the NMR_spectrometer_view category provide a list of NMR spectrometers and descriptions for each spectrometer in the list. Pointer to '_Citation.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category citation. A text description of the NMR spectrometer. Approximate strength of the magnetic field for the spectrometer as defined by the proton frequency of the instrument expressed in MHz. 800 Name of the company or other entity that built the NMR spectrometer. Bruker The name or acronym used to describe the model of the spectrometer. DMX Unique code assigned to a specific spectrometer by the manufacturer. 1234AB5678 Pointer to '_Entry.ID' An integer value that uniquely identifies one NMR spectrometer from the others in the table within an entry. A unique name for the NMR spectrometer needs to be entered to make it possible to reference the spectromer in later sections of the deposition. spectrometer 1 Pointer to '_NMR_spectrometer_list.ID' Items in the observed_conformer category define the individual conformer(s) where the reported interactions are observed. Pointer to '_Atom_site.Model_ID' Pointer to '_Conformer_family_coord_set.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Structure_interaction.ID' Pointer to '_Structure_interaction_list.ID' Items in the order_param category describe the order parameter values assigned to specific atoms in a molecular assembly. Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' The mass number for the chemical element defined by the tag '_Atom_type' or any of its related tags. The value for this tag is a standard IUPAC abbreviation for an element (i.e., H, C, P, etc). An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Entity_assembly_ID. An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' The model used to fit the experimental data. The sum of the squared errors from a fit of the data using the 'Model-Free' software package. The value for the fitted order parameter. The estimated error in the fitted order parameter value. Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' The exchange broadening contribution value. The estimated error in the fitted exchange broadening contribution value. Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' The value for the fitted order parameter for the 'fast' motion in the molecule. The estimated error in the fitted order parameter for the 'fast' motion in the molecule. The value for the fitted order parameter value for a hydrogen atom. The estimated error in the fitted order parameter value for a hydrogen atom. The value for the fitted order parameter value for a nitrogen atom. The estimated error in the fitted order parameter value for a nitrogen atom. The value for the fitted order parameter for the 'slow' motion in the molecule. The estimated error in the fitted order parameter for the 'slow' motion in the molecule. The value of the effective correlation time for the atom. The estimated error in the fitted effective correlation time value. ? ? The value for the fitted effective correlation time value for the 'slow' motion in the molecule. The estimated error in the fitted effective correlation time value for the the 'slow' motion in the molecule. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the observed order parameter value. Pointer to '_Order_parameter_list.ID' Items in the order_parameter_experiment category provide pointers to the NMR experiments and samples used to collect the data for a set of reported order parameters. Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'NMR_spectrometer_expt' Pointer to '_Sample.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'sample' Physical state of the sample either anisotropic or isotropic. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Experiment.ID' Pointer to '_Order_parameter_list.ID' Items in the order_parameter_list category provide information about a list of reported order parameter values. The name of the file submitted with this depostion that contains the quantitative data for this saveframe. Text describing the reported order parameter values. 1H spectrometer field strength at which Rex values have been measured. 600 The units for the reported R exchange values. ms; us Pointer to '_Sample_condition_list.ID' The label for the set of experimental sample conditions used to collect the data for determination of the order parameters. Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. The units for the effective correlation time of the molecule. ps; ns The units for the correlation time representing fast internal motions of the molecule. ps; ns The units for the correlation time representing slow internal motions of the molecule. ps; ns A set of order parameter data formatted as ASCII text. The data format used to represent the order parameter data as ASCII text in the text block that is the value to the '_Order_parameter_list.Text_data' tag. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the list of reported order parameter values. Items in the order_parameter_software category provide pointers to the software category and methods category where descriptions of software applications and methods can be found. Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'software' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Order_parameter_list.ID' Pointer to '_Software.ID' NOT AVAILABLE Pointer to '_Constraint_file.Block_ID' A comment extracted from an original constraint file. Pointer to '_Constraint_file.ID' Text describing the comment or the significance of the listed comment. Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Local unique identifier for the listed comment. Items in the other_constraint_expt category provide pointers to the NMR experiments and samples used to collect the data for a set of reported constraints. Pointer to '_Experiment.Name' Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to '_Sample.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'sample' Physical state of the sample either anisotropic or isotropic. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Experiment.ID' Pointer to '_Other_constraint_list.ID' Items in the other_constraint_list category provide information about a list of reported constraint values that do not fit in any of the specifically defined constraint categories. Pointer to '_Constraint_file.Block_ID' Pointer to '_Constraint_file.ID' Text description providing additional information about the reported constraints. Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' The format in which the constraint data are provided. Name of the file that contains the 'other' constraints. Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. A subclassification for the type of reported constraint. The constraint data in a text format. This will be a large block of text. The data format used to represent the other constraint data as ASCII text in the text block that is the value to the '_Other_constraint_list.Text_data' tag. The type of reported constraint. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the list of constraints classified as 'other.' Items in the other_constraint_software category provide pointers to the software category and methods category where descriptions of software applications and methods can be found. Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'software' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Other_constraint_list.ID' Pointer to '_Software.ID' Items in the other_data category describe the values for kinds of experimental data not described in other categories in the dictionary. Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' The mass number for the chemical element defined by the tag '_Atom_type' or any of its related tags. The value for this tag is a standard IUPAC abbreviation for an element (i.e., H, C, P, etc). An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Entity_assembly_ID. An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Value obtained for the kind of data observed. Estimated error in the value obtained for the kind of data observed. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' A unique identifier for a reported new data value. Pointer to '_Other_data_type_list.ID' Items in the other_data_experiment category provide pointers to the NMR experiments and samples used to collect the data. Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'NMR_spectrometer_expt' Pointer to '_Sample.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'sample' Physical state of the sample either anisotropic or isotropic. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Experiment.ID' Pointer to '_Other_data_type_list.ID' Items in the other_data_software category provide pointers to the software category and methods category where descriptions of software applications and methods can be found. Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'software' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Other_data_type_list.ID' Pointer to '_Software.ID' Items in the other_data_type_list category provide information about a list of reported data that do not fit in any of the data categories that are specifically defined in the dictionary. The name of the file submitted with this depostion that contains the quantitative data for this saveframe. A definition for the new kind of data that are being reported. Provide a brief description of the kind of data that is being deposited. Name for the kind of data values that are being reported. Pointer to '_Sample_condition_list.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'sample_conditions' Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. A set of data formatted as ASCII text. The data format used to represent the data reported in this saveframe as ASCII text in the text block that is the value to the '_Other_data_type.Text_data' tag. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' A unique identifier for the list on new data values. Items in the other_struct_feature category define the type of structure feature described and its location in the three-dimensional structure reported. An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 Code used to define the type of structure feature. Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the reported structure feature. Pointer to '_Other_struct_feature_list.ID' Items in the other_struct_feature_list category provide information about a list of reported structure features for a molecular assembly. Text description providing additional information about the reported structure feature. Method used to identify and define this structure element Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. Author provided definition for the reported structural feature. Author defined name for the reported structural feature. