Data items in the APPLICATIONS category describe the
application procedure to obtain beamtime at a
given beamline.
Example 1 -
<biosync:bsync_admin_applications beamline_id="1">
This is a short beamline identifier.
deadline for beamtime applications
Need new example here.
procedure for applications
Need new example here.
url for applications.
Need new example here.
name of the url for applications.
Procedure for obtaining Beam Time
This data item is a pointer to attribute id in category bsync_beamline in
the BSYNC_BEAMLINE category.
Data items in the BSYNC_ADMIN_CONTACT category describe the
adiministrative, logistical, contact and travel
infomtion in preparing a trip to a synchrotron.
Example 1 -
<biosync:bsync_admin_contact beamline_id="1">
<biosync:for_technical_name>Joe Smith</biosync:for_technical_name>
This is a short beamline identifier.
Address of beamline contact person.
Need new example here.
Email of beamline contact person.
Need new example here.
Name of contact person for proposal information
Need new example here.
Phone number of beamline contact person.
Need new example here.
Email of beamline contact person.
Need new example here.
Name of beamline contact person for technical information.
Need new example here.
Phone number of beamline contact person.
Need new example here.
The shipping address of beamline facilities.
Need new example here.
Website with staff contacts.
Need new example here.
This data item is a pointer to attribute id in category bsync_beamline in
the BSYNC_BEAMLINE category.
Data items in the BSYNC_ADMIN_LOGOS category describe the
logo associated with each beamline and
Example 1
<biosync:bsync_admin_logos beamline_id="1">
This data item is a short identifier for the beamline.
The logo for the cat or prt or crystallography
group that operates the beamline.
The logo for the synchrotron facility
This data item is a pointer to attribute id in category bsync_beamline in the
Data items in the SCHEDULES category describe the
application procedure to obtain beamtime at a
given beamline.
Example 1 -
<biosync:bsync_admin_schedules beamline_id="1">
beamline schedules
Need new example here.
This is a short beamline identifier.
long term operating schedule for the synchrotron.
Need new example here.
current ring status
Procedure for obtaining Beam Time
This data item is a pointer to attribute id in category bsync_beamline in
the BSYNC_BEAMLINE category.
You must press the "Save General Beamline Information" button to save changes.
Then, Use the "UPDATE PROFILE" button at the top of this page to have the changes
appear on the BioSync web site.
Example 1 -
<biosync:bsync_beamline facility_id="aps" id="19_ID">
A description of the beamline.
Need new example here.
A description of special aspects of the beamline.
Need new example here.
A description of the experiments which can be performed on this beamline.
Percentage of beamtime available to general user.
The name of the beamline.
Beamtime is available to the general user.
no, beamline is being commisioned
The name of the owners of the beamline.
The url for the website of the owner of the beamline.
Website with current beamline operating schedule
This data item is a pointer to attribute type in category bsync_diffrn_source in
A description of the beamline template.
Need new example here.
The url for the beamline website.
This data item is a pointer to attribute id in category bsync_facility in the
A unique identifier for the beamline within a facility.
Data items in the DETECTORS category describe the
detector to measure the scattered radiation, including
any analyser and post-sample collimation.
Example 1 -
<biosync:bsync_diffrn_detector beamline_id="1">
This is a short beamline identifier.
A description of special aspects of the radiation detector.
Need new example here.
The general class of the radiation detector.
photographic film
scintillation counter
CCD plate
BF~3~ counter
The make, model or name of the detector device used.
This data item is a pointer to attribute id in category bsync_beamline in
the BSYNC_BEAMLINE category.
Data items in the LAB category describe the
laboratory facilities and biohazard capabilities at the beamline
Example 1 -
<biosync:bsync_diffrn_lab beamline_id="1">
<biosync:lab_facilities>cold room and biochemistry</biosync:lab_facilities>
This is a short beamline identifier.
Biohazard level allowed at the beamline
Need new example here.
Lab Facilities at the beamline.
Need new example here.
Lab name.
This data item is a pointer to attribute id in category bsync_beamline in
the BSYNC_BEAMLINE category.
Data items in the MEASUREMENT category record
details about data measurement and the manner in which
the diffraction data are measured.
Example 1 -
<biosync:bsync_diffrn_measurement beamline_id="1" device="3-circle camera">
<biosync:device_details> detector distance 12 cm</biosync:device_details>
<biosync:device_type>Supper model x</biosync:device_type>
<biosync:method>omega scan</biosync:method>
This data item is a short identifier for the beamline.
