Allowed Value | Details |
combined | The element intensities were derived from the raw data of more than one pixel by use of both hardware and software, as when hardware binning is used in one direction and software in the other. |
hardware | The element intensities were derived from the raw data of one or more pixels by used of hardware in the detector, e.g. by use of shift registers in a CCD to combine pixels into super-pixels. |
none | In the both directions, the data has not been binned. The number of pixels is equal to the number of elements. When the value of _array_intensities.pixel_binning_method is 'none' the values of _array_intensities.pixel_fast_bin_size and _array_intensities.pixel_slow_bin_size both must be 1. |
software | The element intensities were derived from the raw data of more than one pixel by use of software. |
unspecified | The method used to derive element intensities is not specified. |
Allowed Value | Details |
combined | The element intensities were derived from the raw data of more than one pixel by use of both hardware and software, as when hardware binning is used in one direction and software in the other. |
hardware | The element intensities were derived from the raw data of one or more pixels by used of hardware in the detector, e.g. by use of shift registers in a CCD to combine pixels into super-pixels. |
none | In the both directions, the data has not been binned. The number of pixels is equal to the number of elements. When the value of _array_intensities.pixel_binning_method is 'none' the values of _array_intensities.pixel_fast_bin_size and _array_intensities.pixel_slow_bin_size both must be 1. |
software | The element intensities were derived from the raw data of more than one pixel by use of software. |
unspecified | The method used to derive element intensities is not specified. |