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the reported list of structure features. NOT AVAILABLE The supporting evidence for this feature. Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' The information source for the component feature. The component feature type. The component feature value. Items in the PDBX_nonpoly_scheme category provide residue level nomenclature mapping for non-polymer entities. Pointer to '_Struct_asym.ID' Pointer to '_Atom_site.Auth_comp_ID' Pointer to '_Atom_site.Auth_seq_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to attribute Label_comp_ID' in category Atom_site PDB insertion code. PDB residue name. PDB residue number. PDB strand/chain id. Pointer to '_Assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Items in the PDBX_poly_seq_scheme category provide residue level nomenclature mapping for polymer entities. Pointer to '_Struct_asym.ID' 1;A:2B3 Pointer to '_Atom_site.Auth_comp_ID' Pointer to '_Atom_site.Auth_seq_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category chem_comp. Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Flag indicating if the sequence is heterogeneous at the position. no Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Mon_ID' PDB strand/chain id. PDB insertion code. PDB residue name. PDB residue number. Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Items in the peak category define the identification code for the peaks in an NMR spectrum and the figure of merit for each peak. Text providing additional information regarding the spectral peak. A quantitative or qualitative value that provides a measure of certainty that the peak listed represents a real piece of data. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the spectral peak. Pointer to '_Spectral_peak_list.ID' Items in the peak_char category provide quantitative information about the peak that is specific to the dimensions of the spectral data. The upper chemical shift value in the defined spectral dimension for a bounding box used to define the region of the NMR spectrum that contains the observed peak. Range value for a bounding box used to define the region of a NMR spectrum where an observed peak is located, when the bounding box is defined by a range in chemical shift centered on the peak chemical shift. The upper chemical shift value in the defined spectral dimension for a bounding box used to define the region of the NMR spectrum that contains the observed peak. Chem shift val Chem shift val err A code that describes the type of coupling pattern observed for the NMR spectral peak. Decay rate val Decay rate val err Pointer to '_Method.ID' Text describing the characteristics for an observed peak. Line width val Line width val err Phase val Phase val err Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Peak.ID' Pointer to '_Spectral_dim.ID' Pointer to '_Spectral_peak_list.ID' NOT AVAILABLE The fraction of a peak assigned to this peak ID. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Spectral_peak_list.ID' Integer value that identifies one or more factional peak values linked to a peak ID. Items in the peak_general_char category provide quantitative information about the peak that is not specific to individual dimensions of the spectral data. Error in the value for the intensity of the peak. Method used to determine the intensity value for the peak. height Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Value for the intensity of the peak. Pointer to '_Peak.ID' Pointer to '_Spectral_peak_list.ID' Items in the pH_param category define the measured values used to calculate pK values and related parameters. Value for the observed NMR parameter. Error in the reported NMR parameter value. Pointer to '_PH_titr_result.ID' pH value at which the observed NMR parameter value was observed. Error in the measured pH value. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the observed NMR parameter value. Pointer to '_PH_param_list.ID' Items in the pH_param_list category provided meta data regarding the pH parameter values measured and used to calculate pK values and related parameters. The name of the file submitted with this depostion that contains the quantitative data for this saveframe. Text describing the reported pH parameter values. The spectral parameter or derived parameter measured and used to determine the effect of pH on the macromolecule. chemical shift; peak height Pointer to 'PH_titration_list.ID' Pointer to the saveframe where the measured values used to calculate the reported pKa values are provided. Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. A set of pH titration data formatted as ASCII text. The data format used to represent the pH titration data as ASCII text in the text block that is the value to the '_PH_param_list.Text_data' tag. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the list of data values used to calculate a pKa value. Items in the pH_titr_result category describe the pKa or pHmid values that have been determined and the functional groups involved. Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' The mass number for the chemical element defined by the tag '_Atom_type' or any of its related tags. Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Entity_assembly_ID. An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' The mass number for the chemical element defined by the tag '_Atom_type' or any of its related tags. Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Entity_assembly_ID. An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' In a fit of the pH titration data to a single pK value, the estimated high pH value. Estimated error in the fitted high pH value. Value for the Hill coefficient derived from fitting the pH titration data. Estimated error in the fitted Hill coefficient. In a fit of the pH titration data to a single pK value, the estimated low pH value. Estimated error in the fitted low pH value. pHmid value estimated from a fit of a pH titration data set. Estimated error in the fitted pHmid value. pKa value estimated from a fit of a pH titration data set. Estimated error in the pKa value. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the observed pKa value. Pointer to '_PH_titration_list.ID' Items in the pH_titration_experiment category provide pointers to the NMR experiments and samples used to collect the data for a set of reported pH titration experiments. Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'NMR_spectrometer_expt' Pointer to '_Sample.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'sample' Physical state of the sample either anisotropic or isotropic. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Experiment.ID' Pointer to '_PH_titration_list.ID' Items in the pH_titration_list category provide information about a list of reported pH titration experimental values. The name of the file submitted with this depostion that contains the quantitative data for this saveframe. Text describing the reported pH titration values. The spectral parameter or derived parameter measured and used to determine the effect of pH on the macromolecule. chemical shift; peak height Pointer to '_Sample_condition_list.ID' The label for the set of experimental sample conditions used to collect the pH titration data. Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. A set of pK or pHmid data formatted as ASCII text. The data format used to represent the pK, pHmid, and other data as ASCII text in the text block that is the value to the '_PH_titration_list.Text_data' tag. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the list of pKa values. Items in the pH_titration_software category provide pointers to the software category and methods category where descriptions of software applications and methods can be found. Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'software' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_PH_titration_list.ID' Pointer to '_Software.ID' Items in the RDC category describe the residual dipolar coupling values assigned to specific atoms in a molecular assembly. A code indicating ambiguity that may exist in the assignment of the atom to the residual dipolar coupling constant. A code indicating ambiguity that may exist in the assignment of the atom to the residual dipolar coupling constant. Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' The mass number for the chemical element defined by the tag '_Atom_type' or any of its related tags. The mass number for the chemical element defined by the tag '_Atom_type' or any of its related tags. Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Entity_assembly_ID. An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Entity_assembly_ID. An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' A community standard code used to describe the type of observed residual dipolar coupling. Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' A residual dipolar coupling value. Bond length value used in calculating the RDC constraint value. The estimated or measured error in the residual dipolar coupling value. For a residual dipolar coupling that cannot be assigned a specific value, the maximum estimated value. For a residual dipolar coupling that cannot be assigned a specific value, the minimum estimated value. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the observed residual dipolar coupling. Pointer to '_RDC_list.ID' Items in the RDC_constraint category describe the residual dipolar coupling values used as constraints to calculate the structure of a molecular assembly. Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' The mass number for the chemical element defined by the tag '_Atom_type' or any of its related tags. The mass number for the chemical element defined by the tag '_Atom_type' or any of its related tags. Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. Author's alternate location identifier. Author's alternate location identifier. An alternative identifier for Asym_ID that may be provided by an author. An alternative identifier for Asym_ID that may be provided by an author. An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 Author's atom name. Author's atom name. Author assigned chain ID A Author assigned chain ID A An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number. 2 An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number. 2 An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' PDB atom name. CD1 PDB atom name. CD1 PDB insertion code. PDB insertion code. PDB model number. 1 PDB model number. 