Cryo capability
Oxford Instruments Cryojet
A description of special aspects of the device used to measure
the diffraction intensities.
Need new example here.
The range of pin lengths.
total height of mounting pin (or capillary)
and goniometer head should be between 53 mm
and 63 mm
The make, model or name of the measurement device
(goniometer) used.
Supper model q
Huber model r
Enraf-Nonius model s
The range of crystal to detector distances.
50-1000 mm
Method used to measure intensities.
profile data from theta/2theta scans
Additional instrumentation available for use during data collection.
Motorized optical rail, slits, sample alignment stages, grazing incidence instrument.
Restrictions due to possible collision.
omega: +/-25 (depends on detector distance),
chi +/-95, phi no limits.
Capabilities for special data collection.
Facilities for measurement at S K/Cl K edge region for biological samples.
2theta range
vertical movement of -5 to 35
This data item is a pointer to attribute id in category bsync_beamline in the
The general class of goniometer or device used to support and
orient the specimen.
3-circle camera
4-circle camera
kappa-geometry camera
oscillation camera
precession camera
Data items in the RADIATION category describe
the radiation used in measuring diffraction intensities,
its collimation and monochromatisation before the sample.
Example 1 - based on PDB entry 5HVP and laboratory records for the
structure corresponding to PDB entry 5HVP
<biosync:bsync_diffrn_radiation beamline_id="1" monochromator="graphite">
<biosync:collimation>0.3 mm double pinhole</biosync:collimation>
This data item is a short identifier for the beamline.
The collimation or focusing applied to the radiation.
0.3 mm double-pinhole
0.5 mm
focusing mirrors
Divergence definition needed.
Energy range.
Absorption edge in angstroms of the radiation filter used.
Flux definition needed
1x10E(10) p/s through 0.2 mm aperture
Additional details about radiation flux.
Half-width in millimetres of the incident beam in the
direction perpendicular to the diffraction plane.
The energy cuttoff (KeV) for the mirror system.
A system of optical mirrors used to focus the incident beam as it
leaves the source
bent cylinder, Pt-coated Si (1:1 demagnifcation)
The type of crystal(s) in the monochromator The indices of the
Bragg reflection used for the filtering is specified.
Si(111) or W/B4C multilayers, water cooled.
a general description of the optics including collimation
and monochromator.
2-crystal monochromator, Si111, 1m long Rh coated bent
cylindrical mirror for horizontal and vertical focussing
Name of the type of radiation used. It is strongly encouraged
that this field be specified so that the probe radiation
can be simply determined.
Resolving power of ...
Additional details about the wavelength
The maximum radiation wavelength in angstroms or zero if single wavelength.
The minimum radiation wavelength in angstroms or the radiation
wavelength if a single wavelength.
The range of wavelength in angstroms.
This data item is a pointer to attribute id in category bsync_beamline in the
The method used to obtain monochromatic radiation. If a mono-
chromator crystal is used the material and the indices of the
Bragg reflection are specified.
Zr filter
Ge 220
equatorial mounted graphite
Data items in the SOURCE category record details of
the source of radiation.
Example 1
<biosync:bsync_diffrn_source beamline_id="1" type="Rigaku RU-200">
<biosync:power>50 kw, 180 mA</biosync:power>
<biosync:source>rotating anode</biosync:source>
average beam lifetime
40 hrs (75 mA average over 24 hr fill period)
This data item is a short identifier for the beamline.
The current in milliamperes at which the radiation source
was operated.
A description of special aspects of the radiation source used.
The power in kilowatts at which the radiation source
was operated.
The dimensions of the source as viewed from the sample.
8mm x 0.4 mm fine-focus
The general class of the radiation source.
bending magnet
The voltage in kilovolts at which the radiation source was
This data item is a pointer to attribute id in category bsync_beamline in the
The make, model or name of the source of radiation.
NSLS beamline X8C
Rigaku RU200
You must press the "Save General Synchrotron Information" button to save changes.
Then, Use the "UPDATE PROFILE" button at the top of this page to have the changes
appear on the BioSync web site.
Example 1 -
<biosync:bsync_facility id="aps">
<biosync:details> 3rd generation light source ...</biosync:details>
<biosync:name>Advanced Photon Source</biosync:name>
<biosync:operation>Argonne National Lab</biosync:operation>
A description of special aspects of the facility.
3rd generation light source
The location of the synchrotron facility. City, State
A more detailed description of the location of the synchrotron facility.
The full name of the synchrotron facility
Advanced Photon Source.