1 The value is an integer that identifies a record in the atom_site list. This is a place holder for the atom record number extracted from a PDB formatted file. 14034 The value is an integer that identifies a record in the atom_site list. This is a place holder for the atom record number extracted from a PDB formatted file. 14034 PDB residue name. TYR PDB residue name. TYR PDB residue number. 6 PDB residue number. 6 PDB strand id. A PDB strand id. A Bond length value used in calculating the RDC constraint value. Value for the lower bound on the residual dipolar coupling constraint. Value for the upper bound on the residual dipolar coupling constraint. Value for the residual dipolar coupling constraint. Estimated error in the value for a residual dipolar coupling constraint. Scaling factor used to normalize the residual dipolar coupling constraint. Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Experiment.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the reported residual dipolar coupling constraint. Pointer to '_RDC_constraint_list.ID' Items in the RDC_constraint_comment_org category provide original comments extracted from constraint files containing residual dipolar coupling constraint values. The column in the RDC constraint file where the comment begins. The line in the RDC constraint file where the comment begins. The column in the RDC constraint file where the comment ends. The line in the RDC constraint file where the comment ends. The text of the comment parsed from the RDC constraint file. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' An integer value that uniquely identifies the comment extracted from the distance constraint file. Pointer to '_RDC_constraint_list.ID' Items in the RDC_constraint_conv_err category describe errors that occurred in converting the constraints to normalize the data with the atomic coordinates. Text providing additional information regarding a conversion error. Type of constraint conversion error. Identifier for the constraint in the parse file that produced a conversion error. Pointer to '_RDC_constraint_parse_file.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' An integer value that uniquely identifies the conversion error. Pointer to '_RDC_constraint_list.ID' Items in the RDC_constraint_expt category provide pointers to the NMR experiments and samples used to collect the data for a set of reported RDC constraints. Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'NMR_spectrometer_expt' Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to '_Sample.ID' Sample(s) used in deriving the data Physical state of the sample either anisotropic or isotropic. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Experiment.ID' Pointer to '_RDC_constraint_list.ID' Items in the RDC_constraint_list category provide information about a list of reported residual dipolar coupling constraint values. Length assumed for the C-N bond length. Length assumed for the H-C bond length. Length assumed for the H-N bond length. Pointer to '_Constraint_file.Block_ID' A flag indicating whether unique residue bond length values were used in calculating the RDC constraints. yes Pointer to '_Constraint_file.ID' File format for the deposited residual dipolar coupling restraints. XPLOR Name of the file that contains the RDC constraint data. Text description providing additional information about the reported residual dipolar coupling constraints. Method used to calibrate the values for the residual dipolar coupling constraints. The residual dipolar coupling provides geometric information relative to a common alignment frame. The value for the item General_order_param_int_motions is S, the local order parameter for internal motions. The residual dipolar coupling provides geometric information relative to a common alignment frame. The value for the item Mol_align_tensor_axial_sym_mol is the axial symmetric component of the alignment tensor (1/3(Azz-(Axx+Ayy)/2). The residual dipolar coupling provides geometric information relative to a common alignment frame. The value for the item Mol_align_tensor_rhombic_mol is the rhombic component of the alignment tensor (1/3(Axx-Ayy)). Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. A set of order parameter data formatted as ASCII text. The data format used to represent the order parameter data as ASCII text in the text block that is the value to the '_RDC_constraint_list.Text_data' tag. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the list of reported residual dipolar coupling constraints. Items in the RDC_constraint_parse_err category define the content and position of a segment of a residual dipolar coupling constraint file that could not be parsed into NMR-STAR format. The column in the RDC constraint file where the parse error began. The line in the RDC constraint file where the parse error began. The text content of the parse error. The column in the RDC constraint file where the parse error ended. The line in the RDC constraint file where the parse error ended. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' An integer value that uniquely identifies the error that occurred in parsing the RDC constaint file. Pointer to '_RDC_constraint_list.ID' Items in the RDC_constraint_parse_file category define the files parsed to generate the NMR-STAR file. Name of the file from which the distance constraints were parsed. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' An integer that uniquely defines the file from other files in the list. Pointer to '_RDC_constraint_list.ID' Items in the RDC_constraint_software category provide pointers to the software category and methods category where descriptions of software applications and methods can be found. Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'software' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_RDC_constraint_list.ID' Pointer to '_Software.ID' Items in the RDC_experiment category provide pointers to the NMR experiments and samples used to collect the data for a set of reported residual dipolar coupling values. Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'NMR_spectrometer_expt' Pointer to '_Sample.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'sample' Physical state of the sample either anisotropic or isotropic. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Experiment.ID' Pointer to '_RDC_list.ID' Items in the RDC_list category provide information about a list of reported residual dipolar coupling values. Length assumed for the C-N bond length. Length assumed for the H-C bond length. Length assumed for the H-N bond length. A flag indicating whether unique residue bond length values were used in calculating the RDC constraints. yes The name of the file submitted with this depostion that contains the quantitative data for this saveframe. Additional information regarding the RDC data set can be entered in this field. Method used to calibrate the values for the residual dipolar coupling constraints. The residual dipolar coupling provides geometric information relative to a common alignment frame. The value for the item General_order_param_int_motions is S, the local order parameter for internal motions. The residual dipolar coupling provides geometric information relative to a common alignment frame. The value for the item Mol_align_tensor_axial_sym_mol is the axial symmetric component of the alignment tensor (1/3(Azz-(Axx+Ayy)/2). The residual dipolar coupling provides geometric information relative to a common alignment frame. The value for the item Mol_align_tensor_rhombic_mol is the rhombic component of the alignment tensor (1/3(Axx-Ayy)). Pointer to '_Sample_condition_list.ID' The label for the set of experimental sample conditions used to collect the data for determination of the residual dipolar coupling values. Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. The operating proton frequency in MHz of the NMR spectrometer used to collect the data. 600.1283731 A set of theoretical chemical shift data formatted as ASCII text. The data format used to represent the residual dipolar coupling data as ASCII text in the text block that is the value to the '_RDC_list.Text_data' tag. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the list of observed residual dipolar couplings. Items in the RDC_software category provide pointers to the software category and methods category where descriptions of software applications and methods can be found. Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'software' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_RDC_list.ID' Pointer to '_Software.ID' Items in the recoupling_pulse_sequence category define the parameters of a solid-state NMR pulse sequence used to recouple the magnetization between nuclei. Atomic nucleus targeted by the recoupling pulse sequence. Type of recoupling pulse sequence (homonuclear or heteronuclear). Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Name for a solid-state recoupling pulse sequence. Pointer to '_NMR_spec_expt.ID' Specific time period during the full pulse sequence where the recoupling pulse sequence is applied. Items in the related_entries category provide a list of entries that are related to the present entry. The related entries may or may not be members of a study that includes the present entry. Text describing the relationship between the current BMRB entry and the entry with the corresponding BMRB accession number given as a value to the tag '_Related_BMRB_accession_number.' Entry containing coupling constants for this molecular system. Enter the entry code for an already existing BMRB or PDB entry. 4038; 1brv List of accession numbers for BMRB entries that are in someway related to the current entry. BMRB; PDB Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Items in the release category provide the release history for an entry. A keyword indicating the type of author of the release. author Date entry was released. 2004-02-29 Text describing the changes made to the entry. Oringinal entry release The format of the file that the entry is in when released. The version assigned to the format of the file that the entry is in at the tiem of release. Date the entry or an update to the entry was submitted to BMRB. 2004-02-29 Value describing with a key word the type of entry that was released. original Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique code assigned to each release of an entry 1 Items in the rep_conf category provide the atomic coordinates for the reported representative conformer. Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' The x atom-site coordinate in angstroms specified according to a set of orthogonal Cartesian axes. The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of '_Rep_conf.Atom_cartn_x'. The y atom-site coordinate in angstroms specified according to a set of orthogonal Cartesian axes. The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of '_Rep_conf.Atom_cartn_y'. The z atom-site coordinate in angstroms specified according to a set of orthogonal Cartesian axes. The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of '_Rep_conf.Atom_cartn_z'. Pointer to '_Rep_coordinate_details.Footnote_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' A value for the overall uncertainty in the reported atom coordinates. Pointer to '_Atom_site.ID' The value for this tag is a standard IUPAC abbreviation for an element (i.e., H, C, P, etc). An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for entity_assembly_ID. 2 An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 Code assigned by the PDB to the chemical component. Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' An intervalue that uniquely identifies the listed set of x, y, z atomic coordinates. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Representative_conformer.ID' Items in the rep_conf_refinement category describe the refinement methods used in calculating the atomic coordinates for the reported representative conformer. Additional comments about the NMR refinement methods can be placed here. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' The method used to determine the structure. simulated annealing Pointer to '_Representative_conformer.ID' NOT AVAILABLE Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'software' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Conformer_family_coord_set.ID' Pointer to '_Software.ID' Items in the rep_coordinate_details provide additional information about individual atomic coordinates in the reported representative conformer. Text providing additional information regarding the coordinates for an atom in the representative structure. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' An integer value that uniquely identifies the listed footnote. Pointer to '_Representative_conformer.ID' Items in the representative_conformer category provide meta data regarding the representative conformer atomic coordinates. Provide a brief but complete description of the method used to calculate the reported uncertainty in the individual atom coordinates. Pointer to '_Conformer_family_coord_set.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the type conformer_family_coord_set. Text providing additional information regarding the reported representative conformer. Accession code for the PDB entry from which the representative conformer coordinates were extracted. Method used to derive the representative conformer from a family of conformers. Name of the file containing the atomic coordinates for the representative conformer. Name of the original file that contained the atomic coordinates for the representative conformer. Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. The type of representative conformer defined by the listed coordinates. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the reported representative conformer. Items in the resonance category provide the parent resonance ID value and links to other categories of the resonance system. Name for the specified resonance Pointer to '_Resonance_assignment.Resonance_set_ID' Pointer to '_Spin_system.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the specified resonance. Pointer to '_Resonance_linker_list.ID' NOT AVAILABLE Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Isotope number for the specified atom. ? ? Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance_linker_list.ID' ? category description not available Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance_linker_list.ID' Items in the resonance_linker_list provide meta information regarding the CCPN system of resonance information used in defining the source of NMR spectral information used to derive peak assignments and various other data. Text providing additional information regarding the data in the resonance linker list saveframe. Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' An integer value that uniquely identifies this saveframe of resonance linker information from other saveframes of this category in an entry. Items in the sample category describe the characteristics of the samples used to collect experimental data. Total number of samples represented by the concentration range reported in category _Sample_component. 3 Apparatus used to grow the crystals Atmosphere used to grow the crystals. Text providing additional information regarding the methods used to grow crystals. Name for the method used to grow the crystals. Pointer to '_Citation.ID' The citation referenced provides a description of the method used to grow the crystals. The pH used to grow the crystals, if a specific value was used. The pH range over which the crystals were grown, where a single pH value was not used or known. Pressure under which the crystals were grown. ambient Estemated error in the pressure value used to grow the crystals. Code defining the type of seeding used to initiate the growth of the crystals. Pointer to '_Citation.ID' The citation referenced provides a description of the method used to seed the crystallization. Temperature used to grw the crystals. Text providing additional information regarding the temperature used to grow the crystals. Estimated error in the reported temperature value used to grow the crystals. The time required to grow the crystals. Describe the sample. Note any atypical components or conditions and discuss their importance. The added glycerol was used to raise the viscosity of the solution to 1.05 poisson. Chemical used to protect the sample during lyophilization. Protocol used to prepare oriented crystal samples. Protocol used for preparing polycrystalline samples. Date the sample was prepared. Date after which the sample should not be used. Category assigned to the information in the saveframe. A value that uniquely identifies this sample from the other samples listed in the entry. Text protocol used to prepare single crystals. The solvent components of the sample. 95% H2O/5% D2O Protocol used for storing sample. Solid and solution NMR samples of different types are often used. Please select the specific type of sample used. polycrystalline A descriptive term for the sample that defines the general physical properties of the sample. solution Pointer to '_Entry.ID' A value that uniquely identifies the sample described from the other samples listed in the entry. Items in the sample_citation category provide links to the citations category where reference citations with information about a sample or its preparation can be found. Pointer to a saveframe of the category citation. Pointer to '_Citation.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Sample.ID' Items in the sample_component category define the components of a sample, their concentration in the sample, and the isotopic labeling for the component. Pointer to '_Assembly.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category assembly. Value for the concentration of the sample component (units will be entered below). 2 or 0.7-1.2 Estimate for the standard error associated with the concentration value of the sample component. 0.2 If entering a range for the concentration of the sample component provide the maximal value. 3 If entering a range for the concentration of the component provide the minimal value. 0.5 Units used to express the concentration of the sample component. millimolar Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category entity. If this molecule in the sample was isotopically labeled provide a description of the labeling using the methods recommended by the current IUPAC/IUBMB/IUPAB Interunion Task Group [U-95% 13C; U-90% 15N] Enter the common name for a component of the sample. Include molecules under study as well as buffers and salts. CheY; DTT; PMSF Not currently modeled. This ID would be a pointer to the categories describing the production and purification of the sample component. Enter the class of molecule ( proteins DNA buffer salt) to which the sample component belongs. protein DNA RNA carbohydrate buffer salt The name of the vendor for a sample component. Aldrich The product code assigned by the vendor. 1456378 The product name assigned by the vendor. sucrose Pointer to '_Entry.ID' A value that uniquely identifies each component of the sample in the component list. Pointer to '_Sample.ID' Items in the sample_component_atom_isotope category provide information about the isotopic labeling of individual atom in a component of a sample when complex patterns of selective isotopic labeling are used. Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Entity_assembly_ID. An alternative identifier for Entity_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Entity_ID. An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' A code that uniquely defines the atoms that are isotopically labeled in a chemical component. Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'entity' The percentage of the atoms at this site that are labeled with the designated isotope. A common name used for the labaled chemical compound. Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' The mass number for the chemical element (number of protons plus number of neutrons in the nucleus). Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Sample_component.ID' Pointer to '_Sample.ID' Items in the sample_condition_citation category provide links to the citations category where reference citations with information about a set of sample conditions and their use can be found. Pointer to '_Citation.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category citation. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Sample_condition_list.ID' Items in the sample_conditions_list define a unique set of sample conditions. General details describing conditions of both the sample and the environment during measurements. The high salinity of the sample may have contributed to overheating of the sample during experiments with long saturation periods like the TOCSY experiments. Category assigned to the information in the saveframe. A descriptive label that uniquely identifies this set of sample conditions. conditions_1 Pointer to '_Entry.ID' A value that uniquely identifies the set of sample conditions from other sample Items in the sample_condition_variable category define specific sample conditions like temperature or pH and the values for the sample conditions used in collecting experimental data. Value for the variable (temperature pressure pH). Units will be listed below. 308 Estimate the standard error on the value for the sample condition. 0.2 Units for the value of the sample condition (temperature pressure pH). K Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Sample_condition_list.ID' The variable used to define a specific sample condition (i.e., temperature)used when conducting experiments used to derive the experimental data included in the file. temperature, pressure, pH NOT AVAILABLE SAXS intensity value SAXS intensity value error. SAXS Q value SAXS weighting value assigned to the data point. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the observed SAXS data item. Pointer to '_SAXS_constraint_list.ID' NOT AVAILABLE Pointer to '_Experiment.Name' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'sample' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Experiment.ID' Pointer to '_Sample.ID' Pointer to '_SAXS_constraint_list.ID' NOT AVAILABLE The name of the file submitted with this depostion that contains the quantitative data for this saveframe. Text describing the reported SAXS data. Pointer to '_Sample_condition_list.ID' The label for the set of experimental sample conditions used to collect the data for determination of the SAXS data. Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. A set of SAXS data formatted as ASCII text. The data format used to represent the SAXS data as ASCII text in the text block that is the value to the '_SAXS_constraint_list.Text_data' tag. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' A unique identifier for the list of SAXS data. NOT AVAILABLE Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'software' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_SAXS_constraint_list.ID' Pointer to '_Software.ID' NOT AVAILABLE A text description of the experiment. Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Name for the SAXS experiment. The volume of the sample used. The units of the measure for the volume of the sample. Category assigned to the information in the saveframe. A label that uniquely identifies the SAXS experiment from other SAXS experiments listed in the entry. Pointer to '_Software.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category software. Pointer to '_Xray_instrument.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of category 'Xray_instrument'. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for each experiment listed. Items in the secondary_struct category define the types and locations of the secondary structure elements in the reported conformers. An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 Code defining the type of secondary structure element that is being defined. Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' 31 Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' 24 Pointer to '_Conformer_family_coord_set.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'conformer_family' Text providing additional information concerning the reported secondary structure element. Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' An author defined name for the tertiary structure element. Helix A Sequence number for the Last chemical component in the structure element. Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' 31 Sequence number for the first chemical component in the structure element. Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' 24 Pointer to '_Entry.ID' An integer value that uniquely identifies the reported secondary structure element. Pointer to '_Secondary_struct_list.ID' Items in the secondary_struct_list category provide information about a list of reported annotations for secondary structural elements found in the structure of a molecular assembly. Pointer to '_Representative_conformer.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'representative_conformer' Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' An integer value that uniquely identifies this saveframe of secondary structure element data from other saveframes of this category in an entry. 1 Items in the secondary_struct_sel category provide pointers to the methods used to identify secondary structure elements in the reported conformers. Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Method.ID' 8 Pointer to '_Secondary_struct_list.ID' 1 Items in the SG_project category describe the structural genomics project that is the source of the data in an entry. The value identifies the full name of center. Berkeley Structural Genomics Center The value identifies the center using initials or other abbreviation. BSGC The value identifies the Structural Genomics project of the granting agency. PSI (Protein Structure Initiative) Pointer to '_Entry.ID' A unique integer identifier for this center 1; 2; 3 Items in the software category describe software applications. Text description of the software. The name of the software defined by the author or provider of the software. Category assigned to the information in the saveframe. A label that uniquely identifies the software from other software listed in the entry. X-PLOR The code assigned to the version of the software. v3.0.0.8 Pointer to '_Entry.ID' A value that uniquely identifies the software from other software listed in the entry. Items in the software_citation category provide links to the citations category where literature references describing the software can be found. Pointer to a saveframe of the category citation. Pointer to '_Citation.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Software.ID' Items in the spectra_acq_param category define the acquisition parameters used in collecting the data in an NMR experiment. A value that uniquely identifies the NMR spectral acquisition dimension in the list. For a specified acquisition dimension the type of nucleus and its isotope detected in the experiment. Value for the NMR spectral acquisition parameter. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' A value that uniquely identifies the NMR spectral acquisition parameter in the list. Pointer to '_NMR_spec_expt.ID' Items in the spectral_density category describe the spectral density values assigned to a molecular assembly. Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' The mass number for the chemical element defined by the tag '_Atom_type' or any of its related tags. The value for this tag is a standard IUPAC abbreviation for an element (i.e., H, C, P, etc). An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Entity_assembly_ID. An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' W 13C val W 13C val err W 15N val W 15N val err W 1H val W 1H val err W zero val W zero val err Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Spectral density ID Pointer to '_Spectral_density_list.ID' Items in the spectral_density_experiment category provide pointers to the NMR experiments and samples used to collect the data for a set of reported spectral density values. Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'NMR_spectrometer_expt' Pointer to '_Sample.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'sample' Physical state of the sample either anisotropic or isotropic. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Experiment.ID' Pointer to '_Spectral_density_list.ID' Items in the spectral_density_list category provide information about a list of reported spectral density values. The name of the file submitted with this depostion that contains the quantitative data for this saveframe. Text describing the reported spectral density values. Pointer to '_Sample_condition_list.ID' The label for the set of experimental sample conditions used to collect the data for determination of the spectral density values. Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. A set of spectral density data formatted as ASCII text. The data format used to represent the spectral density data as ASCII text in the text block that is the value to the '_Spectral_density_list.Text_data' tag. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' An integer value that uniquely identifies this saveframe of spectral density data from other saveframes of this category in an entry. Items in the spectral_density_software category provide pointers to the software category and methods category where descriptions of software applications and methods can be found. Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'software' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Software.ID' Pointer to '_Spectral_density_list.ID' Items in the spectral_dim category describe the parameters of each dimension in the NMR experiment used to generate the spectral peak list. The mass number for the specified atom. 13 The spectral dimension in a reduced dimensionality experiment that is the source of the magnetization that has been encoded. 3 Code describing how information from one spectral dimension has been encoded in another dimension in for example a reduced dimensionality experiment. CO in CA The magnetization linkage ID is used to designate dimensions of a multidimensional NMR experiment where the nuclei observed in the dimensions are directly linked by a one bond scalar coupling. For example, the amide proton and amide nitrogen in an 1H-15N HSQC experiment. 1 The width of the spectral window observed in Hz. 6132.234 The units for the sweep width value (Hz or ppm) ppm The value for this tag is a standard IUPAC abbreviation for an element (i.e., H, C, P, etc). C Pointer to '_Entry.ID' An integer value that specifies the dimension of a multidimensional NMR spectrum. 2 Pointer to '_Spectral_peak_list.ID' A code defining the type of nuclei that would be expected to be observed in the spectral region observed in the dimension of the spectrum. CA Items in the spectral_peak_list category provide information about a list of reported spectral peak characteristic values. The name of the file submitted with this depostion that contains the quantitative data for this saveframe. Text describing the reported list of spectral peaks. Pointer to '_Experiment.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'NMR_spectrometer_expt' Number of dimension in the spectrum from which the peak list was extracted. Pointer to '_Sample_condition_list.ID' The label for the set of experimental sample conditions used to collect the NMR spectrum from which the peak list originated. Pointer to '_Sample.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'sample' Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A descriptive label that uniquely identifies this list of spectral peaks. A set of spectral peak data formatted as ASCII text. The data format used to represent the spectral peak data as ASCII text in the text block that is the value to the '_Spectral_peak_list.Text_data' tag. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Spectral peak list ID Items in the spectral_peak_software category provide pointers to the software category and methods category where descriptions of software applications and methods can be found. Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'software' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Software.ID' Pointer to '_Spectral_peak_list.ID' Items in the spectral_processing_param category describe the software parameters used in converting the raw spectral data into the fully processed spectrum. Name for a NMR spectral processing parameter. The spectral dimension in which the processing parameter was applied. Value for the NMR spectral processing parameter. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' A value that uniquely identifies the NMR spectral processing parameter in the list. Pointer to '_NMR_spectral_processing.ID' NOT AVAILABLE Text providing additional information regarding the spectral peak. A quantitative or qualitative value that provides a measure of certainty that the peak listed represents a real piece of data. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the spectral peak. Pointer to '_Spectral_peak_list.ID' NOT AVAILABLE The upper chemical shift value in the defined spectral dimension for a bounding box used to define the region of the NMR spectrum that contains the observed spectral transition. The upper chemical shift value in the defined spectral dimension for a bounding box used to define the region of the NMR spectrum that contains the observed spectral transition. Range value for a bounding box used to define the region of a NMR spectrum where an observed spectral transition is located, when the bounding box is defined by a range in chemical shift centered on the chemical shift for a spectral transition. Chem shift val Chem shift val err Decay rate val Decay rate val err Derivation methods ID Line width val Line width val err Phase val Phase val err Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Spectral_dim.ID' Pointer to '_Spectral_peak_list.ID' Pointer to '_Spectral_transition.ID' NOT AVAILABLE The fraction of a peak assigned to this peak ID. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Spectral_peak_list.ID' Integer value that identifies one or more factional peak values linked to a peak ID. NOT AVAILABLE Error in the value for the intensity of the peak. Method used to determine the intensity value for the peak. height Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Value for the intensity of the peak. Pointer to '_Spectral_peak_list.ID' Pointer to '_Spectral_transition.ID' NOT AVAILABLE Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' An integer value that uniquely identifies the spin system in the list. Pointer to '_Resonance_linker_list.ID' NOT AVAILABLE The difference in sequence number between the from and to spin system. For example, if the 'from' spin system is ALA39 and the 'to' spin system is THR38 then the offset is -1. Boolean flag that defines if the described link is selected as the correct link in an assignment process. The type of link between the from and to spin system. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Spin_system.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance_linker_list.ID' Pointer to '_Spin_system.ID' Data items in the struct_asym category record details about the structural elements in the asymmetric unit. A description of special aspects of this portion of the contents of the asymmetric unit. Pointer to '_Entity.ID' 1 A flag indicating that this entity was originally labeled with a blank PDB chain id. no This data item indicates whether the structural elements are modified. yes Pointer to '_Assembly.ID' 1 Pointer to '_Entry.ID' 1 The value of '_Struct_asym.ID' must uniquely identify a record in the STRUCT_ASYM list. Note that this item need not be a number; it can be any unique identifier. 1 Items in the struct_image category define the name of an electronic file and its format that contains an image of the structure(s) reported. Text providing additional information about the image of the structure. File format for the file containing the image of the structure. jpg Pointer to '_Conformer_family_coord_set.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Name of the file containing the image of the structure. Items in the struct_keywords category define keywords that describe the structure of the biomolecular system reported. Keywords describing this structure. inhibited complex Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Keywords describing the structure PROTEIN/RNA Items in the structure_interaction category define the types and locations of structural interactions identified in the reported conformers. Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number. 2 An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number. 2 An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Text description providing additional information about the reported structure interaction. Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' A code defining the type of interaction observed. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the reported structural interaction. Pointer to '_Structure_interaction_list.ID' Items in the structure_interaction_list category provide information about a list of reported structure interaction annotations derived from the analysis of tertiary and/or quaternary structure of a molecular assembly. Text description providing additional information about the reported list of structure interactions. Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the list of reported structure interactions. Items in the study category define the study of which the entry is a member. Text information relevant to the study are entered as a value for this tag. This tag is often used to include information that cannot be associated with a specific tag in the saveframe but is important for the entry. The information entered must supplement information already present. The data from the entries that make up this study were used to determine the structure and dynamics of ribonuclease T1. Descriptive name given to a 'study' where a study is a collection of entries containing data for a set of related molecular systems or for a single molecular system but published in more than one citation (i.e. chemical shifts in one publication and atomic coordinates in another and relaxation studies in a third). Investigation of cytochrome b in the molten globule state A brief phrase that describes the study that was conducted. An enumerated list of types will be provided but an author will be able to provide their own description if none of the enumerated values are appropriate. structure study Pointer to '_Entry.ID' 4567 Unique code that identifies a specific study. 1 Pointer to '_Study_list.ID' 1 Items in the study_entry_list category define a list of entries that together represent a study of a biomolecular system. A keyword defining the relationship between the entry and the study. Assigned chemical shift entry Text providing additional information describing the relationship between the entry and the study. Complete 13C 15N and 1H chemical shift assignments. BMRB accession number for an entry that is a member of the study. 4398 Pointer to '_Entry.ID' 4567 Pointer to '_Study.ID' not within the entry but across the database. Pointer to '_Study_list.ID' 1 Items in the study_keyword category capture keywords that describe a study of a biomolecular system. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' 4567 A word or brief phrase that can be used to describe or classify the study. NMR structure Pointer to '_Study.ID' 21 Pointer to '_Study_list.ID' 1 Items in the study_list category define the save frame for the study description. Category assigned to the information in the saveframe. study Character string that is unique to the saveframe within the data block defined by a specific entry. The character string names the saveframe and may be used to reference or to point to the saveframe later in the data block. study Pointer to '_Entry.ID' 4567 Unique value identifying this saveframe of category study_list within an entry. 1 Items in the subsystem_biological_function category define the biological functions that the subsystem of the molecular assembly carry out. Pointer to '_Assembly_subsystem.ID' A word or very brief phrase that defines a biological function that the assembly subsystem carries out. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Items in the subsystem_citation category define the pointers to citations provided in the entry that describe the subsystem of the molecular assembly or other relevant information. Pointer to a saveframe of the category citation. Pointer to '_Assembly_subsystem.ID' Pointer to '_Citation.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Items in the subsystem_common_name category define the name(s) provided by the author or found in the literature for a defined subsystem of a molecular assembly. Pointer to '_Assembly_subsystem.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' A name commonly used in the literature to refer to this assembly subsystem. Items in the subsystem_component define the elements of the full molecular assembly that are members of the subsystem. Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category entity. Pointer to '_Assembly_subsystem.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Items in the subsystem_db_link category define databases and the entries in the databases that are related to the subsystem of the molecular assembly. Pointer to '_Assembly_subsystem.ID' Boolean code that defines if the link to a database was provided by the author (yes) or from another source (no). Any text information relevant to the database entry. Experimental method used to generate the data in the database entry. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Code assigned by the database to the molecule in the database entry. Name of the molecular assembly in the database entry. Relationship between the database entry and this BMRB entry. Accession code for the entry in the database. Abbreviation for the database Items in the subsystem_keyword category define keywords that describe a subsystem of the molecular assembly. Pointer to '_Assembly_subsystem.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' A keyword that describes the assembly subsystem. Items in the subsystem_type category define the type(s) of the subsystem. Pointer to '_Assembly_subsystem.