The lab or university which operates the synchrotron.
Brookhaven National Lab
A paragraph describing the organization of the synchrotron.
Participating Research Teams.
The street address of the synchrotron facility.
1 Cyclotron Road
The street address of the synchrotron facility.
1 Cyclotron Road
Site location (URL)
The zip code address of the synchrotron facility.
1 Cyclotron Road
The synchrotron name, acronym.
Data items in the BSYNC_FACILITY_CRYSTALLOGRAPHY category record
details about any special crystallography facility, organization,
or website.
Example 1 - SSRL
<biosync:bsync_facility_crystallography facility_id="ssrl" name=" Structural Molecular Biology">
The category for the structural biology
organization - structural genomics, crystallography group
A brief description of the specialized organization or facility within the
synchrotron organization that operates beamlines for crystallography
More details about the specialized organization or facility within the
synchrotron organization that operates beamlines for crystallography
Logo for the crystallography facility or
Website for the organization
This data item is a pointer to attribute id in category bsync_facility in the
Name of specialized organization or facility within the
synchrotron organization that operates beamlines for crystallography
Data items in the BSYNC_FACILITY_NEWS category record details
meetings, workshops, applications deadlines, news and
Example 1 - SSRL
<biosync:bsync_facility_news facility_id="ssrl">
<biosync:details>summer school for crystallographers</biosync:details>
A date for the news item. The date format is
News or announcement description.
Title of news or announcement.
Site location (URL) for more information
This data item is a pointer to attribute id in category bsync_facility in the
Data items in the BSYNC_FACILITY_WEBSITE category record details
about hyperlinks and desciptions of those links to the
synchrotron facility website. This category forms the basis
of the BioSync Web portal.
Example 1 - SSRL
<biosync:bsync_facility_website facility_id="ssrl">
A description of the url for accomodations at the facility
The url for accomodations at the facility
A description of the url for directions to the facility
The url for directions to the facility
A description of the url for the facility map
The url for a map of the synchrotron facility
A description of the url for long term operation of the facility
The url for long term operation of the facility
A description of the url for crystallography publications from research at
the facility
The url for crystallography publications from research at
the facility
A description of the url for the current ring status
The url for the current ring status
A description of safety training at the facility
The url for info. on safety training at the facility
This data item is a pointer to attribute id in category bsync_facility in the
Data items in the HARDWARE category record details about
the hardware available for data collection and structure
determination and for data back-up.
Example 1 -
<biosync:bsync_hardware beamline_id="1">
<biosync:backup>FireWire and USB disk drives</biosync:backup>
Backup hardware.
This data item is a short identifier for the beamline.
The name of the hardware.
This data item is a pointer to attribute id in category bsync_beamline in the
Data items in the BSYNC_LINKS category record details
about hyperlinks and desciptions of those links to the
synchrotron facility website. This category forms the basis
of the BioSync Web portal.
Example 1 - SSRL
<biosync:bsync_links facility_id="ssrl" name="Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (SSRL)">
<biosync:description>welcome page for all beamlines</biosync:description>
The category for the link based on the BioSync
Web site, contacts, travel, publications, schedules
A description of the website
Site location (URL) for the link
This data item is a pointer to attribute id in category bsync_facility in the
Site name for the link.
Data items in the SOFTWARE category record details about
the software available for data collection and structure determination.
Example 1 -
This data item is a short identifier for the beamline.
The classification of the program according to its
major function.
The compiler used to compile the software.
Convex Fortran
The version of the compiler used to compile the software.
2.1 alpha
The recognized contact author of the software. This could be
the original author, modifier of the code, or maintainer, but
should be the individual most commonly associated with the
T. Alwyn Jones
Axel Brunger
The email address of the attribute contact_author in category bsync_software.
The date the software was released.
Any prerequisite software required to run attribute name in category bsync_software.
PDBlib class library
Description of the software.
Uses method of restrained least squares
The hardware upon which the software was run.
Sun Sparc 10 model 41
Dec Alpha 3000 model 500S
Silicon Graphics Elan
Compaq PC 486/66
The major computing language in which the software is
An Internet address in the form of a URL describing
where details of the software can be found.
Any noteworthy modifications to the base software, if applicable.
Added support for space group F432
The name of the operating system under which the software
Windows 95
Windows NT
DEC Unix
The version of the operating system under which the software
The classification of the software according to the most
common types.
This data item is a pointer to attribute id in category bsync_beamline in the
The name of the software.
The version of the software.