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' A code that defines the general type or kind of assembly subsystem. Items in the systematic_chem_shift_offset category define chemical shift offsets that systematically affect all chemical shifts in a set of assigned chemical shifts for specific nuclei. Mass number for the atom defined by the '.Atom_type' tag with a systematic chemical shift offset. 1 The kind of atom to which the chemical shift offset value applies. amide nitrogens Chemical shift value that has been applied to all of the reported chemical shifts to bring their values in line with values expected to be observed for the chemical shift referencing that was used. 0.75 Error in the reported chemical shift offset value used. 0.0067 Pointer to '_Assigned_chem_shift_list.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' The kind of chemical shift offset that should be applied to all chemical shifts observed for a specific type of atom. TROSY effect Items in the T1 category capture T1 relaxation values for defined nuclei. Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' The mass number for the chemical element defined by the tag '_Atom_type' or any of its related tags. The value for this tag is a standard IUPAC abbreviation for an element (i.e., H, C, P, etc). An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Entity_assembly_ID. An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' The T1 relaxation value. The estimated error in the reported T1 relaxation value. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Heteronucl_T1_list.ID' Unique identifier for the observed T1 relaxation value. Items in the T1rho category capture T1rho relaxation values for defined nuclei. Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' The mass number for the chemical element defined by the tag '_Atom_type' or any of its related tags. The value for this tag is a standard IUPAC abbreviation for an element (i.e., H, C, P, etc). An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Entity_assembly_ID. An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' The exchange broadening contribution value. The estimated error in the fitted exchange broadening contribution value. Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' The T1rho relaxation value. The estimated error in the reported T1rho relaxation value. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Heteronucl_T1rho_list.ID' Unique identifier for the observed T1rho relaxation value. Items in the T2 category capture T2 relaxation values for defined nuclei. Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' The mass number for the chemical element defined by the tag '_Atom_type' or any of its related tags. The value for this tag is a standard IUPAC abbreviation for an element (i.e., H, C, P, etc). An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Entity_assembly_ID. An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' The estimated error in the fitted exchange broadening contribution value. The exchange broadening contribution value. Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' The T2 relaxation value. The estimated error in the reported T2 relaxation value. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Heteronucl_T2_list.ID' Unique identifier for the observed T2 relaxation value. Items in the TA_constraint_comment_org category provide original comments extracted from constraint files containing torsion angle constraint values. The column in the torsion angle constraint file where the comment begins. The line in the torsion angle constraint file where the comment begins. The column in the torsion angle constraint file where the comment ends. The line in the torsion angle constraint file where the comment ends. The text of the comment parsed from the torsion angle constraint file. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' An integer value that uniquely identifies the comment extracted from the torsion angle constraint file. Pointer to '_Torsion_angle_constraint_list.ID' Items in the TA_constraint_conv_err category describe errors that occurred in converting the constraints to normalize the data with the atomic coordinates. Text providing additional information regarding a converion error. Type of constraint conversion error. Identifier for the constraint in the parse file that produced a conversion error. Pointer to '_TA_constraint_parse_file.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' An integer value that uniquely identifies the conversion error. Pointer to '_Torsion_angle_constraint_list.ID' Items in the TA_constraint_parse_err category define the content and position of a segment of a torsion angle constraint file that could not be parsed into NMR-STAR format. The column in the torsion angle constraint file where the parse error began. The line in the torsion angle constraint file where the parse error began. The text content of the parse error. The column in the torsion angle constraint file where the parse error ended. The line in the torsion angle constraint file where the parse error ended. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' An integer value that uniquely identifies the error that occurred in parsing the torsion angle constaint file. Pointer to '_Torsion_angle_constraint_list.ID' Items in the TA_constraint_parse_file category define the files parsed to generate the NMR-STAR file. Name of the file from which the distance constraints were parsed. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' An integer that uniquely defines the file from other files in the list. Pointer to '_Torsion_angle_constraint_list.ID' Items in the task category describe the tasks the software performed. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Software.ID' A word or brief phrase that describes the job that a software application was used to carry out. chemical shift assignments' NOT AVAILABLE ? The value for the 1_2 element of the anti-symmetric component of the chemical shielding tensor. The value for the 1_3 element of the anti-symmetric component of the chemical shielding tensor. The value for the 2_3 element of the anti-symmetric component of the chemical shielding tensor. Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' The mass number for the chemical element defined by the tag '_Atom_type' or any of its related tags. The value for this tag is a standard IUPAC abbreviation for an element (i.e., H, C, P, etc). An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Entity_assembly_ID. An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 ? ? Pointer to '_Chem_shifts_calc_type.ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' ? ? ? Pointer to '_Interatomic_dist.Set_ID' Pointer to '_Interatomic_dist.Interatomic_distance_list_ID' By the standard convention, the value of the 1_1 element of the isotropic component of the chemical shielding tensor. By the standard convention, the value of the 2_2 element of the isotropic component of the chemical shielding tensor. By the standard convention, the value of the 3_3 element of the isotropic component of the chemical shielding tensor. ? The value for the 1_1 element of the reduceable chemical shielding tensor. The value for the 1_2 element of the reduceable chemical shielding tensor. The value for the 1_3 element of the reduceable chemical shielding tensor. The value for the 2_1 element of the reduceable chemical shielding tensor. The value for the 2_2 element of the reduceable chemical shielding tensor. The value for the 2_3 element of the reduceable chemical shielding tensor. The value for the 3_1 element of the reduceable chemical shielding tensor. The value for the 3_2 element of the reduceable chemical shielding tensor. The value for the 3_3 element of the reduceable chemical shielding tensor. ? Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' The value for the 1_1 element of the symmetric traceless component of the chemical shielding tensor. The value for the 1_2 element of the symmetric traceless component of the chemical shielding tensor. The value for the 1_3 element of the symmetric traceless component of the chemical shielding tensor. The value for the 2_2 element of the symmetric traceless component of the chemical shielding tensor. The value for the 2_3 element of the symmetric traceless component of the chemical shielding tensor. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the chemical shift tensor. Pointer to '_Tensor_list.ID' NOT AVAILABLE ? ? Name of the file containing tensor data. Text providing additional information regarding the chemical shift tensor list and its derivation. ? ? ? ? ? Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. ? ? Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the list of chemical shift tensors. Items in the terminal_residue category define the terminal residue for each molecular entity in the representative conformer. An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Representative_conformer.ID' Items in the tertiary_struct category define the types and locations of the tertiary structure elements described for the reported conformers. Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' The value for this tag is a standard IUPAC abbreviation for a chemical element (i.e., H, C, P, etc). H An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number. 2 An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' ALA Text providing additional information concerning the reported tertiary structure element. Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'entity' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' 24 A word or very brief phrase that defines a specific type of local region of a biopolymer's tertiary structure. Code defining the type of tertiary structure element that is being defined. An author defined name for the tertiary structure element. NADP binding site Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' HA Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' 24 Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the reported tertiary structure element. 8 Pointer to '_Tertiary_struct_element_list.ID' 1 Items in the tertiary_struct_element_list category provide information about a list of reported annotations for tertiary structural elements found in the structure of a molecular assembly. Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the list of reported tertiary structure elements. 10 Items in the tertiary_struct_element_sel category provide pointers to the methods used to identify tertiary structural elements in the reported conformers. Name of the method used to select the chemical components of the system that make up the tertiary structural element. author defined Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Method.ID' 10 Pointer to '_Tertiary_struct_element_list.ID' 1 Items in the theoretical_chem_shift category describe the theoretical chemical shift values calculated for specific atoms in a molecular assembly. Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' The mass number for the chemical element defined by the tag '_Atom_type' or any of its related tags. The value for this tag is a standard IUPAC abbreviation for an element (i.e., H, C, P, etc). An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Entity_assembly_ID. An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Fermi contact spin density Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Chem shift val Chem shift val err Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the calculated chemical shift value. Pointer to '_Theoretical_chem_shift_list.ID' Items in the theoretical_chem_shift_list category provide information about a list of reported theoretical chemical shift values calculated for one or more molecular entities. Calculated error in the theoretical chemical shifts reported for 13C. Calculated error in the theoretical chemical shifts reported for 15N. Calculated error in the theoretical chemical shifts reported for 31P. Calculated error in the theoretical chemical shifts reported for 1H. Calculated error in the theoretical chemical shifts reported for 2H. Calculated error in the theoretical chemical shifts reported for 19F. Pointer to '_Chem_shifts_calc_type.ID' Pointer to the saveframe where the type of calculation carried out is described. Name of the file containing theoretical chemical shift data. Text describing the reported theoretical chemical shifts. The units used for the Fermi contact spin density terms. Pointer to '_Representative_conformer.ID' Pointer to the saveframe where the atomic coordinates for the model used to calculate the theoretical chemical shifts are located. Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. Pointer to '_Tensor_list.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of category 'tensors.' This is the label assigned by the depositor to the set of tensors. A set of theoretical chemical shift data formatted as ASCII text. The data format used to represent the theoretical chemical shift data as ASCII text in the text block that is the value to the '_Theoretical_chem_shift_list.Text_data' tag. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' An integer value that uniquely identifies this saveframe of theoretical chemical shift data from other saveframes of this category in an entry. Items in the torsion_angle category define a unique identifier for each torsion angle in the molecular assembly. Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'chem_comp' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'chem_comp' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'chem_comp' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'chem_comp' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'entity' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'entity' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'entity' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'entity' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Name for the torsion angle commonly used in the scientific literature or defined by a recognized organization for standard scientific nomenclature. Pointer to '_Assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the torsion angle that is valid across the full molecular assembly. Items in the torsion_angle_constraint category describe the derived torsion angle constraints used to calculate the structure of a molecular assembly. Value for the lower bound on the torsion angle constraint. Value for the upper bound on the torsion angle constraint. Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Atom.Assembly_atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID' Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. Standard symbol used to define the atom element type. Author's alternate location identifier. Author's alternate location identifier. Author's alternate location identifier. Author's alternate location identifier. An alternative identifier for Asym_ID that may be provided by an author. An alternative identifier for Asym_ID that may be provided by an author. An alternative identifier for Asym_ID that may be provided by an author. An alternative identifier for Asym_ID that may be provided by an author. An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 An alternative identifier for Atom_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. HB1 Author's atom name. Author's atom name. Author's atom name. Author's atom name. Author assigned chain ID A Author assigned chain ID A Author assigned chain ID A Author assigned chain ID A An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Comp_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. DPN An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number. 2 An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number. 2 An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number. 2 An alternative identifier for Entity_assembly_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number. 2 An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 An alternative identifier for Seq_ID that may be provided by an author in order to match that used in the publication that describes the experimental data. Note that the value is not required to be a number and does not need to correspond to the value for Seq_ID or Comp_index_ID. -3 Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Chem_comp.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_comp_index.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_assembly.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Pointer to '_Entity.ID' Figure of merit value assigned to the torsion angle constraint PDB atom name. CD1 PDB atom name. CD1 PDB atom name. CD1 PDB atom name. CD1 PDB insertion code. PDB insertion code. PDB insertion code. PDB insertion code. PDB model number. 1 PDB model number. 1 PDB model number. 1 PDB model number. 1 The value is an integer that identifies a record in the atom_site list. This is a place holder for the atom record number extracted from a PDB formatted file. 14034 The value is an integer that identifies a record in the atom_site list. This is a place holder for the atom record number extracted from a PDB formatted file. 14034 The value is an integer that identifies a record in the atom_site list. This is a place holder for the atom record number extracted from a PDB formatted file. 14034 The value is an integer that identifies a record in the atom_site list. This is a place holder for the atom record number extracted from a PDB formatted file. 14034 PDB residue name. TYR PDB residue name. TYR PDB residue name. TYR PDB residue name. TYR PDB residue number. 6 PDB residue number. 6 PDB residue number. 6 PDB residue number. 6 PDB strand id. A PDB strand id. A PDB strand id. A PDB strand id. A Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Resonance.ID' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' Pointer to '_Entity_poly_seq.Num' An optional identifier used to group two or more constraints. One application would be in defining multiple sets of phi-psi angle constraints for a single residue. Pointer to '_Experiment.ID' The name of the torsion angle constrained. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the reported torsion angle constraint. Pointer to '_Torsion_angle_constraint_list.ID' Items in the torsion_angle_constraint_list category provide information about a list of reported torsion angle constraint values. Pointer to '_Constraint_file.Block_ID' Pointer to '_Constraint_file.ID' Name of the file that contains the Torsion angle constraint data. Text description providing additional information about the reported torsion angle constraints. Category definition for the information content of the saveframe A label for the saveframe that describes in very brief terms the information contained in the saveframe. A set of order parameter data formatted as ASCII text. The data format used to represent the order parameter data as ASCII text in the text block that is the value to the '_Torsion_angle_constraint_list.Text_data' tag. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Unique identifier for the list of torsion angle constraints. Items in the torsion_angle_constraint_software category provide pointers to the software category and methods category where descriptions of software applications and methods can be found. Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'software' Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Software.ID' Pointer to '_Torsion_angle_constraint_list.ID' Items in the torsion_angle_constraint_expt category provide pointers to the NMR experiments and samples used to collect the data for a set of reported torsion angle constraints. Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'NMR_spectrometer_expt' Pointer to '_Method.ID' Pointer to a saveframe of the category 'method' Pointer to '_Sample.ID' Sample(s) used in deriving the data Physical state of the sample either anisotropic or isotropic. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Pointer to '_Experiment.ID' Pointer to '_Torsion_angle_constraint_list.ID' Items in the vendor category define from whom a software application can be obtained. Location for the person or company who supplies the software. An internet address for the vendor of the software. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' Commercial or academic supplier of the software product. NIH Pointer to '_Software.ID' NOT AVAILABLE A text description of the X-ray instrument. The type of detector used. The location of the X-ray instrument (national facility or other location). Name of the company or other entity that built the X-ray instrument. The name or acronym used to describe the model of the X-ray instrument. The distance from the detector to the sample used for SAXS experiments. Unique code assigned to a specific X-ray instrument by the manufacturer. Category assigned to the information in the saveframe. A label that uniquely identifies the X-ray instrument from other X-ray instruments listed in the entry. The source used to generate the X-rays. The type of X-ray instrument uses. The wavelength used. The distance from the detector to the sample used for WAXS experiments. Pointer to '_Entry.ID' A value that uniquely identifies the X-ray instrument from other X-ray instruments listed in the entry.